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Jisung had joined Changbin and Seungmin in their mission of picking up their boyfriends from their dance practice. Usually the 3 would get there themselves, but today Minho's car decided to break down, leaving them with the only option of Changbin picking them up in his car.

The 3 made their way into the fancy looking building. Changbin and Seungmin automatically walked towards the dance studio, while Jisung waddled after them like a lost baby penguin.

As they neared a room, Jisung could hear the bass from the music fill the hallway. Changbin opened the door and shamelessly walked into the room like every other time he had picked up Felix.

Seungmin and Jisung followed, clearly noticing the change in the volume of the music. The 3 closed the door behind themselves and took a seat by the wall.

Jisung's eyes scanned the room for his boyfriend. He looked around, not recognizing anyone until he suddenly made eye contact with someone through the mirror.

Minho offered Jisung a smile before putting his focus back at their instructor.

"Ok everyone, let's take it from the top." the instructor said, clicking a button on his phone to change the song.

A steady beat blasted through the speakers. The song started playing, and the dancers all got into position. Jisung's eyes stayed on Minho, curious as to how good of a dancer his boyfriend was.

The whole group of dancers stood frozen in their starting positions until they suddenly all started moving in sync. Jisung was quite impressed by how synchronized the group was.

Minho moved together with the group, looking like a perfect addition to their body of dancers. Everyone knew their part well, and danced it to the fullest.

A part came where all the males grinded down on the floor while the females sat on their knees, rolling their bodies upwards. Jisung was left in shock by how sexy Minho looked, and how good the part of the choreography looked together with the bridge of the song.

After a few more minutes of watching Minho dance together with his group, the song came to an end and the dancers all sat down, panting. Jisung ached to run over to Minho and touch him by the sight, but figured he shouldn't do so in public, let alone in front of Minho's dance group.

The instructor gave the group a minute's worth of feedback before dismissing the group. Felix and Changbin quickly walked over to each other and started chatting. Seungmin and Hyunjin were kissing, not giving a fuck about the stares this earned them.

Jisung saw Minho walking towards him and immediately smiled widely. Minho pulled Jisung in for a hug, kissing his cheeks lovingly. The two stepped out of the hug and intertwined their fingers out of habit.

"Hey sungie baby." Minho said with a smile.

Jisung smiled back, despite Minho's annoyingly cheesy nickname for him.

"Hey, Minho hyung." Jisung answered happily.

"What did you think of the dance?" Minho asked.

Jisung grinned proudly and squeezed Minho's hand lightly.

"It was great. You're a really good dancer hyung." Jisung answered, salmontaniously taking a step closer to his boyfriend.

Minho smiled and moved his free hand to Jisung's waist. Jisung and Minho were about to lean in for a kiss, when they were interrupted by a light voice.

"Hey, Minmin oppa."

The two turned to the side, coming face to face with a girl. Jisung recognized her as one of the girls from Minho's dance group.

"Hey Mina." Minho answered politely, letting go of Jisung's waist.

"You did great today oppa. I see that you've improved a lot, especially the part during the bridge." Mina said while stepping dangerously close to Jisung's boyfriend, ignoring Jisung's existence.

Jisung recalled that the bridge of the song was where Minho grinded. He did not like how the girl seemed to be flirting with his Minho.

"Oh, thank you. You did great today too." Minho politely answered.

"So, do you mabye wanna grab a bite? I wanna spend more time with my Minmin oppa." Mina said with a sickening and overly cute pout.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mina, I'm going with Jisung." Minho said with an apologetic smile.

Mina finally turned to look at Jisung, seemingly ignoring how close the younger boy was standing to Minho and how their fingers were tightly intertwined still.

"Ok, oppa. We'll grab a bite next time. I'm looking forward to spending some time with you alone." Mina fakely said.

Minho scratched the back of his neck I'm embarrassment. He looked down at Jisung, noticing the subconscious pout resting on his lips as his boyfriend was looking down sadly.

"I don't know if I'll be able to spend time with you Mina, I've promised all my time to Jisung." Minho answered with a forced smile on his face.

Mina looked at Minho with a resting bitch face, but quickly covered it up with a fake smile.

"But oppa. I wanna get to know you better. I really like you, you seem interesting and fun." Mina said, grabbing Minho's free hand while doing so.

Minho noticed how Jisung stepped closer to him, making him feel the vibrations in Jisung's chest as the younger growled because of Mina touching his man.

Minho slowly pulled his hand away from Mina while looking at her politely.

"I'm sorry, Mina. I need to spend time with my boyfriend." Minho said in a determined yet soft voice.

Mina looked at Minho with questioning eyes, wondering if her ears were playing her, or if she just heard the words 'my boyfriend' leave Minho's lips.

Minho's brought his free hand to Jisung's waist, pulling the younger closer. Jisung smiled and placed a hand onto Minho chest while smiling.

"O-oh. I'm sorry, I'll leave then." Mina said, rushing off afterwards.

Minho chuckled and averted his attention down to the boy in his arms. Jisung smiled as he locked eyes with Minho. The two shared a soft and loving kiss before they parted to find their friends and drive home.

They found Felix and Changbin by the mirror, speaking happily, and Seungmin and Hyunjin eating each other's faces off by the door.

Together the group piled into Changbin's car, driving back home.

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