Girl meets boy

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Shit I'm late for school! I roll over and hit the alarm on my XR. I'm in the last few months of high school and I can not be fuckin up . I jump out of the bed and slide my feet into my black Ugg fur slippers my dad got me as a shut up gift for his actual absence in my life. See I am a product of an affair that went too far. He was married and my mom was a sophomore at Virginia Tech studying law. He was the school Chancellor. She went in for recommendations and came out with me . Of course he can't be here physically but I am well

taken care of . I live in the biggest house on the block and I get what ever the fuck I want. As long as my grades are good of course . I hurry up and slid into my tight fit jeans a cute black and blue t-shirt i got from the mall last week with a pair of matching Jays. While swiping on my Fenty lip gloss I call for my older brother to get his ass up so I can go to school

"Gen I'm up stop calling my damn name." My brother yells from his room. Darren and I have been tight since I was little . But that also means he's very overprotective . Any guy that even looked my way had to get through Darren and his goons first.
Even though he's 3 years older than me you would've thought he was my dad.

"Can you cut the AC on and roll the window up , you gonna mess up my bundles." I ask. He playfully mushes my head and roll up the windows because he knows if it messes up then he's paying for it .

"I gotta stop by one of the spots real quick before I drop you off it'll only take a second." he says. I get anxious at the thought of going to one of his "spots". He likes to keep it away from me but I know exactly what he does and where his money comes from. I'm not dumb. A hint would be the strong weed smell that comes from his car on days he picks me up from school. Or the different cell phones he has for different reasons. One is for the many females he tried to juggle, one is for the plucks that need a quick fix, and one is for his home life . We pull around this corner and the scenery changes drastically . No more big houses with pools in the back yards. Now we're in a neighborhood about 3 blocks from my school . We pull up to this house. The windows are boarded up and the paint is dingy . There are two guys sitting on the front porch acting as look outs while 2 light skinned broads flaunt they stank ass in front of them. Trying to get some free product. He tells me to sit tight while he goes in and holla at a few of his homeboys . 10 minutes pass and he emerges from the side of the rundown house followed by a dude I never met before. Damn he was fine. Standing at about 6'2, he was a dark mocha color with dark eyes and 1 dimple that was in the left side of his cheek. His hair was cut low with deep waves that I could lose myself in forever and he had a smooth face with full lips. They both speak low to the two guys that were on the porch and head to the car. Our eyes meet and he flashes one of the most sexiest smiles I've ever seen. His teeth were Pearly white but his 4 k-9 teeth were covered with gold and diamonds . If I could hand chisel my perfect man, this nigga would be it .

 If I could hand chisel my perfect man, this nigga would be it

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(Hey guys!!! Nice of you to read my story . This is my first book on here so please be patient . Tell me what you like or dislike and what you would like to see as the story unfolds . My fan base will be named Lexy's lovebugs 😍😍😍)

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