Chapter 35 Scar's Final Plan

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Outsiders

As the pride landers cheered Simba went onto a rock too, "Listen up everyone we should all sleep becuase tomorrow we take the fight to the outlands" Simba announced. Everyone agreed and left,  Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kion, Y/N, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Janja, Jasiri, hyenas, vultures, and the Lion Guard all stood together in relieve. Kion looks at Nuka, "Thank you for your help Nuka" Kion thanked. Nuka looked at Kion, "I'm glad I'm on the right side" Nuka added. Vitani and Nuka smiled, "You sure are," Vitani said. As they all scattered to sleep Shupavu was in the grass watching everything. Shupavu turned around and started to crawl back into the outlands.

After several minutes Shupavu told Scar, Zira, and Ushari everything Scar smiled evilly and looked at Shupavu, "Thank you Shupavu, go find Rei Rei, and Kirburi and tell them the news to be ready by tomorrow" Scar ordered. Shupavu noded and crawled away to find Scar's army. While Shupavu left Ushari slittered forward, "Scar arent you worried Nuka joined the Pride Landers" Ushari asked. Scar smiled evilly, "The plan worked I knew Nuka would live thanks to Shupavu Nuka told them how to defeat me" Scar explained happily.

Ushari was confused and Scar rolled his eyes, "Ushari they think the only way to stop me is for Kion to roar in the volcano but that's only a diversion so they can get close" Scar explained evilly. Ushari and Zira were kinda confused why Scar wanted them here, "But Scar why," Zira and Ushari asked. 

Scar: Have I ever told you how I got my Scar

Ushari: No....No you haven't

Scar: I wasn't much older then Kion when it happened, back when I was leader of my Lion Guard


When I was the Lion Guard's fiercest
I took most patrols on my own
So when I met this strange lion
I had no fear of being alone
He said he had wisdom and power
And the most powerful should be king
With help from me and my Roar
He and I could rule everything
I found his idea intriguing
Though the most powerful lion was me
But the strange lion was scheming
And had a friend I didn't see

When I led the Guard

The lion would cure the snake's venom
As long as I did what he said
But I lost and control and... enraged!
I roared and destroyed them instead
I expected to be praised near and far
For stopping that treacherous thing
But Mufasa just nicknamed me "Scar"
Then I knew that he shouldn't be king
That's when I became Scar
When I led the Guard

My First Plot for vengence                                                                                                                                          was foiled when I lost the roar                                                                                                                                    My second plan later succeeded                                                                                                                                      Mufasa was king no more

If it weren't for that miserable Simba
I'd have ruled Pride Rock to this day
But now it is time for Simba and Kion to pay!
That's why I still am scarred
From when I led the Guard
Oh-oh-oh, that's why I still am Scar
And why I'll destroy the Guard

Ushari: So that's how it happened

Scar: Oh yes and so you see Ushari when the time comes I will need your help

Ushari: What's the plan

Scar: We need to be sure Kion can no longer control the roar, which means today is the day Kion gets his Scar

I got an important question for all of you lets say I finish this soon would you be interested if I did a tree of Life style arch with Y/N and the lion guard or would you prefer me not to do that let me know, please.


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