Chapter 11 Betrayal

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After Y/N and Kion fell into the earthquake Simba and the lion guard went back to Pride Rock, while Janja, the hyenas, the crocodiles, the jackals, and the vultures head back to the volcano.

At The Volcano

"What happened this time," Scar asked not sounding happy as he looked at all the outlanders.

"The hippos fought back," Kirburi said.

"The lion guard defeated us," Rei Rei said.

"The King, Queen, and Kiara helped the elephants take out the fire," Mzingo said, Janja just stood there looking down not saying anything.

"How about you Janja," Scar asked as he looked at him, but Janja didn't say anything.

"JANJA" Scar yelled.

Janja quickly fell back and looked up to scar,

"What happened with you," Scar asked.

"Me and Y/N almost beat Kion," Janja said hesitantly.

"Y/N?" Scar questioned.

"Janja and the hyenas became friends with a Lion they found and it attacked Kion," Rei Rei said as she looked at Scar.

"Where is this Y/N" Scar asked.

" the earthquake with Kion," Janja said trying not to be emotional.

After Scar heard that he smiled and started to laugh evilly, Janja was confused and shocked.

"You're not worried about her" Kirburi asked.

"Why should I" Scar answered as he smiled evilly.

"If Y/N and Kion fell in, they both perished meaning Simba and the lion guard will be weak and we can take the pride lands," Scar said evilly.

As Janja looked around the outlanders started to join Scar and laugh evilly, Janja pretended to join in.

"Listen up everyone prepare yourselves immediately, and we will attack the pride lands again" Scar ordered his army.

"What about the lion guard," Rei Rei asked.

"What about them with Kion dead they don't have the roar and they can't defeat us," Scar said laughing evilly.

The outlanders left the volcano heading to there dens and prepared to attack the outlands. Mzingo flys down into the hyena den to speak to Janja.

"What are you planning to do" Mzingo asked.

"We're going to find Y/N," Janja said.

"If Scar finds out he will..." Mzingo was trying to say.

"I don't care..... all I care about is finding Y/N" Janja yelled back.

"If you say so," Mzingo said as he flew away.

"BOYS" Janja called after he called all his hyenas gathered around Janja.

"We are not attacking the pride lands, we are going to find Y/N, I'm starting to think she was right, we might be on the wrong side," Janja said.

"Whatever you say, Boss, we're with you," Chungu said, Janja smiled at his pack and they left their den.

As they leave Shupavu reveals herself with another skink.

"Scar should know about this" Shupavu said as they crawled away heading to the Volcano.

The skinks head back to the volcano and tell Scar what Janja is doing and said,

"Thank You Shupavu this changes things," Scar said pleased.

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