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Jisung guided Minho in the door of his apartment, getting greeted by the voices of his roommate and his 2 friends. Felix, Hyunjin and Changbin shot up from the couch and ran over to the pair once they saw Minho's condition.

"What happened?" Felix asked in panic.

"He ran into 4 of his ex'es at the park." Jisung said while guiding Minho towards his room.

The others nodded their heads and went back to the couch. They saw that Jisung's eyes were pleading them not to make it worse so they decided to stay away.

Minho and Jisung stayed in Jisung's room while talking about what happened. It might sound like nothing. Like Minho was overreacting, but to Minho if felt like his whole world was falling apart. The only thing keeping him up was Jisung.

The front door to the apartment flew open and Chan, Woojin and Seungmin rushed inside. Chan and Woojin ran straight into Jisung's room, trying to avoid a certain ginger boy, while Seungmin stayed in the living room to keep the 3 from following Woojin and Chan.

All 3 of the boys rushed up from the couch as they saw their hyungs enter the apartment. However, Seungmin succeeded in stopping them from following the two eldest. The latter kept the group seated on the couch while waiting for Chan and Woojin to finish checking up on Minho.

"Baby." Hyunjin silently called out.

Seungmin had avoided eye contact with his boyfriend since the second he entered the apartment, and it absolutely broke Hyunjin's heart.

"Minnie baby, please look at me." Hyunjin pleaded while grabbing Seungmin's hand.

Seungmin turned to look at Hyunjin, showing him a silent glare. Hyunjin stood up while holding Seungmin's hand, and stepped closer to his boyfriend.

"You're an idiot." Seungmin spat while looking Hyunjin straight in the eyes.

Hyunjin nodded his head while grabbing Seungmin's waist with his free hand.

"I know. I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have done that." Hyunjin said while leaning in to kiss Seungmin.

Hyunjin didn't close the gap between his and his boyfriend's lips. Their lips ghosted over each others' while Hyunjin waited for Seungmin's response.

Hyunjin glanced down to Seungmin's lips, wondering if he should just kiss them already but he wanted to stay strong. Seungmin didn't look like he was planning on answering anytime soon, so Hyunjin decided to speak up again.

"Forgive me? Please." Hyunjin whispered only for Seungmin to hear.

"Fuck you Hwang." Seungmin immediately answered before grabbing Hyunjin's neck and harshly bringing their lips together.

The younger kissed his boyfriend angrily and vigorously while softly rolling his body up against Hyunjin's for extra pleasure.

Hyunjin responded by grabbing Seungmin's hips, carefully guiding his hips through the rolls. Seungmin sucked on and bit Hyunjin's bottom lip repeatedly while tugging on his hair. Hyunjin was certainly gonna look like a mess once Seungmin was finished.

Felix and Changbin awkwardly watched form the couch as Hyunjin and Seungmin harshly made out in front of them. They had to admit that it looked hella hot when Seungmin rolled his body up against Hyunjin's, but it still felt gross seeing their best friends make out.

The door to Jisung's bedroom opened and Jisung exited hand in hand with Minho. Woojin and Chan walked out after the pair, avoiding the eyes of Changbin and Felix.

Felix and Changbin quickly ran up to them, stopping them from exiting. The two eldest looked towards Seungmin, seeing how he was busy eating Hyunjin's face off. Chan glared holes through Seungmin's body while silently admiring the two for being brave enough to kiss so openly in front of people without caring.

"Chan hyung, Woojin hyung, please forgive me. I really shouldn't have done that. This is all my fault, I started it all. I totally understand that you don't want anything to do with me anymore, just don't hold anyone else responsible. It's all on me." Felix said while trying to keep his tears in.

The youngest aussie had a heavy lump of guilt stuck in his throat, suffocating life out of him. He started hickuping while looking at his two hyungs.

Chan and Woojin shared a look, silently arguing about what to do. Chan eventually won the battle, making Woojin roll his eyes while turning away in defeat. Chan turned to Felix, taking in the sight of how broken Felix looked.

"Felix we forgive you. But we're still very disappointed in you. What you did is nothing to joke about and it could have caused a lot of problems for us all. Me and Woojin are just gonna spend some time on our own before we go back to our normal lives." Chan explained.

Woojin groaned in annoyance, hating how forgiving his dongsaeng was.

Felix sniffles while wiping his tears. He looked Chan directly in the eyes while speaking his next sentence, trying to look brave.

"Hyung I know you never want to see me again. I understand that. I respect that. I'm really really sorry. Please don't hold the others responsible for my actions. I-" Felix said while looking Chan directly into the eyes.

"Felix, were not gonna let this get in between our friendship." Chan insisted.

"Please, don't pretend this is all ok. I understand that you never want to see me again, and I understand if you decide to take this to the police. I deserve it." Felix turned around to leave, but was pulled back into Chan's arms.

Woojin joined the hug, not managing to act mad when Felix was beating himself up 10 times harder than what he deserved.

"Felix, you're our brother. We're not letting you go just because of a simple mistake." Chan said while holding Felix and Woojin.

Felix's started crying loudly while holding both his eldest hyungs.

"Sssh. Don't cry Felix. It's all forgotten now. We forgave you already. Let's all just forget this even happened." Woojin said while caressing Felix's back.

The 3 hugged until Felix had calmed down. Once Felix stepped out of their arms he was brought into the arms of his boyfriend. Changbin hugged Felix tightly while swaying them from side to side.

"I'm so proud of you baby. You did so great." Changbin whispered while holding the love of his life in his arms.

Woojin and Chan intertwined their fingers while looking at the two with soft and guilty eyes. They had no reason to feel guilty, but they still did seeing how Felix blamed it all on himself and tried to take all the blame of of the others. He even offered to stay away from the two if it made them happier. The fact that Felix would do that for them ment a lot.

Seungmin and Hyunjin walked up to the group, standing beside Jisung and Minho. Hyunjin's lips were swollen and red, his hair was a mess and his neck and jaw littered with bite marks and hickeys.

Seungmin stood with his arms crossed over his chest while Hyunjin held onto his waist. Chan and Woojin looked at all their dongsaengs. Felix  was silently crying, regretting what he had done. Changbin was hugging Fleix while trying to cheer him up. Seungmin was giving Hyunjin silent treatment as a way of punishing him for his actions. Hyunjin was trying to get Seungmin's attention by speaking softly to him. Minho was looking around, seemingly a bit overwhelmed. And lastly Jisung was holding Minho's hand safely in his own, while making sure Minho was feeling ok.

Chan and Woojin smiled at each other before pecking each other's lips. Woojin placed his head onto Chan's shoulder while the Australian brought him closer.

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