Chapter 28 Battle For The Pride Lands

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

Y/N was frozen when Zira said those words "Yes Y/N I was there and I killed your parents", Janja looked at Zira, "STAY AWAY FROM HER ZIRA!!" Janja yelled at Zira. Zira turned to look at Janja, "Look who's talking Janja the traitor" Zira exclaimed approaching Janja. Kovu was in the corner watching everything that was happening. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HURT Y/N" Janja shouted at Zira, as Janja yelled the Lioness pulled his arm and Janja yelled in pain. Y/N looked up and saw Janja in pain and she was starting to cry, Zira was in front of Janja. "You know what we do to traitors Janja," Zira asked, Janja looked up at Zira, "Do your worst" Janja scoffed. Zira smiled evilly and quickly stabbed her claws into Janja paws, Janja screamed in agony very loud.

Meanwhile Outside The Lion Guard Lair

As Simba, Nala, Kion, and Jasiri were fighting Zira's Lionesses they heard Janja's scream, "Janja" Jasiri called worried. "We need to get there" Kion suggested dodging a Lionesses attack. "There is too many how do we even stand a chance," Nala said looking at Simba. "We have to try" Simba encouraged trying to get past the Lionesses,  but the lionesses all gathered together stopping Simba in his tracks. Kion, Simba, Nala, and Jasiri were all panting while the lionesses were ready to fight again. As the lionesses approached Kion heard something in the distance, "TWENDE KIBOKO!!!" Beshte yelled tackling the Lionesses sending them all flying, "Beshte!" Kion cheered seeing Beshte alright. "You okay Beshte" Jasiri asked. "Yeah I'm fine I can move again" Beshte answered, As Kion looked up and saw a lioness trying to sneak up behind Beshte but suddenly Mtoto's Mom slammed that Lioness with her trunk sending her into the wall. "Come on to the lair" Kion shouted leading everyone towards the lair.

Meanwhile At Ndefu Grove

The Lion Guard has been fighting Scars army for a while and they are starting to get exhausted. "Fuli they won't give up" Bunga exclaimed panting. "We have to keep defending" Fuli ordered out of breath. But as Fuli said that Scar's army had them surrounded, "Finally we have you now" Rei Rei announced. Fuli looked around to see everyone hurt and exhausted Ful steps forwards, "It's not over until the pride lands end" Fuli calls getting ready to fight. The others were with Fuli and they all took their battle stances no matter their injuries. "That's adorable" Rei Rei comments, "Everyone Let's finish this" Kirburi shouted at his crocodiles. As the lion guard, vultures, and hyenas stand ground they hear elephant trumpeting in the distance. Kirburi and Rei Rei hear the elephant trumpeting, "What's that" Goi Goi asked.

Fuli looks behind them and sees Ma Tembo with her elephants, the galagos riding Bupu and his Antelopes, the Rinos were here, and Mzingo was in the sky. "Listen up everyone the Lion Guard needs our help becuase A threat in the pride Lands anywhere is a threat to pride landers everywhere" Ma Tembo explained to the animals as they charged to join the battle. The Jackals move to the side to dodge the pride landers but some of them got knocked back by the Rinos. Kirburi and his crocodiles were slammed by the elephant trunks, and Kene was sent flying into a rock by Bupu. "Ma Tembo" Fuli called surprised, "Don't worry Fuli were here to help" Ma Tembo explained attacking the outlanders. As the pride landers aided Fuli and the lion guard The Jackals, Crocodiles, and Kenge were being overrun by these animals. "Keep fighting" Kirburi shouted trying to avoid the Antelopes.

Meanwhile In The Lion Guard Lair

Janja was bleeding and Kiara was horrified by what she saw Zira do to Janja, Zira turned her head to look at Kiara, "Don't worry princess you're next" Zira promised as she started to walk near Kiara direction. But before she reached Kiara Kovu slid in front of Zira, "MOTHER STOP!!" Kovu shouted. Vitani and Nuka were surprised about what Kovu just did. "Kovu move!" Zira said rasing her voice, "NO MOM THAT'S ENOUGH YOU CAN'T HURT KIARA!!" Kovu shouted again looking at his mother in the eyes. Zira was shocked by her son's actions, "Kovu Kiara is trouble Scar picked you to lead the pride lands I'm trying to help you" Zira explained. "I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE SCAR OR YOU!!" Kovu growled. Zira was disgusted by the way her son spoke and Zira quickly swung her claw by Kovu face scratching him and knocking him down. Kovu rolled into the wall and there was a Scar on his eye, "KOVU!!" Kiara and Vitani yelled at the same time. Quickly Vitani ran to Kovu to make sure her brother was ok. "Kovu...Kovu...Wake Up" Vitani repeated shaking Kovu as Vitani shook him she was crying. "Kiara was starting to cry, "Nice One mother" Nuka complimented standing by his mother, "Quiet Nuka" Zira scoffed. "Vitani finish Kiara now" Zira ordered, Vitani turned to face her mother and wiped her tears, "No" Vitani replied in denial. "How dare you Vitani" Zira growled. "Don't make me do the same thing to you Vitani" Zira threatened, "THAT'S ENOUGH ZIRA" Simba yelled standing behind Zira, Zira and her Lionesses looked to the lair entrance and saw Simba, Nala, Beshte, Kion, and Jasiri. "WE END THIS NOW ZIRA" Simba shouted, "I COULDNT AGREE MORE" Zira yelled back. "LIONESSES ATTACK" Zira ordered. As Zira and her Lionesses attacked Simba, Nala, Beshte, Kion, and Jasiri charge at them and prepare to fight Zira and her forces. As Kion attacked he realized this fight would determine the entire fate of the Pride Lands.


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