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Jisung threw the door to the apartment open and ran into the main room, followed by a stressed out Changbin, yelling for him to calm down.

Jisung fell to his knees once he saw the state of Minho's apartment. The place had looked so happy and welcoming a few hours prior, and now he was standing amongst the remains of its interior.

Changbin was quick to pull Felix into a hug while muttering soft words into his ear to calm him down. Chan and Woojin ran into the room as well - eyes widening and jaws dropping once they saw the mess the others were standing in.

Chan quickly picked Jisung up from the floor and brought him over to the couch. The two eldest hugged Jisung from both sides while the others hugged their boyfriends.

Jisung was bawling his eyes out while yelling out how he was the reason for Minho's disappearing. The others tried to calm the latter down but to no use.

"Jisung this wasn't your fault. It's Minho who reacted badly." Woojin insisted.

"NO IT WAS ME! I'M SUCH A DICK, WHY DID I GET MAD AT HIM WITHOUT REASON!? THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" The squirrel shouted out while tugging on his hair.

"Jisung calm down, this wasn't your fault." Seungmin said.

Jisung abruptly stood up form the couch and walked over towards the balcony doors.

"Where are you going?" Chan worriedly asked.

"I need some air." Jisung muttered while opening the glass doors.

The boy stepped out into the coldness of the night. He filled his lungs with the refreshing air, breathing it out after a minute.

Jisung looked across the city, wondering where Minho was. His mind picked up a faint sound of something shuffling a bit filled the silence, but Jisung didn't think anything about it, figuring it had to be the boys inside.

Jisung stood outside for a few more moments before he decided to go back inside. It was freezing cold outside, and he wasn't wearing anything but a simple hoodie.

Jisung turned around to walk back inside. He saw something moving in the corner of his eyes, and quickly turned to it, expecting a bird or bat or something.

What he didn't expect was to see the bloodstained and shivering body of the boy he had fallen for. Jisung screamed in pure horror while watching the small pond of blood surrounding Minho's shivering body.

The others were quick to run outside, freezing once they spotted Minho's body as well. The boy was sitting shirtless outside on the balcony, leaning up against the wall and railing. His body was curled into a ball. Minho's hands were wrapped tightly around his knees and his face hidden in the gap between his knees and upper body.

Minho's body was shaking while letting the blood slowly run out of the fresh wounds littering his body.

Jisung dove down and tried to lift Minho's head to check if he was conscious and responsive. However, Minho refused to let Jisung lift his head, or even unwrap his arms from around his body.

The others joined in, trying to unwrap Minho from his position. Only when they grabbed a part of his body each and pulled it away from the others, were they able to see Minho's face.

What scared them all was Minho's expression. His eyes looked dead. Like he he was dead inside, but his body wasn't. Jisung took Minho's face into his hands while looking into his eyes worriedly. Minho didn't respond to anything. He acted totally catatonic, even so, his limbs were struggling for their escape from the others' grips.

"Minho. Minho answer me please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This Is all my fault. Please tell me you're ok. You can't leave me yet." Jisung cried while holding Minho.

The young boy got no response. He left a kiss on Minho's cheek, hoping to get a reaction out of him, but gained nothing.

"We need to take him inside. His body is ice-cold. God knows how long he has been sitting here." Chan said.

The eldest Australian picked up Minho bridal style and carried him into the apartment. Chan placed Minho onto the couch. They all had to hold Minho down still to keep him from curling into a ball again.

"Why is he struggling so much." Jisung asked in a raspy voice while watching Minho struggle against his friends.

Woojin sighed as he placed a first aid kit down onto the coffee table. He looked at Jisung while explaining, salmontaniously cleaning a few of Minho's wounds.

"This all might be a sign that his brain is damaged. The way he lashed out and ruined the apartment together with how he isn't responding to anything we say or do. His body is struggling against the cold by curling together to save the warmth he has left, but his brain isn't functioning properly it seems." Woojin explained.

Jisung nodded his head while looking towards Minho.

"So he's not going to get better? Is that what you're saying?" Jisung whispered.

"No, that was just a theory. He might just be in shock from the cold, and therefore his brain shut down to give more energy to his body to function. We have to wait until tomorrow to see." Woojin said while bandaging up a couple of Minho's wounds.

Jisung nodded his head and sat down next to Minho. He caressed Minho's cheek with his hand while looking down at him in worry. Minho's body was ice cold. It felt like Minho had been frozen.

Jisung layed down next to Minho and hugged him while Woojin was working - trying to warm up his body.

Minho struggled for a bit more before he slowly started calming down. His body slowly curled up against Jisung's, taking in every last bit of warmth the younger's was giving him.

The others let Minho go and watched as he hugged Jisung like his life depended on it. Jisung hugged Minho back, burying his face in the elder's neck.

Minho's body was curled up against Jisung's. He was holding himself while laying in Jisung's arms. The pair slowly fell asleep with each other in their arms, as if nothing had happened at all.

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