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Jisung and Minho were watching cartoons while cuddling on Minho's couch. Minho was laying with his head on Jisung's chest while the younger slowly dragged his fingers through Minho's hair.

Minho was beginning to feel restless. He wanted to go out with the guys today, but Jisung wouldn't let him, telling him that he wanted to wait for a bit while Minho calmed down from the episode he recently had and until he was out of his bad space.

"Baaaaabe~" Minho whined.

Jisung patiently turned to Minho, keeping his annoyed expression in. He was starting to get tired of Minho whining about going somewhere.

"What is it Bubs?" Jisung softly asked.

Minho moved his head to Jisung's lap so that he could look at him while whining.

"I wanna go out!" Minho said while pouting.

Jisung sighed and shook his head.

"Were not going out today Bubs. You have to stay inside until you're stable again." Jisung said, showing Minho that he was in charge by using his dominant voice.

Minho whined even more at this.

"I'm not a child, stop talking to me like I am one. And I know that I'm stable enough to go out today. Jisungie pleeease~" Minho said with a pouty lips and voice.

Jisung just shook his head without looking at Minho, making the elder whine even more.

"Jisungie pleeease. I'll be good, let's just go out for a little bit."

Jisung shook his head, again without looking at Minho.

"Can we at least do something fun? This is boring." Minho wined while pouting.

Jisung looked down at Minho, cracking a small smile at the cuteness of the elder.

"Ok, we can do something fun. But we're doing it at home." Jisung strictly said while running a hand through Minho's washed-out purple locks.

Minho smiled and leaned into the touch.

"What do you wanna do Bubs?" Jisung asked with a small smile on his face.

Minho thought for a while before his face lit up with an idea.

"I wanna dye my hair! I haven't dyed it in a while." Minho said with a bright and wide smile forming on his face.

Jisung giggled and nodded his head. The two sat up and turned off the TV.

"What colour do you want to do?" Jisung asked while running his hand through Minho's soft hair.

"Mabye light brown. I haven't had brown hair in a while." Minho said while smiling.

Jisung nodded his head and left a soft kiss on Minho's forehead before standing up.

"Do you have the dye?" Jisung asked.

Minho shook his head happily. He was hoping that Jisung might take him out to buy the dye.

"Ok, then I'll just have to get it for you. I'll be back in about 30 minutes." Jisung said while putting on his shoes.

Minho frowned.

"You're gonna leave me here?" The eldest answered with a pouty voice.

Jisung sighed and looked up at Minho.

"Yes, you have to stay inside until you get better." Jisung answered softly yet strictly.

Minho's pout grew bigger.

"But I wanna come." Minho whined.

Jisung shook his head.

"You're staying here." Jisung was a bit concerned that Minho was staying home alone while being in his mentally unstable phase. He wished the others hadn't gone out so that he could have asked them to babysit for a while.

"But baaabe-"

"No, Minho. You're staying at home. I'll be back in a while." Jisung said while stuffing his wallet into his pocket.

Minho's pout turned into a mad frown.

"Ok." He simply answered.

Jisung frowned at the sight but moved towards the door either way.

"I'll be back soon. Just watch some cartoons or something while I'm gone, ok Bubs?" Jisung said in his soft and loving voice.

"Ok.... And I'll just stay at home, alone in a house full of knives, forks, sleeping pills, ropes, razors-"

"Ok, ok, ok. I'm not leaving you alone anymore. Get dressed." Jisung demanded.

He was terrified that Minho might hurt himself again. He knew that Minho didn't even need any knives or ropes to hurt himself. He could do it with his own hands, just like last time.

Minho quickly slipped his shoes on and grabbed his jacket. The eldest happily skipped over to a pouty Jisung. Minho hugged Jisung from behind, happy to be going out even if it only was for a little while.

Minho was reaching for the doorknob when his hand was grabbed by Jisung's. Minho turned to the younger, looking into his eyes.

"You're holding my hand the whole time. And you let me know the second you start feeling something." Jisung seriously said while intertwining his and Minho's fingers.

Minho's heart fluttered once he saw how serious and genuine Jisung looked. Like he was genuinely afraid that Minho might get hurt. Minho nodded his head and opened the door.

The two went out together, holding hands the whole time. Minho was smiling widely while looking around at the different shops and people outside. Jisung spent his time worrying about Minho's well being.

The two entered a convenience store. Jisung immediately pulled Minho towards where they kept the hair dyes and let Minho pick out which one he wanted. Minho picked out a shade close to Jisung's, only a bit lighter.

The two paid for the dye and immediately started walking back home. Jisung was looking at Minho every 2 seconds, wondering if he was feeling uncomfortable or sad.

"Are you doing ok, Bubs?" Jisung worriedly asked.

Minho turned to the younger and flashed him a smile, saying that he was ok.

"You don't have to worry so much. I'm fine." Minho assured the younger.

"You know I'm always gonna worry for you. I don't want anything to happen to you." Jisung said while squeezing Minho's hand.

The two walked back to Minho's apartment while chatting silently about how Minho was gonna look with brown hair.

Once they got back inside, Jisung got to work on Minho's hair. The younger applied the dye to Minho's hair while the two were singing along to Minho's Playlist.

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