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Jisung laughed out loud together with Minho's family as he placed the plates down onto the table. He had gotten to know Minho's family really quickly, finding out that they were in fact just as playful and bubbly as Minho himself.

He also learned that he had in fact assumed correctly about the adults being Minho's parents, grandmother and aunt, and learned that the boy was Minho's cousin, Mingi.

Mingi smacked Jisung's shoulder playfully as he walked past him, sticking his tongue out. This caused another wave of laughter to erupt from them all.

Minho had woken up to the sound of laughter coming from the main room of his apartment. He whined, not liking how loud it was.

Minho kicked his covers off his body and dragged his feet out of his room. Once he opened the door he was hit in the face with the delicious smell of his mother's cooking.

Minho's mood brightened a bit, but it didn't help the fact that he still felt drained off all energy.

Minho slowly sagged his feet forwards while rubbing his tired eyes. Jisung noticed him, cooing at his cuteness.

The squirrel went over to his boyfriend, and lifted his chin to meet his lips in a soft kiss.

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling now, hmm?" Jisung asked as Minho placed his arms over Jisung's shoulders.

"Tired." Minho mumbled.

"Did we wake you?" Jisung softly asked, caressing Minho's sides.

Minho nodded his head with a pout.

Jisung chuckled at this, because his boyfriend looked hella cute with his tired, half lidded eyes and pouty lips.

Minho lazily pulled Jisung in for another kiss, not caring about his family's eyes on them.

"Minho, darling. Are you feeling better?" Minho's mother asked, making the two boyfriends pull their faces away from each other.

"A bit, yeah." Minho answered, hugging Jisung.

Minho's mother nodded her head and returned to her cooking.

"Baby, do you want to go sit down while I help Mingi set the table? " Jisung asked, softly.

Minho shook his head.

"No, I wanna hug you." Minho answered with, burying his head in Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung chuckled at this.

"Ok then. But I have to set the table, so you're gonna have to follow me around." Jisung said, turning around.

Minho clung to Jisung's body, his face never leaving his boyfriend's neck. Jisung walked back and forth between the table and the kitchen, with Minho's arms around his body and the elder waddling after him.

Minho's relatives watched in amusement, taking a couple of discreet pictures.

Once the table was set and the food was finished they all sat down and started eating. Jisung and Minho had one of their hands intertwined together as they ate. Luckily Minho was both right- and lefthanded, so it had never been a problem for the two to hold hands while doing stuff.

Their intertwined hands rested on top of the table as they ate happily together with Minho's family. Minho smiled, seeing Jisung take a bite out of the food. It wasn't the most healthy dish out there, yet Jisung was eating It happily.

Minho leaned in and kissed Jisung's cheek.

"I'm really proud of you, Jisungie." Minho whispered.

Jisung blushed and smiled back. He had almost forgotten about the fact that he used to use starvation as a way of losing weight.

"So how long have you known each other for?" Minho's Nana asked before taking her chapsticks into her mouth.

"Um... About 4 or 5 months I guess." Minho answered with a shrug.

"And you've been together 2 of these months?" Minho's mother continued.

Both Jisung and Minho nodded their heads.

"How did you meet?" Minho's aunt asked, looking between the two curiosly.

"Through a common friend." Jisung answered politely.

"Which friend?" Minho's father asked.

"Felix." Minho answered with a forced smile.

Jisung squeezed Minho's hand to calm him down. Even though he seemed fine, he was still in his low and needed comfort.

"Isn't he your ex-boyfriend, Minho?" Mingi asked, curiously.

"Yes he is, but we're only good friends now. He's actually together with one of Jisungie's best friends." Minho answered with a forced smile.

Jisung smiled and nodded his head. A small silence fell upon the table as everyone ate. Jisung slowly stroked Minho's hand with his fingers as he ate.

Minho smiled softly towards Jisung, but the younger could see his discomfort throughout the smile. He felt bad for Minho. The elder had to go through a low every month. It wasn't fair that Minho - a soft, cuddly and bubbly teenager - had to suffer this badly all the time.

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