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Jeongin slowly paced back and forth, wiping away his tears every two seconds. The people around him were doing the best they could at calming the young boy down, but it didn't work.

Minho was still sitting on top of the bridge railing, looking down with empty eyes. Whenever someone tried to near him he would tense up and start leaning forwards.

The crowd kept a safe distance, just waiting for someone to come rescue the poor boy.

The sirens from the police cars nearing the bridge filled the air. Jeongin clung to the elderly woman whom so kindly had offered him a pair of arms to rest in.

"Everybody step back." The policemen yelled out.

The crowd slowly decreased as people started leaving not to overwhelm the poor boy.

"Who was it that called the police?" A policeman yelled, earning a raised arm from one of the adult men present.

"I called."

"Sir, officer. Please, this young boy knows him." The woman holding Jeongin said, cutting into their conversations.

"Is that correct sir?" the policeman asked Jeongin.

Jeongin stepped out of the woman's arms, and nodded his head while wiping his tears with his sweater paw.

"Can you tell me his name and your relationship with him?" The same officer asked, getting ready to write down the answer.

"His name is Lee Minho. I'm his ex-boyfriend." Jeongin answered in a raspy voice.

"Do you think you could try talking to him? He may listen to you considering your past." The officer asked, closing his notebook.

"No, he wouldn't listen to me. He'll only listen to his new boyfriend, but I don't know if he's coming. I called Soobinnie and told him to call his boyfriend, but I don't know if he's coming." Jeongin said, a new wave of tears spilling from his eyes.

The officer nodded his head and patted Jeongin's shoulder to calm him down.

"Do you know the name of his new boyfriend? We might be able to contact him." The officer asked in a soothing voice.

Jeongin shook his head.

"I can't remember. I never really spoke with him." Jeongin answered, holding himself in his arms.

The officer nodded his head and showed Jeongin a comforting smile.

The officer went back to speaking with the man he first spoke with, leaving Jeongin to himself once again.

"MINHO!" A desperate voice called out.

Almost everyone turned to the voice, seeing a young boy running towards them. The boy dowe under the policetape, and continued running towards Minho's body on the railing.

However, before he could reach him, his arms were grabbed and held back by two police officers.

"LET ME GO! MINHO! MINHO!" Jisung yelled, his eyes flooding over with tears at the sight of his boyfriend sitting on the railing of a bridge, close to jumping off.

Minho turned around once he recognized the voice calling out his name desperately. He slung his legs over the railing, but didn't get off it. Minho looked at Jisung with loving eyes, smiling softly.

"Jisungie. You came. You're here." Minho said in a soft, almost unnaturally heavenly voice.

Jisung managed to struggle out of the arms holding him, and ran the last couple of feet before his body collided with Minho's.

Jisung pulled Minho down from the railing, immediately burying his face in his boyfriend's neck. Jisung held Minho's head close to his with one hand, having tangled his fingers into Minho's soft locks, while his other hand lay steadily around Minho's waist to hold him close.

Minho hugged Jisung back, finally feeling like he wasn't totally abandoned. He didn't feel alone anymore, in the arms of his love.

Jisung legs collapsed from the intense running. He fell to the ground, dragging Minho with him because of his tight grip on his boyfriend's body.

"God, Minho." Jisung said into Minho's neck, tightening his grip on his boyfriend.

The two sat on the ground for a while, just holding each other closely. Jisung was crying still, while Minho hid away in Jisung's neck, regretting what he almost did.

"MINHO!" Another voice called out.

Jisung and Minho parted from their hug and looked towards the voice. They immediately spotted their shared group of friends running towards them. They both stood up, still holding onto each other.

Felix was the first one to throw himself into Minho's arms, followed by the others. The whole group hugged Minho tightly, forgetting about his crying and shaking boyfriend behind themselves.

Jeongin saw this, and immediately ran up to Jisung, trapping him in a hug. Jisung hugged Jeongin back, both to comfort the terrified younger and because he dearly needed a hug right now.

Minho pushed everyone away from himself. He didn't need all of them right now, he needed his boyfriend.

Minho pulled Jisung onto his arms, not caring that Jeongin was clinging to his boyfriend. Jeongin let go of Jisung, but was brought into a hug by Hyunjin and Seungmin a moment later.

"Baby." Jisung whimpered out, placing his hands on both sides of Minho's face.

Minho's hands were glued to Jisung's hips, holding his body close.

"I'm sorry." Minho whispered, letting a tear escape his eyes.

"It's ok Minho. I love you so much, it's ok. It's ok baby." Jisung reassured Minho before pulling the elder in for a kiss.

Minho brought Jisung closer, putting all his emotions into the kiss. Jisung could practically taste the regret, the loneliness and the hurting Minho was feeling.

The two kissed once more, not managing to keep their lips apart.

Minho pulled away, feeling uncomfortable by the fact that everyone were watching them kiss.

Jisung made sure Minho payed no attention to their audience, by holding Minho's face close to his, and maintaining eye contact.

"I love you Jisungie. I'm so sorry." Minho whispered, only for Jisung to hear.

"I love you too, Minho. Don't be sorry, it's all good now. It's all forgotten. Don't be sorry." Jisung insisted.

Minho smiled and placed his head onto Jisung's shoulder. Jisung hugged Minho back while caressing his back and fiddling with his hair.

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