Chapter 29 We Will Defend

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Character List:

(Lion Guard) Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga, Ono

(Pride Landers) Ma Tembo, Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Makini, Y/N, Janja, Jasiri, Hyenas, Mzingo, Vultures

(Villians) Scar, Zira, Shupavu, Skinks, Ushari, Kenge, Rei Rei, Goi Goi, Jackals, Kirburi, Crocodiles, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka, Outsiders

Kion, Simba, Nala, Jasiri, and Beshte charged at Zira and her lionesses, while the lioness on Kiara was distracted looking at the fight Kiara used this moment to break free and kick the lioness away. After Kiara kicked the lioness away Kiara ran to Kovu, and Vitani was there, Kiara nuzzled her head on Kovu and licked his cheek. Kovu turned his head looking at Kiara, "Kiara is that you" Kovu asked with his one eye closed and his other opening slowly. Vitani was happy to see his brother awake but sadden to see a scar. Kiara didn't care and just continued to nuzzle Kovu in relieve, Kovu nuzzled back feeling Kiara. Vitani smiled to see Kiara and Kovu but she looked and saw that lioness coming behind Kiara, instantly Vitani charged at the lioness pinning her down.

"VITANI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" The Lioness shouted, Vitani looked at the lioness, "Doing what's right" Vitani answered kicking the lioness into the wall. Y/N ran to Janja, "Janja are you okay" Y/N cried. "Janja opened his eyes and saw Y/N, "Y/N are you okay" Janja grunted. "I'm fine but your not" Y/N replied looking at Janja paws that were bleeding. Y/N started to lick Janja paws to help stop the bleeding, "Thank you Y/N" Janja thanked grunting again. As Y/N was helping Janja, Kiara helping Kovu, and Vitani defended Janja, Y/N, Kiara, and Kovu.  Simba and Zira were face to face circling ready to strike. "Well, Simba isn't this familar" Zira mentioned, "What are you talking about," Simba asked, Zira grabbed Simba and went to his ear. "The last time I circled like this was when I killed Kopa" Zira whispered. Simba eyes widened having a flashback to when Simba and Nala found their dead child in the tall grass, "ZIRA!!" Simba yelled furriously swiping at her. But Zira backed up and was ready to fight Simba. 

While Simba and Zira were at it, Kion, Beshte and Jasiri fought a bunch of Lionesses Beshte slammed them into the walls while Kion and Jasiri used their paws to punch and kick there way through. Nala joined Vitani and helped defend Janja, Y/N, Kiara, and Kovu but Nala looked at Kiara, "Kiara are you okay" Nala asked holding off some Lionesses. "Yes, mom thanks to Vitani" Kiara answered. Nala looked over to her left and saw Vitani fighting her own mother's Lionesses.

Meanwhile In The Volcano

Shupavu was crawling into the cave worried and Scar noticed Shupavu, "Shupavu what's wrong" Scar asked. Shupavu was scared to tell Scar, "Shupavu Tell ME" Scar repeated raising his voice, "We're losing" Shupavu burst out scared. "WHAT" Scar shouted, "The pride lenders are helping the lion guard fight your army and Kion and Simba reached the lair and are fighting Zira and her outsiders" Shupavu reported. "SHUPAVU GO FIND EVERYONE AND TELL THEM TO REGROUP BACK HERE WE CAN NOT AFORD TO LOSE AGAIN!!!" Scar yelled furiously. Shupavu quickly ran to head back to the pride lands.

Meanwhile At Ndefu Grove

Scar's army was being forced back by both the Lion Guard and The Pride Landers, Ma Tembo sent Kirburi back into a rock while Fuli sent Rei Rei flying onto a rock. The Pride Landers fought the Jackals while The Lion Guard and Vultures fought the crocodilles. As Rei Rei and Kirburi get up they notice Shupavu crawl in, "Shupavu why are you here?" Rei Rei asked. "Scar is not happy he wants all of us to fall back to the volcano now" Shupavu explained leaving. Rei Rei and Kirburi looked at their forces, "RETREAT" They yelled as they ran heading towards the outlands. Just like that Scars army scattered and completely left running into the outlands. "Yeah and never come back" Bunga shouted in relive. "No time to last everyone to pride rock" Fuli ordered running to pride rock. Behind Fuli, the Lion Guard, Pride Landers, Vultures, and Hyena's follow Fuli.

Meanwhile At Pride Rock

Zira and her Lionesses were pushed out of the lair in front of Simba, Nala, Kion, Jasiri, Kiara, Kovu, Vitani, and Beshte. "It's over Zira give up," Simba remarked, "NEVER!! Stand tall my Lionesses" Zira ordered. "Mother please" Vitani begged, "NO! You're a traitor How could you betray your kind" Zira growled. As Vitani backed up in fear Nala stood in front, "She's not a traitor she is one of us and so is Kovu" Nala preached growling back at Zira. "I couldn't agree more" Simba growled at Zira. But before Simba and Nala did anything Kion stepped forward, "Zira it's over, this is for Y/N, Janja, hurting my family, and this is for the PRIDE LANDS" Kion shouted. 

Zira was remembering what happened last time, Kion dug his paws on the ground and looked at Zira and her outsiders, "Zira you will never be allowed back" Kion explained before his eyes widened. As Kion said that clouds were forming in the sky Kion opened his mouth and used the roar. The Roar hit Zira and her lionesses sending them out of the pride lands and back into the outlands. Kion stopped and breathed heavily, as Kion finished everyone was finally here, "Woah we heard that and that was un-Bunga-liveable" Bunga cheered. Simba and Nala came to Kion and so did the Lion Guard and the Pride Landers.

Meanwhile In The Lair

"What was that," Y/N asked nervously, Janja smiled and looked at Y/N. "That was Kion's roar and that means we won" Janja explained grunting. Y/N smiled as she heard Janja answer, but Janja looked up and saw Jasiri and she ran to Janja and nuzzled him, "Are you okay" Jasiri asked worriedly. Janja nuzzled back and smiled. Y/N smiled seeing Janja and Jasiri nuzzle, "Y/N!!" Kion shouted running into the lair, Y/N saw Kion and was running to him and they both hugged, nuzzled, then kissed then both Y/N and Kion, and Janja and Jasiri kissed their partners. While at the entrance the Lion Guard, Vultures, hyenas, Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu, and Vitani all smile.


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