Chapter 16 Kion Tells Everyone The Truth

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As Kion was about to explain everything he noticed Janja and his hyena's heading for the exit. "Janja where are you going," Kion asked still weak. Janja turned to look at Kion, "Listen I'm grateful but It's my fault you and Y/N ended up down there" Janja said looking at Kion. "But, Janja the crocodiles and Jackals will attack you again if you head back," Jasiri said looking at Janja. Before Janja said anything Kion limped over to Janja and sat in front of him and had his paw on Janja's shoulder. "Janja while Y/N and I were down there she missed you and the hyenas," Kion said smiling, "She did," Janja said surprised as his ears raised. "She did, Y/N helped me realize everyone deserves second chances even you" Kion said as he grunted a little bit.  "Kion is right," Simba said approaching Janja, as Janja and Jasirir were shocked the Lion Guard, and Kion smiled. "At first I didn't trust you after the attacks you have done on the pride lands but after seeing everything you have done and what Kion said I feel you can change Janja," Simba said looking at the hyena. Kion looked at his father "Are you saying what I think you're saying" Kion said, "Yes son Janja, Jasiri, and Hyena's if your willing to follow the circle of life and change your welcome to stay in the pride lands" Simba, said looking at the hyenas. "Thank you, Your Majesty," Jasiri said, Janja froze for a second then looked back at his hyenas, "Thank you, your Majesty" Janja said thanking Simba. Simba helped Makini bring Kion back beside Y/N and Kion laid down looking at everyone. "So Kion what happened? How did you get out? Why did you lick Y/N?" Bunga kept asking, "Bunga I'll explain everything," Kion said looking at everyone.

Kion P.O.V

I was starting to wake up and when I looked around I was underground, beside me was Y/N she was unconscious. I sat down and started licking my wounds and that's when Y/N started to wake up. When she woke up she asked if I was okay I said I was fine and asked why she cared, I acted like that because she was on Janja's side and I assumed she was evil like Janja. She told me only working together will get us out of the cave she wasn't wrong so I listened for now. As we were walking we spoke she was talking about Janja and she said they could change. I didn't believe her and I asked her if her parents ever told her not to trust a hyena-like Janja. She ran off and I felt horrible it reminded me of Rafiki's quote to not jump to conclusions. I followed her and I saw her crying. After some time I forgave her and comfort her when we got up our noses touched I blushed and so did she, we quickly continued walking until my leg hurt too much to continue. Y/N found us water and a space to sleep after drinking water we decided to sleep. Later, I couldnt sleep due to my injuries I saw Y/N awake too. She couldnt sleep because of her injuries. Y/N limped over to me and she started to lick my neck injury, at first I was surprised she did that. After she did that I thought it was fitting I helped lick her wounds, after cleaning each's wounds we slept but she stayed beside me she said she would stay here to keep me company she then fell asleep and so did I. After waking up we planned to continue but I had questions for her so we talked, I asked her about her parents. She told me her story, Y/N lived in the backlands with her family until they were killed by other lionesses she said she ran but she ended up in the river and she explained how the hyenas found her and took care of her. After she explained I admitted my feelings for her she blushed and told me the same thing. She licked my cheek and we kissed I enjoyed it she was special. After we finished we found an exit but I collapsed from hunger, I woke up and we were at a watering hole and she gave me water and fruit. Before more happened we saw Kiburi and Rei Rei and their forces, I couldnt get up but Y/N was brave she fought all of them even if she was in no fighting condition. I was going to cry because they hurt her bad and I thought it was going to end until all of you came and rescued us.

Everyone listened to Kion story and understood everything now, "Thanks Kion" Janja said. "I should be thanking you I misjudged you but you helped her," Kion said smiling. As everyone smiled Rafiki and Makini came over to face everyone. "So how are they Rafiki and Makini," Fuli asked. "Kion will be fine his leg will heal its Y/N were worried about," Rafiki said, "She got really hurt we did all we could, all she needs is rest now," Makini said. "I think we should all talk while Kion and Y/N rest," Fuli said looking at the others. Simba, Nala, Kiara, the Lion Guard, and Janja, Jasiri, Mzingo, vultures, and hyenas left the lair. It was just Kion and Y/N alone, Kion moved his body closer to Y/N so she could feel his warmth. "Get better soon," Kion said nuzzling his head against Y/N head. Then Kion fell asleep beside Y/N


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