Chapter 8 Y/N Joins The Battle

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The Lion Guard are attacking Scars army while Y/N is in the tall grass near Janja and Kion.

"Give up Kion it's over," Janja said giving an evil grin.

"Never, as long as the lion guard is here you'll never win," Kion said as he growled at Janja.

"REI REI" Fuli yelled as she ran towards Rei Rei,

"Okay kiddies NOW" Rei Rei yelled before Fuli reached her.

Jackal pups hopped out of the bushes jumping on Fuli, As Fuli tries to shake them Rei Rei, and Goi Goi come from behind. But Beshte launched Kirburi causing him to go flying and hit Rei Rei and Goi Goi knocking them into the Jackal pups and away from Fuli.

Fuli got up and saw Beshte, "thanks Beshte" Fuli saids. "No problem but here comes some more," Beshte said seeing hyenas and Jackals coming.

Ono and Bunga are trying to take down the vultures, while Kion and Janja are attacking each other.


I see Janja down and Kion's on top of him and he's saying something. maybe it's time to show Janja what I got. But, I don't wanna hurt Kion,.... wait what am I saying he's hurting Janja. No matter how cute he is I have to help my pack they took care of me and its time to help them.

Y/N jumps out of the bush and hits Kion off making him roll down the hill off of Janja.

"Y/N!!" Janja said surprised.

As Janja gets up Y/N and Janja look down the hill and saw Kion rolled all the way down hitting a rock at the watering hole.

"Thanks for the help Y/N," Janja said with an evil grin.

As Ono flew up he saw Kion laying on his side not moving near the watering hole.

"Hapana Kion's Down" One yelled telling the guard.

"New plan, we get Kion out and we regroup" Fuli ordered

The guard knocked away their targets and ran to Kion. 

The guard made to Kion and Bunga goes closer,

"You okay Kion" Bunga asked. 

"I'm fine," Kion said but as he got up he fell down and let out a groan of pain.

"Your leg Kion," Beshte said concerned.

Kion looked at his left hind leg and saw it was bleeding,

"Something hit me down the hill and I must have hit my leg into the rock" Kion said as he grunted.

"Can you walk?" Fuli asked

"No, it hurts a lot," Kion said in pain.

"We have to get out of here," Fuli said

What about the baddies" Bunga said.

"Well have to regroup Kion needs help now," Fuli said, but as she looked up she saw the hyenas, Jackals, and crocodiles coming.

"I agree with Fuli It's now or never," Kion said grunting again.

The lion guard lifted Kion so that he was on Beshte's back and they started running back, heading towards pride rock.

Janja lets out an Evil laugh as they watch the guard run, "we actually did it" Kiburi said giving an evil grin. "Scar will be pleased," Rei said as she also gave an evil grin.

"HELP" Y/N Yelled.

Janja ran and saw she was cornered by crocodiles and Jackals.

But before they got close Janja and the hyenas stopped them, Y/N ran to Janja putting her head in his chest. "Care to explain Janja," Kirburi asked as the rest of scars army was around them.

Fine......Janja explained how they found Y/N 

"She helped me take down Kion," Janja said finishing his sentence.

Rei Rei and Kirburi looked at each other and smiled. If she did that then she's obviously and outlander now. As they waited for further orders Y/N thought to herself.


I hope I didn't hurt him I felt kinda bad that I pounced him, Oh no I saw blood on the rock, when I hit Kion he got hurt. Wait, Why do I care he's the enemy, or no it can't be. In the back of my head, something was telling me he's cute. No, I can't have feelings for him he's bad.


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