Chapter 32 Mufasa Advice

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

Kion was on top of a hill looking out to the clouds, "Grandfather Mufasa" Kion called. The clouds started moving in the sky and a light shined and Mufasa appeared in the sky, "Yes Kion I am here" Mufasa replied smiling. Kion smiles and then sighs in sadness, "Kion, what is wrong" Mufasa asked concerned. Kion looked up, "Grandfather, dad wants me to lead the pride landers into the outlands tomorrow but I don't feel ready we don't even know how to defeat Scar" Kion explained to Mufasa. Mufasa looked at Kion and smiled, "Kion all evil can be defeated, Kion I've seen everything you and the Lion Guard have done you can do it and Simba knows it" Mufasa reassured. "But Grandfather..." Kion was about to say, "Let your heart help you" Mufasa quickly interrupted. Kion was confused, "Let my heart help me" Kion repeated confused, "Yes Kion follow your heart becuase your heart will lead you to the answer" Mufasa explained.

Kion smiled happily to hear this advice from Mufasa, "Thank you grandfather" Kion thanked. "Kion you don't have to thank me I'm always here for you and don't forget that," Mufasa remarked. Kion continued to smile thankful for Mufasa and his support, "Oh and Kion one more thing" Mufasa added. "What is it grandfather," Kion asked curiously, "You should do what your thinking" Mufasa supported smiling knowing what Kion was thinking about. Kion was surprised, " did you know," Kion asked stuttering. Before Mufasa answered the clouds were clearing and Mufasa smiled, "Don't fight Fire with Fire" Mufasa explained before disappearing. Kion was surprised and thankful for the talk with Mufasa.

"Kion?" A voice called softly approaching Kion from behind, Kion turned and smiled seeing Y/N. "Y/N, Hi" Kion answered happily walking with Y/N down the hill. "Are you okay Kion?" Y/N aksed stopping to turn and look at Kion. Kion turned to look at Y/N and he smiled, "I'm fine now" Kion replied. Y/N smiled, Kion was thinking about what Mufasa said, "You should do what your thinking" Mufasa voice echoed in Kion's mind. Kion continued to look at Y/N, "Y/N their is something I need to say" Kion added. "What is it Kion?" Y/N asked, "I'm glad I'm with you becuase with you by my side I feel my heart explodes you make me the happiest Lion in the world" Kion expressed. Y/N blushed and giggled, "Kion, I'm glad I'm with you too without you I don't know how I would live" Y/N expressed, Kion blushed and Y/N looked at Kion, "Remeber when we first met" Y/N asked. "You mean when you tackled me down the hill" Kion joked, Y/N smiled and laughed, "That was a long time ago" Y/N recalled smiling, "It's crazy how things can change when you get to know someone" Y/N suggested. Kion paused hearing Y/N say that and smiled. 

(Play Song imagine it as Y/N and Kion had to change one of the songs lies becuase it made no sense in my story)

Y/N: How are we so different and still so much the same?

Kion: Why do I start smilin' when I hear your name?

Y/N: At times I think you could be a reflection of me

Kion: Still, there's something deeper

Kion & Y/N: More than what we see, There's a feelin' of belongin' ,That's deep down inside, A feelin' that's been growin', Now we just can't hide, It's a feelin' somehow knowin' there's nothing to decide, 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear, We're of the same pride

Kion: Seems like I have grown up so much since I met you

Y/N: Like it's been forever, but every day is new

Kion: We had some great adventures

Y/N: We also had some fun

Kion: Shame to think it's ending

Y/N: Or has it just begun?

Kion & Y/N: There's a feelin' of belongin', That's deep down inside, A feelin' that's been growin', Now we just can't hide, It's a feelin' somehow knowin' there's nothing to decide, 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear, We're of the same

Kion: pride

Y/N: You have the energy and drive to take command

Kion: You have the patience I always wish I had

Y/N: Working together, I finally understand, Having you here by my side will help me rule this plan

Kion & Y/N: There's a feelin' of belongin', That's deep down inside, A feelin' that's been growin', Now we just can't hide, It's a feelin' somehow knowin' there's nothing to decide

Kion: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Y/N: 'Cause when I'm with you it's clear

Kion & Y/N: We're of the same pride

After running around the Pride Lands together singing Kion and Y/N were back at the hill looking at each other int he eyes approaching each other. Kion and Y/N stopped looking at each other in the eyes and nuzzled each other and kissed under the stars.  After several minutes past Kion and Y/N sat together watching the stars, "KION! Y/N!" Mzingo and Ono shouted flying to them. "Mzingo, Ono what is it," Kion asked, Nuka was seen approaching the lair" One explained. "Why would he do that, "Y/N asked, "Not sure but nothing good let's go" Kion insisted. Kion, Y/N, Mzingo, and Ono were all heading back to the lion guard lair.


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