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Minho walked out of Jisung's bedroom with both hands tugged into his hair. He paced back and forth, ignoring Jisung's pelads for him to calm down and listen.

The front door to the apartment opened in a rush, startling the two. Felix's desperate voice eccoed through the room. Jisung looked towards the enterance, seeing Changbin enter in a rush and Felix hurrying after him while pleading for him to stop running away and listening.

Minho was still pacing around, not quite believing what he had just been told.

"Changbin, baby just please listen to me. It ment nothing to me, ok? He's my best friend for God's sakes." Felix pleaded while grabbing Changbin's arm.

Jisung had to hold in his laughter once he noticed that Changbin was worked up for the same reason Minho was.

"Do you hear that Minho? Felix too said that it was all platonic. It ment nothing to any of us." Jisung said while tugging on Minho's arms.

Changbin and Minho made eye contact and immediately shared a look. They pushed their clingy boyfriends off their bodies and stood side by side, while looking at the two younger boys in front of themselves.

"I cant believe this, honestly. You both fucking cheated on us, just because neither of you knew how to give a blowjob?" Changbin said in a raised voice.

"How could you Jisung?" Minho asked, looking at his boyfriend with a hurt spark in his eyes.

"Baby, please I'm sorry. I love you more than anything-" Jisung said, walking towards Minho.

Minho stepped back and gave Jisung a hurt look. Felix was trying his hardest not to laugh his ass off, seeing Jisung's terrible acting.

"Binnie I swear it's not like you make it sound. I just-"

"Not like I make it sound? You fucking blew Jisung off and then let him blow you off. That's cheating, Felix. Minho took your first kiss, your first hand job and your virginity. This was the one thing that could have been mine to take, but you gave it to Jisung. I fucking hate you, Lee Yongbok." Changbin spat with tears building up in his eyes.

Jisung was busy trying to convince Minho that he got it all wrong when he heard Changbin yelling at Felix.

Jisung made eye contact with Felix, making them both break. They both fell to their knees, laughing their asses off to the point where they struggled to breathe.

Minho and Changbin stared down at their boyfriends with wide eyes and confused gazes.

Jisung and Felix laughed while breathing heavily, not understanding how their boyfriends actually believed them.

"What the hell is this?" Minho asked while watching his boyfriend and Felix laugh on the floor.

Changbin looked at the two as well, wondering if they had been possessed or something.

"I'm sorry." Jisung breathed out while trying to stand up.

"We just had to." Felix added, standing up as well.

The two almost twins walked over to their boyfriends and hugged them tightly.

"Ok, what the hell is going on?" Minho asked in a raised voice.

Jisung pulled away from the hug and intertwined his fingers with Minho's.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't blow Felix off. You were my first." Jisung said while laughing.

"Wait, so you guys didn't practice together?" Changbin asked in confusion.

"No, babe. You were my first too." Felix answered in a soft voice.

"No, actually the banana in the trash beat you to it." Jisung argued, followed by a laugh.

Minho breathed out in relief and engulfed Jisung in a tight hug.

"I hate you so much fro doing that! Never scare me like that again." Minho whispered while holding his boyfriend tightly.

Jisung chuckled and kissed Minho's neck shortly.

"I'm sorry babe, I won't do it again." Jisung said with a light laugh following.

The 2 couples sat down on the couch together. Minho and Changbin held onto their younger boyfriends, still feeling a bit upset about their mean prank.

"So you guys finally did it?" Jisung asked Felix and Changbin while eating a candy.

Felix looked away in embarrassment while nodding his head.

"Congratulations." Jisung said with a giggle.

Felix and Changbin shared a short kiss before they turned to the other pair.

"And you too im guessing?" Felix said with a sheepish grin on his face.

Jisung nodded his head with a smile while Minho pretended he didn't hear the weird conversation his boyfriend and ex was having.

"Ooo. Did he take your card too?" Felix asked while wiggling his eyebrows at the pair.

"Nope. I'm still the virging over all virgins." Jisung said with a giggle.

Felix and Changbin chuckled and cuddled closer into each other's bodies.

"Who topped?" Felix asked the pair, making them look at him weirdly.

"What?" Minho asked.

"Who topped during your session?" Felix asked, looking between the two.

"Like cause I know that Minho topped me, but still he gives me that slight sub wibe so I'm just curious." Felix added, gesturing with his hands.

Changbin looked away with a growl, not liking to hear about Minho and Felix's sex life.

"I guess we both did. Like we switched halfway." Jisung said with a shrug.

Minho looked away with wide eyes and red cheeks. How could Jisung and Felix just be talking about this like it was totally normal.

"So you're both switches?" Felix asked, earning a hesitant nod from Jisung.

Minho and Changbin shared a look of disgust while listening to the conversation their boyfriends were having.

"How does that work?" Felix asked while popping a candy into his mouth.

"He started out as top and then we switched when I came, so that I could make him come too." Jisung answered with a smile.

"He's normally top, but we switch whenever he goes into his low, because I need to take care of him then." Jisung added.

Felix nodded his head like it was totally normal to be sharing these intimate details about their sexlife with another couple, let alone your boyfriend's ex.

"Cool. Changbin always dominates me, like even when I'm the one doing stuff to him he manages to make me submissive." Felix said with a chuckle.

The two almost twins shared a look of amusement while watching their boyfriends' reactions to their conversation.

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