Chapter 2 Janja's Good Side

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I feel weak but I don't feel pain in my leg anymore. As I open my eyes I saw two hyenas sitting there, I backed up fast until my back hit the wall, I started to *whimper*.

"Its ok cub," a voice from above said. As another hyena jumped down in front of the other two but he had fruit in his mouth.

"Eat up," Janja said as he nudged the fruit over to Y/N.

"But boss what about us" Chungu and Cheezi question looking at Janja.

"Zip it furbrains can't you see this cub Is more hungry" Janja argued.

"Now leave us furbrains," Janja said as he turned, ordering his hyenas.

"Janja are you sure, what about the cub," Chungu asks.

"I trust her so you trust me," Janja told his hyenas.

The hyenas turned around leaving.

Thay hyena trusts me...Why... I thought to myself. I decided to calm down and walk back to my spot but as I did that I felt a jolt of pain in my leg and fell.

"Careful, your still hurt" Janja saids as he comes over and helps Y/N.

"Why?" Y/N questioned trying to sit.

"Why?..what?" Janja saids back.

"Why are you helping me" Y/N in a weak tone.

"We found you washed up in the outlands and I ordered my hyenas to help you" Janja admitted as his ears drop.

"THE OUTLANDS" Y/N yelled.

"Woah calm down, and yes you're in the outlands," Janja said in a concerned voice.

Before Y/N said anything else she fainted. As she fainted her head fell onto Janjas paws.

"FELLAS...FELLAS...FURBRAINS" Janja starts yelling.

"Yes Boss," Chungu and Cheezi say as they run in.

"Go get more fruit and water NOW!!" Janja ordered.

As Janja yelled the hyenas scattered.

Janja P.O.V
Wait.....Why do I care about this cub...I was going to use her against the guard, but her condition is horrible. Janja thought to himself.

"I never thought I see this before," a voice said in shock"

As Janja looks up he sees an old friend, Mzingo.

"What are you doing here," Janja asked

"That doesn't matter, it's obvious you care about this lion," Mzingo said smirking.

"What!!! No shes a lion" Janja barked in disbelief.

'Then why are you acting like her parent". Mzingo questions.

Janja froze to think about what Mzingo said.

"Janja, look around you ordered your hyenas to help, and you're very determined to help her, my question is why?" Mzingo said leading to his question.

"Well...Because...She...Kinda...Reminds....Me....Of......" Janja said as he hesitated.

"Remind you of who Janja" Mzingo saids as he lands down near them.

"MYSELF, OK. Myself" Janja yelled as his ears dropped.

Mzingo looked and gave a little smile.

When I was a cub, I was thrown into a river, barely surviving, but did someone help me.....No!!! No one was there for me. Janja said as he yelled at Mzingo.

But Janja felt the warmth of Y/N's Paw on his paw which calmed him down a little.
Janja then set her down to rest and went up to Mzingo.

"Don't tell scar, please... If he finds out... I don't know what he'll do" Janja begs Mzingo

Don't worry Janja your secret is safe with me, the vultures will always be loyal to the hyenas. Mzingo said as he turns and flys away.

"Asante" was the only thing Janja said before going back to Y/N. He noticed Y/N shivering So Janja sat close to Y/N to help warm her while she sleeps.

I wasn't strong enough to speak or move but I heard everything that hyena said and I could feel he was beside me the weird part was I felt safe.

As Y/N closed her eyes Janja sat beside her waiting for his hyenas to come back.

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