Chapter 38 The End?

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Outsiders

As Kion and the Lion Guard were doing there thing in the Volcano the pride landers continued the fight, Scar's army was starting to surrender one by one. "I'm done....I'm done" Rei Rei repeated laying on the ground. As the Jackals stopped, the crocodiles and Kenge stopped, the pride landers cheered as they stopped Scar's army.  Meanwhile, On Top of the hill near a large river, all the Lion fought, "ZIRA! LOOK AROUND IT'S OVER" Simba shouted. Zira and her Lionesses looked around as the pride landers stopped the Jackals and crocodiles. "STAND TALL MY LIONESSES" Zira shouted. They all stood with Zira and growled and Simba and his pride, but Vitani, Kovu, Nuka, and Kiara jumped in the middle of it all, "STOP MOTHER" Vitani, Kovu, and Nuka growled.

"Get out of the way Children" Zira growled back, "NO!" Kovu yelled, "YOU LISTEN TO US NOW" Vitani yelled. "MOTHER STOP LISTENING TO SCAR WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS" Nuka shouted. "ENOUGH!! IT'S SIMBA FAULT WE GOT EXILED AND SCAR HELPING US GET OUR REVENGE" Zira scoffed angrily, "NO IT'S NOT  SIMBA'S FAULT IT'S YOURS" Vitani yelled as a tear dropped. "The lionesses raised and eyebrow noticing Vitani crying, "AND HOW IS IT MY FAULT," Zira asked angrily. "YOU KILLED KOPA" Vitani yelled as she bursted in tears. Zira looked at Vitani, "Why did that matter" Zira asked looking at her daughter crying. "I LOVED HIM, MOTHER, THAT'S WHY" Vitani yelled. Vitani turned to look away and Kovu nuzzled with his sister in reassurance. Simba looked at Zira lionesses, "Is this how you want to live, with a murderer who kills her own kind, Think about this I'll welcome you all back as long as you follow the circle of life" Simba offered.

Zira looked at her daughter than Simba, "NEVER!" Zira yelled smiling evilly, but Zira's evil grinned turned to a face of shock as her lionesses walked to stand with Simba. "TRAITORS!" Zira yelled as they all joined Simba. Zira filled with rage charged at Simba but Nuka and Kovu got in the way and stopped their mother. Before Zira attacked Simba smacked her and Zira rolled to the edge of the cliff-hanging on. Zira looks down and sees the rushing river and rocks, "ZIRA GRAB MY PAW" Simba yelled. "WHY ARE YOU HELPING ME!" Zira asked yelling, "Maybe we can still talk" Simba added. Zira looked up and grinned evilly, "I WON'T LET YOU WIN" Zira smiled and laughed evilly letting go of the edge and falling into the river. Everyone was shocked about what Zira just did but they all comfort and welcomed the new lions.

Meanwhile, In the volcano, Kion walked closer to Scar, "To stop you I have to do something only one Lion Guard Leader can do to another" Kion explained. "And? What's that" Scar laughed, Kion looked at Scar, "I forgive you" Kion said. " what" Scar replied shocked, "I can't judge you for everything you've done, the lions of the past need to do that" Kion explained. Scar froze as Kion roared quietly in the sky when Kion did that clouds formed over in the sky and the lions of the past could be seen in the clouds. The Lions of the past blown downwards and it started to rain, "No..No!" Scar repeated.  "What! Scar's plan failed?"Ushari questioned,  "THE ROAR IS A CURSE KION, YOU'LL SEE, SISI NI SAWA" Scar yelled at Kion before the fiery image of scar disappeared.

Ushari got up, "Stop! you can't destroy him" Ushari marked, Ushari leaped coming behind Kion.  "Oh No you don't" Bunga shouted chasing after Ushari, Ushari hissed behind Kion and Kion turned shocked to see Ushari but Bunga tackled Ushari and they both rolled off the hill. They both screamed as they both fell down, "I've got you Bunga" Ono called diving below trying to get Bunga. The sound of lava splashing was heard, Ono grunted as he was flying upwards, "You can do it Ono" Bunga encouraged as he hanged on. "Almost there," Ono told himself as Bunga leaped off beside Kion and Ono landed onto Beshte back laying down. "Way to go Ono" Beshte added. "Way to go Kion" Fuli and Y/N added, Y/N went up to Kion and nuzzled him. Kion and Y/N nuzzled and smiled. The Lion Guard heard a sound in the lava and they all walked near it and saw the mark of evil disappearing from the Lava. "Scar is finally gone, we won" Kion acknowledge as he nuzzled and kissed Y/N.



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