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The couples were walking hand in hand towards the beach. Minho's hands were sweaty as hell, but he still held onto Jisung's hand. Either Jisung hadn't noticed or he just didn't care, 'cause he hadn't commented on it.

As the other 3 couples were walking in front of Minho and Jisung, Minho spotted the small trail leading up to the cliff he was gonna bring Jisung to.

Minho stopped walking and turned Jisung to face him. The younger looked at his hyung curiosly.

"Come with me." Minho whispered and pulled Jisung towards the trail.

Jisung followed without complaining, curious as to where Minho wanted to take him. The elder led Jisung through the small area of trees they had to pass in order to get to the cliff, holding onto his hand the whole way.

The younger followed behind, while feeling the butterflies erupt in his stomach. Once they reached the edge of the woods, Jisung's jaw dropped. He looked out across the scenery.

The sky was a soft combination of blue, purple, pink and orange. The sun was about to set, just peaking over the edge of the horizon. The blueness of the ocean was mixed up with the reflection of the breathtaking sky.

Jisung walked towards the edge, subconsciously letting his hand slip out of Minho's. Minho didn't mind at all. He loved how beautiful Jisung looked in the light, with the neon sky reflected in his eyes.

As Jisung walked past Minho and towards the edge of the cliff to get a better view, Minho figured it was time to do what he had been meaning to do for so long.

Minho pulled the small box out of his pocket, clutching it tightly in his hands as he got down on one knee behind Jisung.

Jisung was too busy taking in the sight of the sunset, he didn't notice Minho getting down on one knee behind him, ready to ask him a question they both had been waiting for since forever.

"Jisungie~" Minho softly called out.

Jisung just hummed in response without turning around. Minho concidered calling his name again, but decided to let Jisung turn around when he was finished with the view.

Jisung turned around once he registered that Minho had called his name, wondering what the elder wanted. He was met with the sight of Minho standing on one knee a few feet away from him, holding something in his hand.

Jisung immediately felt the tears in his eyes trying to escape. He covered his mouth with one hand while taking a hold of Minho's outstretched hand with his other one.

Minho smiled widely as he saw Jisung's reaction. He pulled Jisung closer towards him and looked him deeply in the eyes as he spoke.

"Jisungie. I love you so so much. I've loved you since we first met. I love your smile. I love your laughter. I love the bright spark of life in your eyes. I love your excited and happy personality. I love all of you. You are so perfect, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life.

You are the solution to all of my problems. You are my medicine. My lifeline. I don't know how I would be able to live on without you in my life. Would you do me the honor of taking me as your boyfriend? I promise you to always stay by your side. To always be someone you can rely on. To never do anything that could ruin you or our relationship. I promise to love you forever."

Minho let go of Jisung's hand and opened the ring box in his hand, showing Jisung the promise ring. Jisung was full on sobbing, but he held in every sound that tried to escape him, to let Minho speak.

Minho looked up at Jisung with hopeful eyes, waiting for his answer. Jisung let out a laugh while crying. He grabbed Minho's hand and pulled him up into his arms.

"Of course I'll be your fucking boyfriend." Jisung cried while holding Minho tightly.

The two hugged tightly while standing in the reflection of the beautiful scenery. Jisung cried onto his boyfriend's shoulder while clinging to him like his life depended on it. Minho smiled while running his hand through Jisung's hair.

Jisung calmed down after a minute, and was left hugging Minho tightly. The eldest pulled away to place Jisung's ring onto his finger. The younger smiled while admiring the beautiful ring on his finger, before he grabbed the other one and carefully placed it onto Minho's finger.

Jisung and Minho held hands while taking a second to look down at their matching rings. Both boys smiled like they were crazy, feeling happier than ever.

Minho let go of Jisung's hands to place them on the latter's waist. Jisung looked up, seeing Minho's loving eyes on him. He slowly snaked his arms around Minho's neck, bringing him closer.

They both started leaning in while smiling at the fact that they were about to share their real first kiss.

Minho and Jisung's lips met in a soft kiss. They both melted into the touch while holding each other close. Jisung's lips were just as soft and heavenly as Minho had dremt they would be. The two pulled away from their kiss, loving the soft sound of their lips parting.

Jisung smiled while leaning in to connect their lips again. Their second kiss was a bit less soft and a lot more passionate and loving. Minho started slowly moving his lips on top of Jisung's, while bringing his arms to rest around Jisung's lower back.

Their lips moved together softly and slowly at a pace that showed the world how much they were savoring the moment. Minho slowly licked Jisung's lips, making the boy shiver. Jisung opened his mouth, giving Minho access to his insides.

Minho immediately found Jisung's tongue and twirreled his own tongue around Jisung's. Their tongues moved together slowly and sensually. Jisung couldn't hold in his pleasurable moans as Minho's wrapped his tongue around his and slightly pulled on it.

The two boys parted from the kiss while breathing heavily. They closed their eyes and placed their foreheads together to savior every single detail about the night. The new couple swayed slowly from side to side while holding each other closely. They had never felt so happy before.

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