Chapter 10 Y/N Meets Kion

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Scars Army have begun their attack on various locations around the pride lands and the lion guard, along with Simba, Nala, Kiara,  are working together to stop these attacks.

At Mpango Cliffs

"Come on Kiddies it's lunchtime," Rei Rei said as the jackals started to chase some baboons.

"That's enough Rei Rei" Fuli yelled as she stood behind Rei Rei.

Rei Rei turned and saw Fuli and Bunga, then Fuli and Bunga start to attack Rei Rei, Goi Goi, and the jackals.

At Big springs

Kiburi and his float are trying to scare off the hippos, but Beshte has arrived and is helping the hippos.

"Beshte" Basi said relieved to see his son, "don't worry dad we can do this"Beshte said tring to ask the hippos for help.  "Beshte is right," Basi said looking at the hippos, the hippos nod and join Beshte in attacking the crocodiles.

"Come on fellas we'll do this the crocodile way" Kirburi saids as he charges in.

At Mizimu Grove

The vultures just hit Mizimu grove with their fire sticks and a big fire circle is forming around Ma Tembo and her herd, "Hapana, your majesty Ma Tembo and the elephants are stuck" Ono said.

"MA TEMBO" Simba called out into the fire., as the fire burns, Ma Tembo heard the king. "Yes, your majesty" Ma Tempo said trying to get away from the fire. "Listen to me, you and your elephants must help extinguish the fire using any water or dirt. 

"We can do that, your majesty," Ma Tempo said as she turned to tell her elephant the news.

The elephants used their trunks to shoot out water and dirt to help extinguish the fire, while Simba, Kiara, and Nala used their paws to throw dirt and help take out the fire.

"Ono we got it from here, go see where the hyenas are" Simba asked.

"Affirmative" Ono said as he flew up looking, by the looks of it your majesty Fuli and Bunga are with the jackals, Beshte and the hippos are taking care of the crocodiles, and some lions and lionesses are attacking the hyenas at the rocky plains," Ono said alerting Simba.

"Great Job Ono," Simba said as they were finished extinguishing the fire, Ono looks near-flat ridge rock and sees Kion and Janja fighting, Ono flew down to the king as fast as he could.

"Your majesty Janja is fighting Kion," Ono said worriedly

"WHAT" Simba yelled

"Ono lead the way" Simba ordered.

"Of course" Ono replied flying upwards.

Simba and Ono ran to head to flat ridge rock.......

A Few Minutes Earlier...

Y/N P.O.V 

I ran all the way back to the cliff leading into the outlands crying. Janja never yelled at me like that before I thought. Tears dripped down my face touching the ground, was Janja right you can't love the enemy. Why am I struggling with this?

"Excuse me are you Ok" Y/N turned and her tears stopped, It was Kion.

I'm um....yeah......fine"Y/N said stuttering digging her face into her paws to cover her tears and blushing.

Kion went close but limped, who are you he asked, Y/N calmed down and looked up and Kion and Y/N noses were touching. They both backed up and fell down, Y/N blushed but shook it off while Kion was focus on his leg. Y/N went closer to him and sat in front of him." Y/N was feeling bad seeing his leg because she was responsible for it.


"I'm Y/N," I said, Kion gave me a look and smiled and it was silent for a little.

"I'm Kion," Kion said as he got back up.

Kion P.O.V

She was a Lion, her fur looked soft and has beautiful her eyes that shined. My question was where did she come from, and why is she here out of all places.

But before Y/N said anything Janja came flying in and tackled Kion, Kion rolled and Janja was on him.

"STAY AWAY FROM Y/N" Janja yelled. 

"What how do you know her, Janja," Kion questioned confused.

"She's with us she helped me hurt you," Janja said evilly.

Kions face dropped in sadness as he looked behind Janja and he saw Y/N had a face of sadness too. "Janja please, leave him alone he's already hurt," Y/N said.

Janja barked back at Y/N, he's the enemy Y/N.

"NOW  Y/N help me finish this cub," Janja said holding Kion

Y/N don't listen to him, Janja is the evil one he and scar want to destroy the pride lands.

"QUIET" Janja yelled as he stepped on Kion's injured leg.

Kion yelled in pain, as he yelled Y/N felt his pain, and In a split second Janja, was knocked off of Kion. Janja looks up and sees Y/N helped Kion and attacked him.


But before anyone said anything else the ground started to shake.

EARTHQUAKE!!!! Kion yelled.........

As the ground started shaking cracks were opening up in the ground and Janja ran to avoid falling in.

"Your Majesty earthquake"Ono yelled as Simba and Ono reached Kion's location.

"KION" Simba called out.

"Dad" Kion yelled back.

"Janja" Y/N called

Janja turned and his emotions went from betrayed to very concerned.

"Y/N" Janja yelled.

As Janja was trying to help the cracks opened up and Y/N fell into the earthquake.

"Y/N NOOOOOO" Janja yelled feeling his heart sink.

The crack moved towards Kion causing him to fall in too,

"DAD" Kion yelled before falling in.

"KION" Simba yelled.

Janja wanted to help but as he looked he saw Kirburi and the crocodiles running into the outlands with the Jackals, vultures, and hyenas. Janja ran away into the outlands too, leaving the scene. As the crack grows Ono and Simba run back away and they meet up with the lion guard.

"What was that," Bunga asked.

"Earthquake and Kion and another lion fell in, "Ono said 

"WHAT" the guard shouted

Simba ran heading back towards pride rock and the guard followed, before leaving Simba looked back

"Please be safe Kion" Simba said as he ran towards pride rock heartbroken.


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