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The doorbell rang, interrupting the conversion going on in the main room of Minho's apartment.

Jisung went to open the door, figuring it would have to be the two he told to come over.

He opened the door, greeting the couple with a hug. The two hugged him back, and removed their shoes and jackets before entering.

The smell of food still hung over the apartment as they followed Jisung towards there Minho and his family was seated.

"Oh, hello. Jisung, are these the two you told us about?" Minho's mother asked with a smile, standing up.

Jisung nodded his head and went back to take a seat next to Minho.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Lee. I'm Christopher Bang." Chan said, bowing his head politely.

"And I'm Kim Woojin. It's nice to meet you all." Woojin said with his signature warm smile.

Jisung could see Mrs. Lee melting at his hyungs. The trick of bringing out the two eldest always worked.

"So I understand that you're concidering making Minho move in with Jisung?" Chan asked, taking a seat.

Woojin followed put, taking Chan's hand into his. The eldest peaked over towards Minho and flashed him a reassuring smile.

Chan could see Mrs. Lee peak down to his and Woojin's intertwined hands, smiling when he saw her expression lighten up at the sight.

"That is correct. However, we don't want them to live together alone, and Jisung told us that you might be willing to move in with them." Mr. Lee said, joining the conversation.

"Yes of course. It's 100% understandable that you want more people present to take care of Minho, and of course we'd be willing to do so." Woojin answered in a soft voice.

"That is great, we really appreciate your help." Mrs. Lee said with a smile.

It was clear that all the adults had fallen for Jisung's trap of bringing the perfect hyungs into the picture.

"Now tell us a bit about yourselves. We want to get to know Minho's future roommates a bit." Nana said, smiling softly.

"Of course. I am 21 years old. I study medicine at the University just a few minutes away from here. I currently live by myself. I've known Chan for a few years, but we only got together about 3 months ago. I grew up about 30 minutes away from here, in the more suburban areas. And one of Minho's best friends is also my cousin." Woojin said, making sure to bring out his best features.

Minho's relatives were all glowing with happiness as they heard Woojin talk about himself.

"I am 21 too, just like Woojin. I was born and raised in Australia, but I moved here a few years back to study. I graduated 2 years ago, and i now work for a national music- and entertainment company as a songwriter and composer. I have actually written and sold 150 successful tracks as of yesterday. I currently live together with Jisung and another good friend, and I am together with Woojin." Chan said with a smile.

"Wow, that's actually pretty dope. Aussie kid makes music." Mingi said, making Chan laugh.

"Jisungie, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself as well?" Minho's aunt asked.

"Yeah, of course. I am currently 18 years old. I live together with Chan and another close friend only a few minutes away from here. I was born in Korea, but raised in Malaysia. I moved here a few years back with my family to study as well. I am currently studying composition and songwriting, but I also attend classes of natural science. Most of my classes are online though, so I spend a lot of time at home. I also work at a Cafe a few blocks down the street, together with another friend." Jisung said, sounding happy.

"That sounds nice. I didn't know that you were 2 years younger than Minho though. You seem so mature and grown up for a 18 year old." Nana said.

"Yeah, a lot of people say that actually." Chan said with a laugh, patting Jisung's back as he did so.

Jisung smiled sheepishly, and looked down with red cheeks.

"Both you and Chan makes music, have you made anything together?" Mingi asked.

Chan nodded his head happily.

"Yes, we've made a few tracks together with our shared roommate.

"That sounds lovely. Could you mabye show us something?" Nana happily asked.

Jisung was too busy blushing and panicking about the fact that his music was about to get shared with his boyfriend's family, to notice that Chan had wipped out his phone and connected to the built in stereo in the main room.

"What should I play?" Chan wondered out loud.

"Play wow." Woojin suggested with a giggle, making Chan snort from laughter.

The aussie immediately covered his mouth with a gasp. The others didn't waste any time laughing at Chan's reaction.

Chan pressed play on a song, and hid away in Woojin's arms as the song played through the speakers at a comfortable volum.

"Wow, this is so comfortable to listen to. Which song is it?" Mingi asked.

"This is Jisung's solo track. It's called 'I SEE'. Chan answered with a smile.

Everybody looked towards Jisung, seeing how his face was buried deeply into Minho's chest as he was shaking in fear of his song not being of liking to Minho's family.

Minho stroked Jisung's hair much like Jisung always did to him, while listening in awe by the beautiful voice singing and rapping.

Chan please, change the song." Jisung pleaded, his voice muffled by Minho's body.

"Alright." Chan answered and pressed play on another song instead.

Changbin's strong voice eccoed through the room as 'Hoodie season' played over the speakers.

"This is our third roommate rapping." Chan said with a proud smile on his face as he listened to Changbin's rap.

"This is dope. Honestly dude, you're awesome!" Mingi said, bumping Chan's fist.

Chan grinned and scratched his neck in embarrassments from the compliment.

The song soon came to an end, and Chan quickly disconnected from the speakers to make sure he didn't make any mistakes, playing something inappropriate through the apartment.

"Why have I never heard those songs before? You're so talented baby!" Minho said into Jisung's ear.

"Because I didn't want you to." Jisung answered, looking at Minho hesitantly.

Minho could only smile at Jisung's cute but unsure expression. Their little moment was broken by Minho's father.

"We should get going now, it's getting dark. But thank you all so much for taking care of Minho. We'll be sure to stop by once you've all moved in together and fixed up the apartment."

Minho nodded his head happily and saw his family out. He felt much better, all because of Jisung preventing his life from falling apart because of his parents decision.

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