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Jisung and Minho were laying on danceracha's couch, listening to the faint sounds of Donald Duck speaking on the TV.

Jisung was rocking Minho back and forth in his arms while petting his hair. Silent tears were streaming down Minho's face as he breathed heavily through his open mouth.

"It's ok Bubs. I got you. You're ok." Jisung softly said while kissing Minho's temple.

"No" Minho whimpered out in response.

He closed his eyes and sniffled. Minho couldn't keep it all in anymore, resulting in a wave of tired cries escaping his throat. Jisung held Minho tighter and made a soft shushing sound into his ear to calm him down.

Minho tried to stabilize his breath but to no use. He was too goddamn tired. Too tired to keep his eyes open. Too tired to cry, but too tired to keep his tears and hiccups in. He was so fucking tired, he just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up again.

What had caused Minho's sudden wave of intense fatigue you may ask. The answer is, he didn't know. No one knew why Minho suddenly broke down crying from the tiredness taking over his body. It just happened.

Luckily Jisung had stayed at his place for the past 3 days, ever since the day he pushed himself onto Minho - not wanting him to be alone in case something like this happened.

Minho slowly calmed down in the arms of his love. His cries calmed down. His eyes dried up and his tired mind finally let him drift off to sleep. Jisung stayed awake, afraid of what might happen if he went to sleep and Minho woke up before him.

Jisung softly placed Minho down onto the couch and tip toed out to the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl and made himself some of the instant noodles he found in the cabinet. Jisung silently walked back into the living room, where he found Minho asleep in the same position still.

Jisung placed his bowl down onto the table and sat back down beside Minho. He carefully lifted his boyfriend to lay in his arms, making sure he looked comfortable. Once Minho was sleeping peacefully in Jisung's arms he bent over and grabbed his bowl of noodles.

Jisung placed the bowl onto Minho's body and held it with one hand as he ate with the other one. Jisung's eyes traveled to the cartoons playing on the TV screen. He watched the movements going on before him while silently eating his food and watching over his sleeping boyfriend.


As time passed by Minho started slowly stirring awake in Jisung's lap. Jisung moved all his attention down to Minho's sleeping body, softly caressing his cheeks and petting his head.

Minho's eyes fluttered open. They still looked exhausted and red from crying a few hours prior.

"Hey, peach." Minho whispered in a rapsy voice while rubbing his eyes.

Jisung smiled as he saw that Minho looked more stable now.

"Hey Bubs. Are you feeling ok?" Jisung asked while intertwining one of his hands with Minho's.

Minho gave Jisung's hand a light squeeze and nodded his head with a soft smile on his face.

The elder sat up and made himself comfortable in Jisung's lap. Minho ended up with sitting in the small space in between Jisung and the couch, with his legs over Jisung's lap and his arm behind Jisung's neck.

Jisung softly massaged Minho's thigh while feeling the older's breath tickle his neck. Minho sighed and placed his head in Jisung's neck to enjoy the skin ship more. He nussled his nose against Jisung's skin until there was no space left between them.

Jisung leaned his head onto Minho's while massaging his thigh in a comfortable way. Minho reached up his free hand and lazily unbuttoned one of the buttons on Jisung's shirt.

He snaked his hand into the space between the buttons on Jisung's shirt and placed his hand on Jisung's chest to warm up his hand. Minho snaked the other hand down the neck of Jisung's shirt to warm it up against his boyfriend's back.

Jisung didn't really care that Minho was touching his chest and back like that. It felt comfortable knowing it was Minho who did it, and that he was comfortable enough around him to do it without stressing about it.

Minho drew lazy circles onto Jisung's skin while warming up his hands. His cold fingers made Jisung shiver, but he enjoyed it never the less.

Jisung gave Minho's thigh a reassuring squeeze, resulting in a soft moan escaping Minho's lips and finding its way into Jisung's ear. Minho didn't care that he had just moaned. He was totally comfortable with Jisung and he was happy that it was Jisung's touch that made him feel such pleasure.

"Is this ok, Bubs?" Jisung asked while massaging Minho's inner thigh.

Minho nodded his head while humming in content. Jisung smiled and continued massaging Minho's inner thigh. Every time he squeezed it, a soft moan would escape Minho's lips, making them both shiver.

Minho snaked his hand out of the gap in Jisung's shirt and placed it on top of the hand resting on his thigh. Jisung continued to massage his juicy thigh even though Minho had grabbed his hand.

Minho slowly slid Jisung's hand further up on his thigh while the younger massaged it. Once Jisung's hand was massaging the flesh on Minho's thigh, only inches away from his crotch - Minho let go of Jisung's hand.

Minho placed his hand back onto Jisung's chest to warm it up again while Jisung massaged the inside of Minho's thigh, getting closer to his private area with each movement of his fingers.

Minho moaned softly and kissed Jisung's neck softly and shortly. Jisung smiled and moved his hand upwards. Minho melted into the touch, not feeling even a bit uncomfortable under Jisung's touch.

"Do you want me to make you feel good, Bubs?" Jisung softly asked while dipping his fingers into the small triangle in between Minho's thighs and private area.

Minho moaned and nodded his head softly against Jisung's neck.

"Are you sure, Minho? You won't regret this when you get into your high, will you?" Jisung asked while pulling his fingers out of the small gap and massaging Minho's thigh again.

Minho shook his head and pecked Jisung's neck again.

"I trust you." Minho whispered into Jisung's ear.

Jisung nodded his head and moved his hand to softly touch Minho's clothed private area. His actions earned a moan from the elder.

"Tell me when to stop, ok honey?" Jisung asked, earning a nod from Minho.

Jisung carefully brought Minho's member out while watching his reaction closely. He had to be extra careful around Minho, to prevent any accidents.

Jisung slowly and carefully worked his fingers up and down Minho's exposed length while listening to Minho moaning into his ear. The younger kept on speaking softly to Minho while touching him, wanting him to feel as comfortable as possible.

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