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Jisung and Minho were 4 days into Minho's low, meaning that he would be coming out of it sometime today. The two were currently in the kitchen, cooking dinner for their friends who would be coming over to eat.

Minho was resting his body onto Jisung's back while the younger was cutting the ingredients. Minho's arms were secured around Jisung's stomach while his head rested in the crook of the younger's neck.

Jisung wouldn't allow Minho to help him cook unless it was mixing ingredients or measuring liquids. The elder wasn't allowled to near any sharp kitchen utensil in case he happened to use it on himself and not the food.

"Can I taste it?" Minho sweetly asked as Jisung cut a carrot.

Jisung smiled and picked up a small bite of the carrot he had cut. He raised it to Minho's mouth and placed it on top of Minho's tongue. The elder happily munched on the vegetable while humming to himself.

Jisung was clearly noticing the change of emotion in Minho's mood and behavior but he wanted to play it safe until he was officially out of his low.

"Is it good?" Jisung asked while turning to his boyfriend.

Minho hummed in content and swollowed the small bite he had been chewing on.

"Can you please go mix this with the powder over there?" Jisung asked handing Minho a bowl of liquid and a whisk.

Minho answered a sweet yes and grabbed the bowl and utensil. Minho happily mixed it together while humming to himself. Jisung followed Minho's movements while cooking, to make sure Minho didn't do anything he wasn't allowed to.

Once the liquid in the bowl was mixed with the powder into an even mix, Minho handed it back to Jisung and watched as his boyfriend layered up the meat, vegetables, pasta discs and lastly topped it with the liquid Minho had mixed for him. They were making lasagna with vegetables to try and turn it into a healthier alternative.

Once all the layers were done in the form, Jisung placed it into the oven and set the timer to ring when it was finished.

Jisung gathered up all the utensils he had used and started washing them while Minho set the table. After a few minutes, Minho had finished setting the table and was now just watching Jisung wash the dishes.

He leaned against the counter and placed his hands behind his body while watching his boyfriend being domestic. Minho's hand came in contact with something, making him turn to look at what he had just touched.

The knife Jisung had been using to cut the vegetables, was laying beside Minho. Mihho slowly picked it up and looked at it. Why did it look so sharp? Was it really that sharp or was it all an illusion? Minho was tempted to check how sharp it really was.

He slowly grabbed the back of the blade with his hand and moved his fingers towards the sharp edge while watching intensely. Just as his fingers were about to glide over the sharp side of the blade, a voice caught Minho's attention.

"Honey, could you pass me the knife? I need to wash it."

Minho quickly pulled his fingers away from the blade and looked up to meet Jisung's eyes. The younger was smiling softly towards him while reaching out his hand for Minho to place the knife in his palm.

Minho's heart beat fast as he realized that he was about to cut his fingers and that he almost got caught. Jisung wouldn't have reacted like he did if he saw what Minho was doing. He would be screaming at Minho if he saw hat he was about to cut. Luckily Jisung didn't see it.

What Minho didn't know is that Jisung had seen the whole thing. He had turned around to look for more dishes to wash when he saw Minho picking up a big and sharp knife from the counter. The younger started panicking while watching Minho move his fingers dangerously close to the blade, ready to cut through his flesh.

Jisung knew that if he grabbed the knife out of Minho's hands and started yelling, Minho would have an attack and be brought back into his space for at least one more day.

Jisung took a deep breath and plastered a fake smile onto his face to conceal his terrified expression.

"Honey, could you pass me the knife? I need to wash it." Jisung asked while reaching out his hand.

Luckily Minho quickly pulled his fingers back and gave the knife to Jisung. Jisung turned around and washed the knife while calming down his fast heartbeat.

Once the knife was clean Jisung emptied the sink of water and dried up his hands. He looked back, seeing Minho looking down while fiddling with his fingers.

Jisung slowly walked up to Minho not to startle him and placed his hands on his boyfriend's waist. Minho looked up and smiled softly. Jisung smiled back and placed a soft kiss onto Minho's cheek.

Minho snaked his arms around Jisung's neck and pulled him in for a real kiss. Their lips softly layed on top of each other. Neither moved their lips or tried to make it into something more. They just kissed softly and sweetly, Minho's bottom lips sitting securely in between Jisung's lips.

The two tightened their grips on each other and moved their lips away from each other's, only to bring them back together a moment after. The two held each other closely while sharing a loving and sweet kiss. Once they pulled away Minho placed his head in the crook of Jisung's neck and sighed.

Jisung stroked Minho's back while holding him close to his body.

"Are you feeling ok hun?" Jisung softly asked.

"Yeah." Minho answered with a soft sigh.

Jisung smiled and started moving towards the couch, still holding Minho close to his chest.

The elder followed blindly without looking up from his position in Jisung's neck.

The two sat down and cuddled on the couch while waiting for the timer to go off and for the others to show up.

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