Chapter 31 On The Last Night

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BTW This Chapter will include a read a song (A Song Plays and you read to follow) Don't mind the video just listen to it and focus on the words Thanks

Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures, Kovu, Vitani

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Nuka, Outsiders

Zira and Nuka entered the Volcano, "There you are Nuka" Scar called. Nuka ran and looked at Scar, "You needed me" Nuka answered happily. "Nuka Kion and his friends grow stronger and Kion can now destroy me" Scar revealed. Nuka and Zira were surprised, "Really" Nuka replied. "Oh yes, If Kion uses his strongest roar here it will destroy me so we need to stop them" Scar explained. "Why do you need me," Nuka asked curiously. "Nuka for my plan to work you need to distract the Lion Guard long enough in their lair" Scar ordered. Nuka was happy to get a job by Scar, "Of course Scar" Nuka replied leaving the Volcano.

As Nuka left Ushari and Shupavu revealed from behind the rocks, "Shupavu get the others and have them prepared for the plan" Scar ordered. Shupavu quickly left to go gather the Jackals and the Crocodiles. "Are you sure about this Scar?" Ushari asked, "Yes Ushari this plan removes two problems the Lion Guard and a possible traitor" Scar explained. Zira looked at Scar, "I can't believe what you said was right" Zira admitted. "Don't worry Zira good thing Shupavu heard Nuka" Scar added. 

Meanwhile At Pride Rock

All the animals of the pride lands and friends from near and far assembled outside pride rock training for tomorrow. Zazu flew to the top of pride rock where Simba and Kion stood looking out to everyone. "Your majesty, the last of the pride landers have arrived" Zazu reported. "Thanks, Zazu tell them all to sleep early we attack first thing tomorrow morning" Simba ordered. "Of course Sire" Zazu replied flying away, "Kion" Simba called softly. "Yeah, Dad" Kion replied walking to stand beside his dad. "Kion I want you to lead the attack first thing tomorrow morning" Simba explained. Kion was surprised by his Dad request, "Dad...Me" Kion stuttered in shock.  Play Video

Simba: Don't worry Kion, I know you and The Lion Guard will succeed I wouldn't ask you to do this if I wasn't certain.

Kion: Thanks Dad

Simba: Now go on, don't forget you'll need to get some rest too

Kion: Okay, {Kion turns around leaving}

Kion: So this is my last night, before  the biggest day of my life, Can  one more big fight, Put an end to all this strife? Will we finally end this war? Who  can know for sure?

Fuli and Y/N: There goes our worried friend, taking time to think on his own, When  he must defend, no‚ he won't be alone, we'll be there by his side, Go with him stride for stride,

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, and Y/N: So bring it on tomorrow, When  the Pride Lands unite, We're going into battle,

Bunga: With bravery

Beshte: And might

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, and Y/N:  We'll always do what's right And we'll stand as one and fight, With the end almost in sight, On the last night,

Ono: Everything looks safe and sound, but I want to be sure, One more flight around, Will help reassure, The skies all seem clear, No sign of danger here

Kion: Yeah‚ I know everything's in place, Still those doubts make my thoughts race, Need someone to put my mind at rest, Before I take this final test

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, and Y/N: So bring it on tomorrow (Oh-oh-oh), When the Pride Lands unite,

Fuli: Pride Lands unite

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, and Y/N: We're going into battle (To battle), With bravery and might

Y/N: Bravery and might

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, and Y/N: And we'll always do what's right

Fuli: Always do what's right

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, and Y/N: And we'll stand as one and fight

Y/N: Stand as one and fight

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, and Y/N: With the end almost in sight...

Kion, and Y/N: On the last night

The Lion Guard and Y/N all looked at each other all went their own ways.......

Meanwhile In The Tall Grass Nuka was crawling hiding with Shupavu, "So what's the plan again" Nuka asked Shupavu. Shupavu rolled her eyes and looked at Nuka, "Scar wants you to distract the Lion Guard inside their lair long enough" Shupavu instructed. "Right" Nuka agreed, as they talked Goi Goi bumped into them with wood in his mouth, "Which way to pride rock," Goi Goi asked dropping the wood. "Just right over there Goi Goi" Shupavu replied annoyed, "Thanks" Goi Goi thanked picking the wood up leaving.

"What was that about" Nuka asked, "Part of Scar's second plan" Shupavu explained. "Right" Nuka agreed leaving and to head for the lair. As he left Shupavu starting walking away, "Goodbye Nuka and Lion Guard" Shupavu whispered evilly.


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