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Minho, Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin were sitting in Minho's car on their way to the mall. Minho brought his hand down to his pocket every two seconds, terrified that he might lose the rings somehow. Felix, who was sitting in the passenger seat, eyed Minho with confused eyes, wondering why he kept on checking his pocket every second.

"You alright Min? You seem a bit out of it?" Felix said while rubbing Minho's shoulder.

"I'm fine don't worry." Minho said while smiling widely.

He was super excited to finally make Jisung his, but terrified that he might screw it up.

Felix nodded his head and turned back to face the road. The car pulled up in the driveway of the mall's parking lot. Minho quickly parked his car and they all got out.

The group walked over towards the enterance of the mall together. Seungmin and Hyunjin were talking normally while Felix and Minho walked in silence.

By the enterance stood Chan and Woojin hand in hand, next to Jisung and Changbin. The two rappers seemed to be enjoying a conversation while waiting.

"Hey guys." Chan said as he noticed the 4 boys walking towards them.

Changbin and Jisung immediately walked up to their dates, leaving short pecks on their cheeks. Minho placed his hands on Jisung's waist while he looked down at the younger.

"You look great Bubba." Minho whispered while looking at Jisung's soft features.

Jisung smiled widely and placed his hands on Minho's chest.

"You too hyung." The squirrel happily exclaimed while showing Minho a gummy smile.

Minho melted on the inside at the cuteness of his soon-to-be boyfriend. The two automatically hugged each other. They turned to look at the others as they hugged, not wanting to let each other go yet.

"You guys are adorable." Chan said with a laugh.

Jisung hid his face away I'm Minho's chest while the elder smiled and thanked Chan.

"Come on, let's go." Felix exclaimed and drageed Changbin towards the enterance of the mall.

The others followed behind the ginger, holding hands with their dates. The group walked from store to store, buying whatever they wanted to buy. Seungmin and Hyunjin bought a few couple outfits, Changbin and Felix bought matching phone cases, Chan and Woojin bought matching wristbands, and lastly Minho and Jisung bought a plushy each and matching oversized hoodies.

The group made their way out of the mall after 4 hours of shopping. They piled their bags into Chan and  Minho's cars and split up, getting into the cars. Minho drove his own car with Jisung in the passenger seat and Seungjin in the back, while Chan drove the other car accompanied by Woojin in the front and Changlix in the back.

The cars set off, heading for the downtowns restaurant district. Chan drove first so all Minho had to do was follow him. Minho held onto Jisung's hand as he drove, while Hyunjin and Seungmin were busy flirting and leaving small kisses on each other in the back.

It didn't bother Minho and Jisung that Seungmin and Hyunjin were kissing behind them. They actually found it pretty sweet how they acted towards each other. Minho couldn't wait until he got to do the same to Jisung, once they got together.

The drivers pulled up in the driveway of a parking lot and parked their cars. Once both cars were safely left in a parking lot, the group made their way into the restaurant district, looking for one they wanted to eat at.

The couples walked hand in hand through the streets crowded with restaurants, while looking for a good one.

Some people were looking at them weirdly while others smiled as they saw the boys walking hand in hand with their partners.

Eventually the boy found a place they all liked and took a seat there. The group ordered their food and engaged in light conversations as they waited. Minho and Jisung sat next to each other on one side of the table with Woojin and Chan next to them and the other two couples across from them.

"Where are we going after this?" Felix asked while taking a sip of his water.

"The beach." Changbin answered with a smile.

Felix smiled widely while giving Changbin a side hug. He loved the beach, and everyone knew that. It was one of the things that reminded him the most of Australia so he often went to the beach when he missed his home.

The group ate while enjoying their time together. Everyone was laughing and smiling genuinely, except for Minho. He was starting to freak out over the fact that it soon would be time for him to pop the question.

Jisung noticed how Minho's mood slowly changed and grabbed his hand to rub soft circled onto the back of it. Minho smiled sweetly towards his date while trying to calm down his heartbeat. He silently placed his hand on his pocket, calming down when he felt the ring box from outside of the fabric.

"Hey are you ok?" Jisung asked while looking at Minho.

Minho smiled towards Jisung while nodding his head.

"You're not going into your phase, are you?" Jisung asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"No, don't worry. I still got about a week before that happenes." Minho assured his soon-to-be boyfriend.

Jisung nodded his head and leaned into Minho's body while he turned his attention back to what Felix was saying. Minho calmed down while slowly running his fingers through Jisung's soft hair. He could feel Jisung shiver under his touch as his cold fingers made contact with the back of Jisung's neck.

The group finished the meal and split the bill amongst the tops, despite the many whines and protests from the bottoms. Soon enough they were all back in the cars, driving towards the beach where both Minho was gonna ask the boy he fell in love with, to officially be his.

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