Chapter 6 Y/N Sneaks Out

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Another week has passed and Y/N injuries have healed. Every night she sleeps beside Janja, also  Y/N has become more comfortable around the hyenas and Mzingo.

Y/N P.O.V 

I'm happy that Janja and the hyenas welcomed me into their pack. Even though I'm not a hyena they treat me as an equal. But, even though Janja won't admit it I noticed him and the hyenas come back empty-handed some times. I've heard there is a group of animals called the lion guard that stop Janja and the hyenas from getting food. The hyenas have taken care of me so maybe it's time I show Janja my hunting skills.

Janja approaches Y/N. "Y/N the boys and I have to have to speak to someone stay here ok," Janja said.

"Ok, be careful," Y/N said as she nuzzled her head-on Janja side. Janja puts his paw on her head and smiled, Janja and the hyenas turned and left the den.


Maybe while they're gone Ill go hunting and get food so we can all eat later. I'll be quick and careful, I'll be back before they get back.

Meanwhile In The Volcano

The hyenas enter and meet up with Rei Rei, Kirburi, Mzingo, and Ushari. Look who finally decided to show up" Kirburi said as he saw Janja and the hyenas. Nice to see you too Kiburi" Janja saids sarcastically. As the outlanders looked over near the lava Scar's fiery image appeared.

"Janja you're finally here," Scar said as he gave an evil grin.

"yes...... we are here," Janja said backing up a little.

"Listen up I have a plan to finally destroy Kion and the lion guard," Scar said evilly.

Meanwhile at Flat Ridge Rock

Y/N's paws appear over the edge and she climbed over the edge into the pride lands. "So this is the pride lands, It's just like what Janja said," Y/N said admiring the view. Y/N ran over into the tall grass excited. She started to roll in it and laugh. As Y/N rolled she heard something nearby so she instantly stopped and crawled through to see where the sound was coming from. She saw another lion so she quickly hid in the tall grass and listened.

"Good job everyone," Kion said looking at the lion guard.

Bunga steps forward.

"Well hate to cut this short but I promise to help my uncles back at Hakuna Matata Falls," Bunga said.

"I have to help my dad at big springs," Beshte said.

"I have to eat with my flock," Ono said.

"Kion I'm hungry so can I leave to hunt alone," Fuli asked.

Kion smiled at the guard, "alright go ahead everyone, we'll all meet back at the lair later" Kion said smiling back. Everyone left in their own directions while Kion left to get a drink from the closest watering hole.


That must be Kion the lion Janja talks about,  and those animals he as talking to must have been the lion guard, as he was drinking I could see his eyes and I thought he looked cute. His fur was the same color as mine and his mane looks adorable, wait no, what am I saying he's the enemy. I should go before he notices me, as I backed up I stepped on a stick and it snapped.

Kion P.O.V

What was that I wondered, sounded like it came from the grass.

"oh no, he's coming" Y/N thought.

Y/N started to slowly move back to try and leave before Kion finds her.

At The Hyena Den

"Y/N, we are back" Janja yelled trying to call Y/N.

 As Janja walked to her spot she wasn't there, Janja quickly ran to the others "Furbrains has anyone seen Y/N she's not in her spot" Janja said worriedly.

"No, Janja we don't see her we just go back" Chungu and Cheezi responded.

"Fan out boys find her she could be in danger," Janja said worried as he ordered his hyenas. 

Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu went to check the border of the outlands, while the other hyenas went to look around the outlands.

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