Chapter 21 The Healing Factor

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The sun was about to set and everyone in the Lion Guard lair was getting worried, "where could they be?" Makini asked as she paced back and forth. "RAFIKI!!" Mzingo shouted as both Mzingo and Ono fly in with the gord. Rafiki catches the gord and opens it, "The Lotus" Rafiki gushed in excitement. "Rafiki quickly looked at Makini, "Come Makini lets treat Y/N before it's too late" Rafiki insisted. Simba and Nala walked over to Ono and Mzingo, "Where are the others" Simba asked. Mzingo and Ono quickly got back up, "Under attack by the crocodiles, and Jackals" Ono panicked. Simba and Nala looked alarmed until they looked behind Mzingo and Ono, "We're Ok" Bunga answered. After Bunga spoke, Beshte walked in with Janja on his back, "What happened" Nala asked concerned. As Jasiri, Fuli, and Beshte helped put Janja down Kion and Kiara walked over to their parents and nuzzled them, "Janja was seriously hurt in the fight" Kiara explained. Rafiki looked over and saw Janja's leg, "Makini help Janja I can finish up here," Rafiki said. Makini left Y/N to check on Janja. Jasiri looked at Makini worried, "Well how is he"Jasiri asked, Makini looked at Jasiri, "Janja leg looks bad but I'll do my best" Makini answered treating Janja leg. Fuli looked at Jasiri and saw a tear come out of her eye and fall on the ground then Jasiri ran out the lair, Kion was about to follow but Fuli stopped Kion, "Let me Kion" Fuli offered. Kion smiled, "Thanks Fuli" Kion replied, Fuli ran after Jasiri.

Meanwhile In The Volcano

Scar and Ushari saw Kiburi and Rei Rei run in, "Scar I'm sorry we..." Kiburi was trying to explain. "I know you failed Shupavu told me" Scar answered. As the Jackals and Corocdilles flinch preparing to be yelled at....nothing happened. "You're not upset," Rei Rei said backing up, Scar grinned evilly. "Rei Rei Kirburi I knew they would deliver the Lotus in time" Scar answered. The Jackals and Crocodiles were surprised and confused, "What was the point of the attack" Kiburi questioned, Scar smiled evilly, "Be patient Kirburi It's all part of my plan to rid of our Lion Guard problem" Scar explained evilly.

Meanwhile At Flatridge Rock

Jasiri sat on the edge looking out to the outlands, she was having flashbacks to the fight and how Janja protected her. "Why would Janja do that" Jasiri said talking to herself, "Maybe he has feelings for you," Fuli said standing behind Jasiri. Jasiri blushed in embarrassment but she shook it off and turned to see Fuli, "You followed me" Jasiri questioned. Fuli walks over and sits down beside Jasiri, "Let's talk girl to girl" Fuli offered looking at Jasiri. Jasiri smiled, "Thanks Fuli," Jasiri said sitting back down. "So what's on your mind," Fuli asked, "After everything we went through in the outlands Janja has really changed" Jasiri explained smiling. "Then, when he got hurt..." Fuli was saying then as Fuli said that Jasiri's face went from smiling to sad her ears dropped pointing towards the ground. "It hurt me to see him like that I promised to protect him...but I failed.." Jasiri said doubting herself. "Jasiri you didn't fail Janja you got him back to the lair you helped him, and Jasiri about your feelings, you never know Janja might like you back" Fuli reassured. Jasiri smiled and blushed then looked at Fuli, "Thanks for your help Fuli" Jasiri thanks. "No problem Sisi Ni Sawa" Fuli joked. Jasiri started to laugh, "Let's head back" Jasiri insisted. Fuli and Jasiri left Flatridge Rock and started walking towards The Lion Guard Lair.

Meanwhile At The Lion Guard Lair

After several minutes Jasiri and Fuli return just in time because Rafiki and Makini were finished, "so how are they Rafiki" Kion asked looking at Y/N then Janja. "After using the lotus with some other medicines Y/N will be fine she just needs sleep" Rafiki explained. "What about Janja," Jasiri asked, Makini looked at Jasiri, "Luckily we were able to heal his leg it needs to heal but he'll be fine too" Makini explained as ashe smiled at the end. Jasiri exhaled in relief and so did Kion, Kion laid down beside Y/N and Jasiri laid beside Janja. Fuli smiled looking at both Jasiri and Kion "Come on everyone it's time we all get some rest" Fuli said looking around her. After Fuli said that everyone decided to leave the lair to sleep, Simba, Nala, and Kiara went into pride rock, while Mzingo left to his tree, and The Lion Guard member all left heading different ways so they could go home and sleep. As everyone left Kion nuzzled Y/N and looked up at Jasiri and saw she was looking at Janja. "Jasiri he'll be fine" Kion reassured, Jasiri snapped out of her thought and looked at Kion. "Thanks, Kion" Jasiri thanked, "So how are you going to tell him," Kion asked curiously. "I don't know if he feels the same" Jasiri answered, Kion looked surprised, "Jasiri that's what Y/N and I thought at first we didn't like each other but over time I learned more and I developed feelings for her" Kion recalled when Y/N and Kion were in the cave.

"How did you to talk to each other" Jasiri asked, Kion smiled and looked at Y/N, "She told me and I told her then our feelings came on top for each other" Kion explained to Jasiri as Kion nuzzled Y/N head, as silence broke out Kion fell asleep beside Y/N. Jasiri laid her head beside Janja and looked at him, "Good Night Janja, get well soone" Jasiri said softly before nuzzling Janja's head. Jasiri laid her head down and fell asleep for the night.


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