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Minho and Jisung sat across from each other in Minho's couch, their fingers loosely intertwined and their eyes awerted.

Minho's eyes flickered up to Jisung's face, seeing how he looked like a combination of sad and conflicted.

The elder sighed, catching Jisung's attention.

"I guess I should explain myself." Minho quietly muttered.

Jisung just nodded his head with a forced yet reassuring smile.

"The reason.... The reason why I told you I wasn't ready to take the next step with you, is because, that's where everything went wrong in my past relationships. Whenever I slept with my previous partners, they'd always dump me within the next few days, and I have no idea why. It might not even be connected, but I still think it's the reason. It might just be my paranoia though." Minho explained.

"I felt like the same would happen with you if I slept with you, so I just told you I wasn't ready, even though I really really wanted to. I just really can't afford to lose you, Jisung." Minho continued, looking down.

Jisung squeezed Minho's hands and leaned in to peck his cheek. Minho smiled genuinely but not too widely by the kiss Jisung gave him.

"I would never leave you for such a reason Minho. I love you way too much for that. I'm willing to give my everything to you, because I trust you with my life. And I'm sorry. I've been pushing myself onto you for a while, just because I couldn't keep it in my pants. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and respect your boundaries." Jisung said in a soft voice.

Minho smiled and tightened his grip on Jisung's hands.

"As for the thing about your disorder. I'm sorry for that too. I didn't realize that I was treating you badly because of it. I just tried to make sure you were comfortable, no matter what phase you were in. I didn't realize that I was treating you badly because of it, that was not my intention at all." Jisung added in a guilty voice.

Minho smiled half heartedly as a breathy chuckle escaped his lips.

"Don't apologize for that Jisung. Because of you I almost didn't feel any difference between the times I was in my low and high. You being by my side through it all just made my life better in general, no matter what phase I was in. I shouldn't have yelled at you for treating me with care, when all you really did was making sure I was ok. I really appreciate what you did for me, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You are my medicine, and I really can't afford to lose you." Minho said in a soft voice while smiling and studying Jisung's face to see his reaction.

Jisung smiled widely and looked up to meet Minho's eyes. The elder smiled back, loving the comfortable smile and genuine spark of joy on Jisung's face.

"So... What does this mean? What is changed after our talk?" Jisung asked in a soft voice, with a hint of playfulness.

"Well... You are not going to treat me differently, because the way you treated me was exactly what I needed." Minho started off with, making Jisung smile.

"And... I'll take the next step with you. Because I trust you enough to believe you when you say you would never leave me because of it." Minho added with a shy smile on his face.

Jisung smiled even wider and quickly engulfed Minho in a tight hug.

"Are you sure hyung? I'll wait if you feel like you still need time." Jisung said into Minho's shoulder.

Minho didn't have the heart to say anything but a determined 'I'm sure baby'. He didn't want to ruin it, seeing how happy it made Jisung. And despite, he was ready for it. The only thing holding him back was his fear, but he was willing to do it despite his insecurities, because it was Jisung.

Jisung moved to Minho's lap without breaking the hug. Minho gladly accepted Jisung, placing his arms around his lower back as they hugged sweetly.

The youngest slowly broke the hug, flashing Minho the widest smile he had ever seen. Minho giggled and cupped Jisung's cheek, slowly running his thumb over the soft skin.

"Can we like.... Do it.... Like now?" Jisung asked while looking down with rosy cheeks.

Minho laughed and took a second to admire his shy boyfriend.

"You wanna do it now?" Minho asked in a happy voice from seeing how excited and nervous Jisung was.

Jisung nodded his head shyly while looking at Minho with puppy eyes.

"Already? We just agreed on it like 2 seconds ago." Minho said in amusement.

"Come on Minho! Don't keep me waiting any longer. And you know what they say, sex after a fight is the best kind. We can just like, do it to see if that's correct." Jisung said with an excited smile.

Minho giggled and pretended to think about it, making Jisung whine.

"Ok, we can do it Bubba. But only if you're 100% sure this is what you want." Minho seriously said.

"Of course hyung, I've been waiting to do this for the longest time." Jisung said with a wide smile.

"You're awfully sexual for a virgin, do you know that?" Minho teasingly asked.

Jisung smiled sheepishly while moving his hands to Minho's hair.

"Well, try thinking of it like this. While you have fucked people and gotten your needs covered for years now, I've had to rely on my hand for all these years. The frustration has just kept on bubbling up to the point where I can't take it anymore." Jisung whined in a cute voice.

Minho chuckled and moved his face closer to Jisung's.

"Well if that's is so, why don't I help you break that pretty little frustrated bubble of yours." Minho teased in a low voice.

Jisung bit his lip, getting excited over the fact that he was about to lose his virginity to Minho - finally.

Minho and Jisung brought their lips together, kissing passionately. Minho let Jisung turn up the heat of the kiss while he started stroking Jisung's member to get things started.

The youngest moaned while licking every inch of Minho's mouth. The elder picked his boyfriend up by the thighs and carried him into his bedroom while Jisung attacked his neck, sucking, licking and biting the skin to leave marks.

Minho closed and locked the door before slamming Jisung down onto his bed, and moving to hover over him. The two lovestruck boys shared a drunken smile before they continued their heated makeout session, slowly letting it turn into something more beautiful and pleasurable.

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