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Felix got into his car and drove back home after having given Changbin a short explanation of why he had to go back home at 11pm.

The aussie hummed silently to the soft music on the radio while bopping his head softly and comfortably.

The drive was short. Felix could probably drive back and forth between his own and Changbin's apartment without looking. He knew every inch of the road just as well as he knew all of Changbin's sweet spots.

Felix parked the car across from his apartment complex and started walking towards their apartment. He jumped up the stairs, until he was face to face with his own very familiar front door.

Felix entered the keyhole with his key and twisted it to unlock the door. The aussie opened the door, finding the apartment to be pitch black. He slowly walked into the main room, holding onto the wall for support and guidance.

"Ouch" The Australian hissed as he stepped onto something sharp.

He took a long step towards where he knew the light switch was and flickered it on. The lamps of the main room flickered for a second before they all lit up, giving Felix a view of his apartment.

Felix's eyes quickly widened and his jaw dropped at the sight of his home. The floor was littered with broken glass and items. The pictures on the walls hung sideways or were laying on the floor next to the wall. The TV was laying face down on the floor in front of the coffee table.

Felix looked around in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. Had Minho done this himself? Had someone been here? Was this mess the result of a fight between Minho and someone else.

The Australian quickly wipped out his phone and called the first number that came into mind.


"Hey baby"

"Binnie" Felix's voice came out as a whimper letting Changbin know that something was wrong.

"What happened baby? Are you hurt?"

Changbin's voice was worried yet soft as the elder tried to keep Felix calm.

"I came to our apartment and everything is shattered on the floor or broken. I'm scared."

"Baby calm down. Is Minho there? Mabye he knows what happened."

"I'll go check."

Felix started walking towards Minho's bedroom, careful not to step onto anything sharp or malicious on his way.

The Australian slowly opened Minho's bedroom door only to find Minho's bedroom in the same condition as the main room. Felix scanned the room for Minho, finding nothing.

"Binnie he isn't here."

"Ok. Stay there and I'll come to you. We're gonna figure this out together, ok?"


"I love you honey."

"I love you too."

"I'll be there in a minute, just stay put. Don't go anywhere."

"Binnie, you need to bring Jisung and the others. Jisung told me to go here before to check on Minho. Please bring him, I think he needs us."

"Of course. Anything for you. Do you want me to call the others on the way and tell them to come too?"

"Yes please."

"Ok, I'm leaving now. I'll talk to you later baby."


Felix was left in an eerie silence once Changbin hung up on him. All he could do now was wait. Felix decided to check his own and Hyunjin's room to see if mabye Minho was in there.

After having looked through every room of their apartment, Felix declared Minho as missing on his own. He sat down on the couch and started fixing up a pillow who had been torn open.

Felix listened closely to the silence as he stuffed the insides of the pillow back into the case and tried to find a way of trapping it inside. Felix kept on thinking about different ways he could fix the pillow to distract himself from reality.

It was a trick he had learned back in Australia. If anything happened he had been taught to distract himself by doing every stupid little thing he could think off, so that is what he was doing now.

The door busted open and a panicked Hyunjin ran into the room followed by a crying Seungmin. The two looked over the apartment, seeing the mess that used to be their home. Hyunjin spotted Felix on the couch. He quickly ran over to him and trapped the younger in a hug.

Seungmin joined the hug as well, feeling like he needed one after what had happened. The 3 stayed in each other's embraces for a while, just crying together.

Once they parted Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Seungmin to give his boyfriend a feeling of security and comfort.

Felix looked through the room, shook by how bad their apartment really looked. He hadn't really noticed before, but the kitchen was a total mess as well.

"Have you looked around for Minho?" Hyunjin asked while holding Seungmin.

Felix nodded his head without looking at the couple.

"He isn't in the apartment." Felix quietly said.

"Have you tried calling him? He might have hidden." Seungmin asked.

Felix quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and found Minho's contact. The Australian put his phone up to his ear while listening to the silence around them.

A loud ring eccoed through the silent apartment. The 3 boys quickly wipped their heads towards the kitchen, listening for the same ring again.

The ring filled the silence again. Seungmin immediately ran out of Hyunjin's arms and towards the kitchen. He looked around, eventually spotting Minho's phone on the counter, next to a shattered plate.

He picked it up and declined the call. The phone had a few scratches but didn't seem to be broken or anything. Seungmin sighed and shoved the phone into his pocket.

Again the room was caught in a deafening silence. The 3 were looking around, trying to find anything that could tell them where Minho was. There was no note left behind. No messages or anything on Minho's phone. No signs of forced enterance in the apartment. They had no choice but to think that Minho had done this all himself and ran off afterwards.

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