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"So, regarding your living situation, Minho-" Minho's mother said after a few minutes of silence.

"Mom." Minho whimpered out, not wanting to even think about having to move away from his friends and his Jisungie.

Jisung moved his free hand to Minho's thigh, caressing it to calm him down.

"I'm serious Minho. You can't live like this anymore. Your roommates don't seem to have enough time to take care of you, and if they do, they don't have the ability to calm you down like Jisung does. Your health has to be top priority Minho." Minho's mom strictly said.

"I can't move back mom. I-I can't, I-I-I can't leave my f-friends o-or Jis-Jisungie." Minho said, crying silently.

Jisung quickly pulled Minho's head onto his shoulder and turned sideways in his chair to hold Minho tightly. The elder cried onto his shoulder for the nth time that day.

"Minho, she's doing this for your safety. We can't have you trying to take your own life all the time." Minho's aunt said in a soft voice.

Minho clung to Jisung's body, letting his tears flow freely, wetting his boyfriend's shirt.

"Sssh. Calm down baby. It's ok Minho. I'm here." Jisung whispered into Minho's ear, but the others still heard due to the silence of the apartment.

Minho slowly calmed down to Jisung's soothing voice. He lifted his head oof Jisung's body and turned to look at his mother

"Excuse me and Jisung for a moment." Minho said, taking Jisung's hand in his and pulling his to stand up.

Jisung followed, flashing Minho's family a small smile before he turned away.

Minho pulled Jisung into his room, and immediately went to hug his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Jisung. Please help me, I can't move back home." Minho said while clinging to Jisung's frame.

"Hey it's ok. We're gonna find solution to this together." Jisung said while running his fingers through Minho's hair.

"They live so far away, I can't live that far away from you. I can't." Minho whimpered.

"How far away, baby?" Jisung asked in a soothing voice.

"An hour?" Minho answered, sounding a bit unsure.

"Were gonna find a solution to this Minho. Don't worry, I'm not letting you move away." Jisung assured Minho.

Minho pulled away from Jisung and wiped his tears. He looked deeply into Jisung's eyes, slowly moving his hands to Jisung's waist.

"I love you." Minho whispered, feeling genuinely grateful for his boyfriend.

"I love you too, Honey." Jisung said with a smile.

Minho quickly placed his lips onto Jisung's, letting them stay there as he brought Jisung's body closer. Jisung kissed Minho back, feeling his whole body tingle with joy.

Their lips slowly parted, but were immediately brought back together by Jisung. The younger slowly moved his lips against Minho's, feeling Minho mirror his actions. The two kissed for a while, bringing nothing but love and reassurance into the kiss.

Their lips parted softly, making them both smile from the euphoric feeling in their bodies. Jisung moved his hand up to brush some hair out of Minho's eyes, before he hooked his finger under Minho's chin and pulled the elder in for another short kiss.

"Ok, enough kissing." Mingi's voice called out from the enterance of the room.

Jisung and Minho's pulled away from the kiss and turned to look at Minho's cousin.

"You seriously just stood there for 5 minutes, kissing, and when you finally stopped you started kissing again 2 seconds later. That's gross man." Mingi playfully said.

"Shut it. You're just jealous that you haven't been kissed your whole life, Virgin." Jisung shot back with a smug smile on his face.

"I might be a Virgin, but at least im a top, you bottom." Mingi said back, making Minho giggle.

"Why do you think I'm bottom!" Jisung asked in an unnaturally high voice.

"Your hands are on his neck. That's literally screaming bottom energy." Mingi said with a grin.

"Better than screaming virgin energy, you virgin." Jisung answered, letting his hands fall to Minho's chest.

"Ok that's it, I'm stealing your mans." Mingi said, looking playfully angry.

Mingi hurried over to the two, and threw Minho over his shoulder.

Jisung's mouth dropped as Mingi ran into the main room with Minho over his shoulder.

"Hey, give me back my boyfriend." Jisung whined, following the two.

Mingi placed Minho onto the couch and turned around to launch an attack onto Jisung. Jisung jumped back, and started running the other way.

Minho's parents, grandmother and aunt laughed as they saw Jisung and Mingi play fighting.

It ended with Mingi sitting on top of Jisung, tickling dear life out of the squirrel.

"Mingi, that's enough, let the poor boy live." Minho's aunts said through the laughter.

Mingi let go of Jisung, and found his seat by the table once again. Jisung stayed down on the floor, just breathing heavily until Minho came over to help him up.

The two sat back down and continued eating with Minho's family.

"Mrs. Lee?" Jisung asked, making Minho's mother look at him questionably.

"As I'm sure you've understood, Minho isn't too happy with the idea of moving back home. And I've noticed that the reason you want him to move away is because no one has time to take care of him in his current living situation.

So mabye as a compromise he could move in with me. I have plenty of spare time, and I love spending it with Minho so there would be no trouble there. And if you're uncomfortable with the two of us living alone together, I know people who would be willing to move in with us, whom also would be great at looking after Minho when I'm busy." Jisung said, making Minho's mother look at him in shock.

"You'd be willing to do that?" Mrs. Lee asked with wide eyes.

"Of course. I'd be glad to do whatever makes Minho feel comfortable." Jisung answered with a smile.

"Well, then I suppose I can get on board with your idea. And I do like the thought of you living with more people, who would also be willing to look after Minho... Do you think there is any possibility that we could meet them today? To make a final decision." Minho's mom said, looking around the table for confirmation

Everybody else nodded their heads, seeming happy with Jisung's suggestion.

"Of course. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll go call them over right now." Jisung said leaving the table, but not before placing a reassuring kiss onto Minho's forehead.

"Minho, honey are you ok with this?" Minho's father asked him.

Minho quickly nodded his head.

"Yes, I'd rather live with Jisung than with anyone else." Minho insisted

His family nodded their heads and smiled at this.

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