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Jisung stretched his arms out and yawned as he blinked a few times to adjust his sight to the bright light. He tiredly snuggled into the sheets covering him. Jisung breathed in the comfortable scent of Minho's sheets and hummed in content.

Jisung's mind slowly started putting 2 and 2 together, making Jisung wonder how he had ended up in Minho's bed. Suddenly Jisung's mind flashed with memories from last night. He saw the argument he and Minho shared. The way Minho yelled for Jisung to leave him alone. The notes he had come across on Minho's phone.

Jisung sat up in Minho's bed, silently hoping Minho would be laying next to him when he woke up, to tell him everything was alright. Jisung's eyes got teary. He slowly got out of bed and dragged his feet towards the main room of the apartment.

Once Jisung exited the bedroom he was met with the smell of food being cooked on the stove together with the sound of Disney cartoons playing on the TV and a faint humming sound.

Jisung slowly made his way towards the kitchen, hearing the comfortable sound of Minho's humming getting stronger.

Jisung fiddled with the sleeves of the oversized hoodie Minho had borrowed him the day before, as he slowly entered the kitchen.

Minho was standing with his back facing Jisung, cooking what looked like pancakes and cutting strawberries into small slices.

Jisung just watched Minho with a longing expression on his face, unsure of how to approach the elder. He didn't know if Minho wanted to be with him still after last night. He didn't know if Minho felt as shitty about their argument as Jisung did. He didn't know if Minho regretted any of the words he had yelled at Jisung the night prior.

Minho was busy cutting strawberries when he heard a small sniffle from behind himself. He quickly turned around, dropping the knife and strawberry. Minho locked eyes with Jisung. He immediately noticed the tears building up in Jisung's eyes.

Minho leaped onto Jisung and engulfed him in a big and passionate hug. The younger clung to him, wrapping his arms and legs around his body out of instinct as he sniffed silently.

Minho sat Jisung down onto the kitchen counter and hugged him tightly. The younger hid away in his neck while holding Minho tightly into his body, using his arms and legs.

Minho kissed Jisung's cheek lovingly before going back to hugging dear life out of him. Jisung's legs wrapped themselves tighter around Minho's waist, bringing the elder closer.

Minho slowly pulled out of the hug, instantly taking Jisung's face into his hands and leaving a kiss on his lips.

"I'm so so so so sorry baby. I didn't mean anything of what I said. I love you more than anything, please forgive me." Minho said while holding Jisung close.

Jisung smiled through the tears and nodded his head with a soft sniffle.

"Of course Minho. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pressured you into telling me why you didn't want me, or yelled at you for not sleeping with me. I'm so sorry I'm such a shitty boyfriend, I'll do better I promise." Jisung said while wrapping his arms around Minho's neck.

"No, Jisung you're the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for. I didn't mean what I said about you pitying me, I love it when you care for me, even though I'm not even in my low. I love how you always take precautions because of my disorder. I don't know why I even said those things, I didn't mean any of it." Minho said while bringing Jisung closer.

Jisung smiled faintly and brought Minho in for a kiss. Their lips melted together and stayed that way until both boys was so in need of air that they had to part.

Minho brought Jisung in for another hug, holding him tenderly to his chest like he was the most precious thing on this earth.

"There are still things we need to talk about, but let's promise each other that we won't fight again. I can't lose you because of some stupid fight." Minho said while hugging Jisung.

"Of course. I'm not letting you go over just a fight." Jisung said into Minho's chest.

The elder sighed and stepped out of the hug.

"You are still mine, right? You don't want to end this?" Minho nervously asked.

Jisung pecked Minho's lips.

"Of course hyung. I still love you with all of my heart. I could never break up with you." Jisung assured his boyfriend with a smile.

"I love you too, baby." Minho said with a smile on his face.

Minho continued cooking, however this time he had a pair of arms wrapped around him at all times.

Jisung followed Minho around, never once letting go of him. The eldest finished up his cooking and served Jisung and himself a plate of food.

The two ate in silence, feeling every second of the tension between them. Minho reached across the table and gestured for Jisung to take his hand. The younger did as Minho wished, softly placing his hand in Minho's palm.

Minho ran his thumb over Jisung's knuckles the whole time they sat and ate in an attempt to show a bit of affection towards him and to ease his tense boyfriend. Neither of them spoke a word, not knowing what to say in this situation.

Once they had finished eating Minho washed the dishes while Jisung watched form the counter top beside him.

Minho finished up the dishes and started emptying the sink of the dirty water. He dried off his hands on the dish towel and put away the last dished before sighing deeply and turning to Jisung.

Minho positioned himself between Jisung's legs, slowly massaging his thighs. The elder let his eyes flicker between Jisung's eyes and lips for a moment, as a warning that he was going to kiss him.

He wanted to know that Jisung was comfortable around him still. Minho softly placed his lips onto Jisung's while moving his hands to the younger's waist. Jisung cupped Minho's cheeks, slowly running his hands along Minho's jawline as they kissed.

Minho let his lips leave Jisung's and started leaving a trail of kisses across Jisung cheek and down to his neck. He kissed the spot underneath Jisung's ear tenderly before gently placing his head in the crook of Jisung's neck and moving his arms to lay around Jisung's smaller frame.

Jisung hugged Minho back, quite unsure of where to put his hands. Minho's affection suddenly felt foreign to the squirrel. Minho pulled away from Jisung's neck and smiled fakely while looking him in the eyes.

"Let's talk?" The elder questioned.

Jisung forced a smile and nodded his head.

"Let's talk." The younger confirmed.

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