Chapter 37 Battle For The Pride Lands

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Outsiders

All the pride landers followed Kion as they charged down the hill towards the outlands ready for the fight, on top of the hill Rei Rei, Kirburi, Kenge, and Zira could see the pride landers coming, "So it's true Nuka has changed sides" Kirburi added. "Enough Talk come on Outsiders" Zira ordered sliding down with her lions and Kenge followed, "Crocodiles lets move" Kirburi ordered climbing down with his float, "Jackals lets go" Rei Rei ordered as she ran down the hill with her Jackals. While Scar's army charged into battle Kion was with the Lion Guard, Y/N and everyone else. "Ok, everyone make us a path so The Lion Guard, Y/N and I can get to the volcano" Kion suggested. "Got It Son" Simba replied running, "We can do that" Ma Tembo replied back, "And here come the baddies" Bunga added. Scar's army and the Pride Landers charged each other and started fighting.

Elephants used their trunks to launch some Jackals away while the Antelope and rinos charged at Crocodiles. "ZIRA!" Simba growled, Zira turned and saw Nala, Kirara, Kovu, Vitani, and Nuka. "Hello children" Zira greeted, "Please mother don't do this" Vitani begged. "I don't think so Vitani....ATTACK!!" Zira yelled. Zira and her Lionesses charged fir Simba and his pride and suddenly both prides attacked each other. While Lions fought Lions, Rei Rei and Jasiri were fighting, "Give it up Rei Rei" Jasiri barked. "NEVER! Right, Goi Goi" Rei Rei yelled, but as she looked Goi Goi was being chased by hyenas. Rei Rei rolled her eyes and was about to bite Jasiri. "Leave her alone!" Janja yelled headbutting Rei Rei sending her into a rock. Janja goes to Jasiri, "Are you okay" Janja asked worried, Jasiri smiled and nuzzled Janja, "I am now" Jasiri replied running back into battle. Janja blushed and then followed Jasiri into battle.

Kion, Y/N and The Lion Guard were making a run for the volcano and as they looked around they saw, Hyenas fighting Jackals, Crocodiles, and Kenge fighting pride Landers, and Zira's Lions fighting Simba's. "KIDDIES NOW!" Rei Rei shouted towards the cliff, Jackal pups were causing rocks to fall off hitting some pride landers. "COME ON!" Mzingo shouted charging for the jackal pups. The vultures scared the pups away and pushed the rocks out of the path of the pride landers. As Rei Rei was about to attack Kion, Jasiri and Janja headbutt her launching her away, "Your all clear Kion" Jasiri and Janja mentioned. Kion nodded and the Lion Guard and Y/N all continued their charge for the Volcano.

Shupavu was crawling into the Volcano, "Scar Kion and the Lion Guard are approaching" Shupavu reported. Scar turned to look at Shupavu, "THEN DO SOMETHING AND STOP THEM SHUPAVU!!" Scar yelled. Shupavu backed up and nodded, "SKINKS WITH ME!!!" Shupavu ordered as her skinks and herself left. Ushari slithered in view of Scar, "Do you really think the skinks can stop them?" Ushari asked. "Of course not, we just need the Lion Guard to believe we don't want them here" Scar explained. Ushari smiled evilly, "Now get into position Ushari" Scar ordered. Ushari agreed and slithered away in hiding.

Kion and The Lion Guard continued their charge as Skinks dropped down to attack but the Lion Guard ran headfirst sending the Skinks into the wall. "Come On We're almost there" Kion called to his friends. They all ran into the Volcano down the ramp approaching the center and Ushari hid. "Kion...Lion Guard...Welcome" Scar greeted, Bunga looked up at Scar then looked at Kion, "He does know why we're here right?" Bunga questioned. "I know why you think you're here, but destiny can be full of surprises" Scar explained. As Scar talked Ushari slithered underneath the Lion Guard.

The Lion Guard stood looking at Scar determine and Kion was in the front, "USHARI! NOW!" Scar yelled. Ushari leaps out and before the Lion Guard noticed Ushari charged at Kion and bit him in the eye and Kion fell back and onto his side. Everyone gasps, "Oh No," Beshte said, "USHARI!" Bunga shouted tackling him. Y/N quickly ran to Kion and turned him over Y/N gasped after turning Kion over. Kion grunted, and everyone was shocked to see Kion's eye there was a mark, "Sisi Ni Sawa Kion, Now you have a Scar, Just like me" Scar explained evilly. Kion placed his paw on his eye feeling the Scar and Kion lays his head down a little bit as  Y/N stands by Kion's side. "Sisi Ni Sawa means we're the same, though you're made of flesh, and I'm made of flame" Scar singed evilly. Kion gets up quickly, "We're not the same! I'll never be like you, Scar" Kion shouts.

"Ooh! Use the roar Kion blast Scar back to where he came from" Bunga encouraged, "You don't have the power to destroy me, Kion" Scar interrupted evilly. "Don't listen to him!" Beshte shouted, "We believe in you" Fuli added,  "I know you can do it Kion" Y/N added. Kion gets up about to approach Scar but Kion stops and grunts in pain and hold his paw on his eye with the Scar. After Kion did that he felt dizzy and took a step back after shaking his head. "Finding it difficult to think?" Ushari asked. "My venom has a tendency to do that" Ushari revealed, Bunga pinned Ushari down, "Use the roar Kion, He's asking for it" Bunga suggested. Kion rubs his eye and keeps shaking his head in pain, "You have the mark of evil, Just like me, Kion, accept your destiny there is no other choice, at the end of the day we all are fire and flame, Sisi Ni Sawa, we are the same" Scar explained evilly laughing at the end. Kion stopped and was thinking, "Fire and flame?" Kion thought. As Kion was thinking the wind blew his mane, "Stay true to who you are, Don't fight fire with Fire" Mufasa voice echoed in Kion's head. "Of course," Kion told himself, "I do have another choice Scar," Kion told Scar walking closer. 


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