Chapter 3 Janja's Perspective

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The next 2-3 chapter will be short because they will focus on Janja and Y/N building a good friendship, Please Enjoy

Its the next day, Y/N is still asleep and all the hyenas are asleep except Janja.

"You're up early" Mzingo saids as he flies down.

"Couldn't sleep" Janja saids as he looks back to Y/N and his hyenas.

"I just wanna give them better Mzingo, we barely get enough for my pack, now with Y/N food is hard to find in the outlands" Janja explains to Mzingo.

"Why not go to the pride lands to get food" Mzingo suggests.

"Like were welcome in the pride lands" Janja saids sarcastically.

"Right the lion guard" Mzingo saids.

"What happened to you Janja you seem different" Mzingo points out.

"I just wanna feed my people Mzingo," Janja said back.

"How's it going with Sacr and the army anyway," Janja asks

Well...... The jackals and crocodiles have been foiled by the lion guard to many to count, scars furious, I've been able to make excuses why the hyenas haven't been helping recently. Mzingo saids explaining everything.

"Thank you Mzingo, seriously your the only other animal in Scars army I can trust" Janja saids sincerely.

"No problem anything for the hyenas" Mzingo saids in a nice tone.

As I was laying there still feeling weak all I could think about was Who's Scar, and why are jackals, and crocodiles helping him. I know I can trust Janja but what about the others. I don't know yet. Should I tell Janja that I'm from the backlands, and I'm the only one in my family left. I'll talk to Janja when were alone.

"I've got to admit its pretty nice of you to take that lion cub in" Mzingo saids.

"She's part of my pack now we rescued her and I hope she stays with us" Janja saids.

I haven't even thanked Janja I need to
talk to him soon. Maybe hyenas aren't so bad, from what I heard.

Meanwhile At Pride Rock

"Is something wrong Kion?" Kiara asks as she approaches Kion who is on top of pride rock watching the sunset.

"Well...It's odd" Kion Saids confused.

"What's odd?" Kiara asks

"Its been 2 days since Janja and the hyenas attacked" Kion saids.

"Why is that odd Kion, didn't you and the lion guard stop the jackals, crocodiles, and vultures, all day today" Kiara mentions.

"Exactly they attack under scars orders but Janja and the hyenas haven't been with them which is odd" Kion Points out.

"Maybe scars putting them up to something big" Kiara suggests.

"Maybe your right, but don't worry Kiara I'll make sure nothing bad happens to the pride lands" Kion saids.

"I know you will" Kiara saids supporting Kion.

As both Kiara and Kion watch the sunset they both Nuzzle each other showing each other they have each other back.

This one is a bit shorter but I hope you enjoy

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