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Jisung and Minho were laying together on Minho, Felix and Hyunjin's shared couch, watching
.................... You guessed it..................
Disney cartoons.

Their limbs were intertwined in every single twisted way possible and their cheeks smooches together as their eyes followed the animated movements on the TV.

Jisung's eyes were glued to the screen, but he didn't register what was going on at all. His mind was filled with worry, wondering when Minho would be going into his space. His hand clutched the material of Minho's shirt as he thought about what had happened the last time Minho was in his low.

His first breakdown when Jisung got mad at him. His breakdown the first time they encountered Minho's ex'es. His second breakdown when Minho encountered his ex'es.

Jisung was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt Minho vibrate from the light laughter escaping him. Jisung looked at the TV, seeing that a Donald Duck cartoon was playing as Minho laughed.

Jisung smiled at the heavenly sound and left a quick kiss onto Minho's cheek. The elder turned to Jisung and smiled in content. The squirrel smiled back while admiring his boyfriend's face and body.

Minho softly intertwined their fingers and raised Jisung's hand to his mouth, kissing the ring Minho had given him. The fact that Jisung wore the ring every single day made Minho's heart flutter in joy. The thought of Jisung loving him as much as he loved the younger made him smile widely.

Minho leaned in and left a soft peck onto Jisung's lips. The younger pouted, wanting more. No matter how much they kissed, it couldn't make up for the lack of kisses they had shared before Minho's proposal. Jisung placed his free hand onto Minho's jaw and pulled the elder in for another kiss.

Minho melted into the touch. He slowly grabbed Jisung's hip, pulling the younger towards himself. Jisung pulled his legs out from the space in between Minho's legs and moved them to each side of his body instead. Minho pulled Jisung up from the couch, helping the younger straddle him.

Minho sat up as well, straightening out his back and legs. Jisung moved both hands into Minho's hair, softly and sensually dragging his fingers through the elder's locks as their lips moved together beautifully. Jisung opened his mouth, wanting to feel the elder inside of him. Minho quickly shoved his tongue into Jisung's mouth, attacking the younger's tongue with his own.

Jisung wrapped his tongue around Minho's, feeling Minho pull on his tongue with his own. Jisung started to unbutton Minho's shirt while letting the elder lick every inch of his inside. Minho's heart stopped beating as he felt Jisung's hand come in contact with his exposed chest. He hadn't even noticed what the younger had done before it was too late.

Minho gulped while pulling his tongue out of Jisung's mouth and disconnecting their lips. Minho looked at Jisung with worried eyes. Jisung looked back at him in confusion, until he noticed the tears building up in Minho's eyes. Jisung quickly pulled his hands away from Minho and jumped off his lap.

Jisung brought his hands up to his hair and tugged on his locks in frustration as he slowly backed away from the couch and Minho's shirtless body.

"Oh my God Minho I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, please forgive me. I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or push myself onto you. I really shouldn't have done that, especially since you're just hours away from going into your bad space, I'm So so sorry. Please tell me I didn't send you into your space again? God I'm such a shitty boyfriend, I'm sorry Minho, I-" Jisung rambled while stepping away.

Minho quickly got off the couch and leaped towards Jisung. He quickly engulfed Jisung in a hug while whispering soft words to him, almost like Jisung always did when Minho was in his space.

Minho's heart was beating rapidly as he thought about what just happened. He had broken off their make-out-session once he felt Jisung touch him, because he was scared of what might happen next. He wasn't uncomfortable or anything. And Jisung certainly didn't push himself onto the elder, Minho wanted to continue.

But that's what scared him. Minho wanted to start undressing Jisung. He wanted to run his hands over Jisung's naked body, telling him how beautiful he is. He wanted to feel Jisung's insides in a way no one had done before. He wanted to hear Jisung moan out his name while he left hickeys all over his body.

But Minho couldn't do that. He couldn't sleep with Jisung. Having sex with his boyfriends had caused 2 of them to break up with him, and he couldn't have that happening with Jisung as well.

Minho truly loved Jisung and wasn't willing to risk their relationship, no matter what. And he also hadn't talked to Jisung about the topic, meaning that he would be breaking his rules if he slept with the younger now.

Jisung hugged Minho tightly while feeling guilty for his actions. He felt embarrassed, guilty, dirty and bad. He shouldn't have pushed himself onto Minho.

"Baby, don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong." Minho whispered while stroking Jisung's back.

Jisung shook his head against Minho's shoulder and started to button up Minho's shirt again.

"I'm sorry for pushing myself onto you Minho, I shouldn't have done that." Jisung whimpered out.

Minho hugged Jisung tighter while letting the younger button up his shirt.

"You didn't push yourself onto me, baby boy. I just don't think we should do it while I'm close to going into my low." Minho said while holding his boyfriend close to his chest.

Jisung sniffles and wrapped his arms back around Minho's neck.

"I'm sorry Minho. It's ok if you don't want me like that." Jisung said against Minho's shirt.

"Baby, it's not like that. I want you. I really really want you, but we can't do it yet, ok? We have to wait for a bit." Minho explained in a soft voice.

Jisung pulled away and pecked Minho's lips softly.

"You want me? Really?" Jisung asked while smiling softly.

Minho nodded softly while intertwining his fingers with Jisung's.

"More than anything in this world." Minho answered with a soft smile while admiring his boyfriend's visuals.

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