Chapter 34 Scar's Message

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

While things are going horrible at Pride Rock Kovu and Vitani were training near Ndefu grove Vitani was on a rock while Kovu was in the tall grass hiding.  Kovu pounced on the rock almost getting Vitani but she jumped forward and dodged Kovu. Vitani smiled and laughed and rubbed her brothers head, "So close Kovu" Vitani teased. Kovu backed up and shook his head fixing his mane. Kovu smiled and then growled seeing someone behind Vitani, Vitani turned and backed up and growled seeing Nuka. "Kovu, Vitani I need your help" Nuka plead, Kovu and Vitani looked at each other confused and then looked at Nuka in attack position, "Yeah right let me guess is mother and her outsiders nearby" Vitani scoffed looking around. Nuka looked at them seriously, "I've been thinking what you said and I believe you were right how mother and Scar don't really care for us" Nuka explained.

Vitani was surprised to hear that from Nuka but Kovu smiled and looked at Vitani, "Let's give Nuka a chance" Kovu added giving Nuka a chance. Vitani looked at Kovu and smiled but then looked at Nuka, "What's with the sudden change" Vitani asked. "They sent me on a mission and in the end, I almost got caught in the fire at pride rock" Nuka explained. "FIRE AT PRIDE ROCK!!!" Kovu and Vitani yelled hearing the news. Nuka backed up startled, "Yeah and Kion and the Lion Guard are stuck inside" Nuka added. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO!!!" Vitani shouted running towards Pride rock, Nuka and Kovu ran after Vitani.

At Pride Rock, the vultures along with some eagles managed to carry Simba and Nala one by one away from the fire, and onto the ground. Simba and Nala turn to face everyone,  "Thank you everyone" Simba and Nala thanked everyone. "It's our honour" Mzingo and others preached. Ma Tembo walks to Simba, "I'm sorry about pride rock your Majesty" Ma Tembo mentioned. Simba turns to look at Ma Tembo, "Don't worry Ma Tembo there have been fires in the past, pride rock will survive" Simba recalled remembering when he fought Scar. But as they all watched pride rock the fire growled rising in the sky forming something, "What in the pride lands" Ma Tembo stated shocked. The Fire combined together forming Scar's fiery image. the pride landers gasped and backed up in fear seeing Scar fiery image.

Scar started laughing evilly and looked at Simba, "Ah Simba you managed to escape my little scheme" Scar explained sarcastically. "SCAR!" Simba growled, Scar smiled evilly, "Too bad the same thing can't be said for the Lion Guard" Scar revealed laughing evilly. "KION!" Kiara, Simba and Nala called worriedly. "THINK AGAIN SCAR!" Kion yelled from behind everyone, everyone turned and saw Kion and the Lion Guard alright. Scar still smiled evilly, "You may have escaped this plan but you can't stop me Kion, I'll make sure all of your fall and the pride lands will be ABLOSHIED!" Scar swore as his fiery image disappeared. Simba, Nala, and Kiara nuzzled with Kion and Y/N thankful for them being alive.

Ono flies down, "Sorry I couldn't help you guys Kion" Ono apologized, Kion turns to look at Ono. "It's not your fault I told you to help my family" Kion reassured. Simba and Nala looked at Kion, Y/N and the Lion Guard. "How did you all escape" Simba asked. Kion looked at his father, "We found out Beshte pool is connected to a river nearby so we swam into the pool to the river, luckily Beshte helped Fuli becuase water Isn't her thing" Kion explained smiling.  "Yup," Fuli agreed shaking the water off of her body, Kion and Simba looked around and overheard some talk from the pride landers, "Fiery Lion Scary", "If they set pride rock on fire how do we win", "Maybe we don't stand a chance" Pride Landers murmured through the crowd. Kion jumped onto a rock looking at everyone, "Pride Landers calm down Scar is just trying to scare us" Kion suggested.

"Well, it's working" A gazelle mentioned, Kion looked determine and looked at everyone, "Everyone don't fear only if we work together we can truly defeat Scar and his army, You are not alone the Lion Guard is here with you" Kion reassured. Ma Tembo walked forward, "That great and true Kion but do you even know how to defeat Scar" Ma Tembo questioned. Kion looked unsure, "Well, to be honest, no" Kion admitted. "Maybe I can help" Nuka called running in front of Kion and the guard. Y/N his behind Kion scared and Kion stared at Nuka shocked. Behind Nuka were Kovu and Vitani. "Kovu? Vitani" Kiara questioned nuzzling Kion glad to see him, "Nuka wants to help" Vitani explained.

Kion and Simba looked confused, Vitani looked at Nuka, "Tell them what you told us" Vitani explained. "Well, you see this morning I..." Nuka was about to explain his entire day, "NUKA! The other thing" Vitani corrected. "Right Vitani, To defeat Scar, Kion has to roar really really loud in the Volcano" Nuka explained. Simba paused, "Sorry Vitani but I find this hard to believe trusting Nuka" Simba added. Kion turned to his Dad, "Dad Nuka said he wants to change maybe we should give him a chance like Vitani and Kovu, or like Janja, and Mzingo" Kion explained. Simba smiled and rubbed Kion head, "Forgiving you enemys is a noble trait Kion and I'm very proud of you" Simba explained smiling. Kion thanked his father and nuzzled with Simba after Kion went on top of a rock again to face everyone, "Ok everyone gets some rest and tomorrow morning we will all rush to the outlands and finish this once and for all" Kion announced. Everyone started cheering for Kion and The Lion Guard, Kion smiled as he stood beside his friends and family.


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