Chapter 14 Feelings

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As Y/N wakes up she looks beside her and sees Kion still sleeping.


Kion looks cute when he's sleeping, his injuries don't look as bad anymore just his leg looks bad. For me, my leg still hurts but I can walk and thanks to Kion my head doesn't hurt that much, but I don't know how to tell Kion that I love him.

Kion turns his head and looks at Y/N,

"Good morning Y/N" Kion said yawning.

"Morning Kion," Y/N said getting up stretching,

Kion got up and started to walk to the watering hole, and together Kion and Y/N were drinking water.

"Let's continue," Y/N asked looking at Kion.

"Can we talk for a little" Kion asked looking at Y/N.

"Okay," Y/N said sitting down in front of Kion.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to your parents if you don't mind me asking," Kion asked looking at Y/N.

"I don't mind, since your helping me out I'll tell you the truth," Y/N said with a  tone of sadness.

"I lived in the backlands with my family, we enjoyed each other's company we would go everywhere together, until one day while we were heading to the watering hole we got attacked by some lionesses. My Mom and Dad were pinned down and they told me to run and never come back, as I ran I looked behind me and the lionesses killed my parents. I was crying so much it was hard to see where I was going because when I ran, everything that happened was burned in my head. My only family was gone, as I ran I reached a river I was going to go back another way until I heard a voice it made chills run down my body. I turned to see who it was but before I could see who the lioness struck me and I fell in the river" Y/N explained as she started to tear up.

After hearing Y/N Kion went up to Y/N and hugged her, Y/N started to cry on Kion's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Kion said feeling Y/N pain.

"It's Ok," Y/N said wiping her tears away while they still hugged,

"What happened after," Kion asked hugging Y/N.

"When I finally got out of the water I was shivering cold, and my leg was hurt. Hyenas found me and surprising they helped. When I woke up Janja jumped down to me and gave me food and water. At first, I was scared but eventually I spoke to Janja he made me feel different after time passed I got used to Janja and the hyenas. Then one night It was very cold and I couldnt sleep Janja comfort me he even let me sleep very close to him for warmth"Y/N explained as her tears were going away.

"Wow, Janja and his pack did all that," Kion said surprised.

Kion and Y/n were looking at each other in the eyes

"Y/N," Kion said softly,

"Yes Kion" Y/N answered.

"I have something to tell you" Kion admitted.

"What is it," Y/N said hesitantly.

"When I first saw you, your fur and eyes got my attention your beautiful" Kion said blushing a little.

Y/N blushed back,

"When I first saw you all I thought about was how cute you were" Y/N admitted blushing.

As Kion and Y/N noses were touching,

Y/N licked Kion's cheek, Kion cheeks were as red as a flower.

Kion licked Y/N cheek and she reacted the same way, as they looked at each other they went closer until they kissed. After they Kissed they both let go of each other and smiled,

"Your very cute Kion," Y/N said smiling letting out a little giggle.

"Your very beautiful' Kion said smiling back.

"Let's get out of here together," Y/N said smiling,

Kion agreed and smiled but then frowned as he looked down.

"What's wrong Kion," Y/N asked worriedly.

"Just hungry" Kion answered

"Let's get out of here and then we can eat," Y/N said kissing Kion on the cheek and turning to lead the way.

Kion followed Y/N and they continued their way through the tunnel.

Kion P.O.V

I may be hungry but I'm relieved I was able to get my feelings out. Y/N was beautiful and the fur was soft and I hope I could spend all my life with her. I just hope when we get out dad won't be mad.


I never felt so happy in my life. Kion was the number one thing that made my heart pump, he is cute, brave, and overall an amazing lion. I hope Janja won't judge my love for him because I'm ready to be with Kion forever. 

As Kion looked forward he saw a light at the tunnel but he was so hungry he thought he was seeing things.

"Y/N do you see the light too,"  Kion said weakly.

"I do Kion we made it," Y/N said happily, but after she said that she heard something fall on the ground, as she turned Kion was laying on his side unconscious.

"KION!!" Y/N yelled running over to Kion.

"Wake up, wake up Kion please," Y/N said shaking Kion and licking his cheek.

"He must be starving," Y/N thought, 

Y/N tried to get Kion on her back and she tried to walk out of the cave with Kion on her back. As Y/N was walking hear leg felt like giving up but she was not done, she promised herself to get out with Kion and she will do it. 


I didn't care how heavy Kion was or how injured I am my love for Kion was much stronger and I intend to keep him alive. I just fell in love with you and I will not let it end here. We were out of the cave and I looked around we were in the outlands. I looked around and saw some fruit and a watering hole. I placed Kion down and rolled the fruit near him and then I splashed water on Kion.

Kion grunted and opened his eyes

"Y/N," Kion said weakly

"Eat up Kion" Y/N said offering the fruit

Kion started to eat,

"Thanks, Y/N, but what about you," Kion said 

"I'm okay your more hungry," Y/N said smiling.

Kion smiled back then looked over behind her and growled, Y/N turned and saw Jackals and Crocodiles.

"Well...well....well what do we have here," Goi Goi said.

As Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Kirburi, the Jackals and Crocodiles were in front, Y/N stood in front of Kion ready to fight all of them.

"You can't take us all" Kirburi said.

"If you want Kion you have to kill me first" Y/N barked in a defensive position.

"Y/N no," Kion said grunting

"Cute" Rei Rei said,

Then all of the Jackals, and Crocodiles started to attack.......



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