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Minho was laying in his bed with his phone resting on his chest. His mind kept playing the conversation he had with Seungmin, Hyunjin, Woojin and Chan over and over again.

He was scared, not because he didn't want to loose his cats, but because there was an actual possibility he might end up hurting Jisung.

He never intended on hurting anybody, but somehow his ex'es always ended up with a broken heart. Minho didn't know what he did wrong. Mabye it was the way he acted towards them. Was he too flirty with other people? Did he not care enough for them? Was he too sexual?

Minho had his own rule of never sleeping with anyone unless he was in an actual relationship with them. He didn't want to turn into a fuckboy. But had this rule caused him to push himself onto his partners?

Minho's relationships never lasted for more than a month, at most. Yet he had never been the one to break up with his partners. It was always them. The latter had no idea why everyone always broke up with him because Minho supposedly had broken their hearts, and cut off every source of contact with him.

The only ex he still spoke to was Felix, and that was just because they had been dancing together for an eternity and that made a bond of friendship form between them.

Now Minho felt like he might actually have a chance with Felix's friend Jisung, and he didn't want to screw it up like he screwed up every other relationship he had been in.

Minho felt like he needed a new set of rules for how to act around Jisung. The latter opened his plone and entered his notes to make his list.

Rules I need to not screw up my relationship with Jisung

-Never flirt with anyone other than Jisung
-Don't sleep with Jisung until I've had a conversation about it and knows he wants to
-Always be polite ~ no yelling or arguments
-Never speak badly of/to Jisung or his friends EVER
-Always care for Jisung ~ make sure he knows I love him no matter what
-Never do anything that could possibly make Jisung uncomfortable
-Never harm Jisung in any way ~ physically and mentally
-Always apologize, no matter what
-Remember that he can't eat banana, blueberry, coconut, orange, sushi, shrimp or octopus/squid
-Never serve anything that contains caffeine or alcohol
-Never go out and get drunk in case I do something and lose my Jisung because I have no self control
-Never fall out of love with Jisung

Minho tried to think of anything else he might have done wrong in his past relationships and that may have caused his previous breakups but he couldn't think of anything.

The latter exited his notes app and placed his phone back down beside his head on his bed. He let out a frustrated sigh while trying to think of something, anything that he did wrong in his past relationships.

There was Felix, who he slept with and then dumped because he fell out of love. He knew what he did wrong there and had already put down rules against it. Felix was the only one he had dumped and not the other way around.

Then there was Corey, the exchange student from England. Corey dumped Minho the day after they had gone to a club together. Minho couldn't remember anything from that night but assumed that Corey had caught him with another man or something, because Corey looked devastated when he broke up with Minho. Minho had put up a rule against clubbing and alcohol so he hoped that it wouldn't happen with Jisung as well.

Then there was Ryujin, the reason why Minho stuck to dating guys. She had broken up with Minho after she caught Minho flirting with another girl. Ryujin had reacted pretty badly and broken Minho's wrist during their breakup. Minho was praying that he wouldn't do the same thing to Jisung. He also guessed that the reason why his breakups had been more peaceful after Ryujin was because he only dated guys after her.

After his wrist had healed, Minho got together with a boy named Jeongin. Jeongin dumped Minho a day after they slept together for the first time. Minho guessed that it was on him because Jeongin was the definition of pure and innocent, and probably didn't want to lose his first time to a boy like Minho. Minho could only pray he wouldn't end up pushing himself onto Jisung like he did with Felix and Jeongin. He had no intentions of doing such things to Jisung.

Next it was a younger boy named Soobin. Come to think of it, Minho had only ever dated younger people. Anyways, Soobin dumped Minho after he saw a couple of hurtful texts Minho had sent to his friends, regarding Soobin. Minho had put up a rule against that as well, so hopefully that episode wouldn't repeat itself.

Lastly Minho dated a guy named Yeonjun. The latter broke up with Minho because they tended to argue a lot, ending in long periods of time where they didn't speak. The last argument they had argued ended in Minho slapping Yeonjun because of something the younger said. Their relationship was over the moment Minho's hand made contact with Yeonjun's cheek.

After his breakup with Yeonjun, Minho hadn't been in another relationship for a year, which means no intercorse or sexual activities for a year. This caused Minho to grow worried that he might actually end up pushing himself onto Jisung, because of how long it had been since the last time.

The latter could only pray that something like that didn't happen. Some might say it's all on Minho, whether or not he ends up sleeping with Jisung, but he really couldn't help it. He had slept with both Felix and Jeongin without having intended to do so. He didn't even know how he ended up in bed with the boys underneath himself. It just happened. He really didn't want the same thing to happen with Jisung.

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