Say yes to the dress.

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"Damn baby you showing out Aint you?" I ignore his taunting as I bounce up and down on his dick. He reaches up and grabs my breast in his hands. Giving them a tease, he squeezes my left nipple while sucking on the right. Right as we are about to reach our climax BOOM I hear the door fly open.

"What the fuck is going on in here ?" Marcus's face drains of color and I sit there looking stupid . Instead of getting up, Jaycion wraps his arms around my waist and held me in place. He starts to thrust his hips into me causing me to bounce up and down.

"You wish this was you nigga . You wish you knew how she felt, how she tasted . This my shawty. You'll never make her scream like me nigga !" Jaycion starts hitting my spot and instead of getting off and running to my man , I moaned. Jaycion pulls me close to his chest and smiles at Marcus.

" I'll kill y'all both before I let a bitch play me," he pulls out a gun and aims it straight at us. He pulls the trigger and .....

*Cell phone rings *

I pop up in the bed and try to catch my breath. I'm drenched in sweat and my head is pounding . I reach over Marcus to get to my phone and see "Deniseee🖤" pop up on my screen.

"Hello?" My voice was raspy and low. I'm sure I sounded like a man.

"Bitch get up , it's almost time for your fitting. I'm on my way." She hung up and I tossed my phone on the floor beside me. I tried to shake myself of the same nightmare I've been having since that night at Jaycion's house. The guilt is starting to take over me and it's to the point that I know I have to tell Marcus exactly what happened. I do love him. He's a great guy and the last thing I wanna do is lose him. I kiss him on the forehead and ease out the bed to take a quick shower before My sis gets here. After I'm showered and dressed I head downstairs to grab a bottle of water and call Chanica to check on my baby. Since I had her I don't know who's her mom anymore because she always with her aunt or her GiGi. Honk honk!

I send a text to Marcus telling him where I was going and how long it should take and I leave. Of course Denise has to be mad loud in the morning bumping Drake.

"Damn bitch can you be any louder?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and cuts it down just enough so that I can stop yelling over the music.

"Here this is from daddy," she tosses me a envelope with a card inside.

Im so proud of the woman you are becoming. I will fulfill my fatherly duties and take car of your wedding. Here's a prepaid card with 30,000 to find the perfect dress. I love you princess.

I took my phone out and called my daddy to thank him. He told me to let him know what else I may need and I'll do just that. We pulled up in front a little boutique that specialized in handmade wedding gowns out Virginia Beach. We waited in the parking lot for my other sister Lynnia, my best friend and my mom to join us. After an hour everyone made it and we were ransacking the place. I don't know if it was because I was distracted with my thoughts or because I'm picky but nothing screamed wedding to me. That was until my mom came to me with a lace dress draped across her arms. Me and the sales associates went into the dressing room and tried on the dress. Standing in front of the mirror I barely recognized myself. The dress was mermaid styles with a long flared train. It had a sheer back side and jewels going up the front. The design was carefully stitched and the patterns in the dress told a story that spoke to me. To finish the look she added a diamond tiara and a sheer veil with jewels that matched the dress and hung low to the floor. This was the dress. With the help of the sales associate, Karen I walked out of the back room and toward the runway where my family and friend sat. The room was quiet and my mom started crying.

"Oh my god baby you look so beautiful." My mom dabbed at her eyes and took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.

"Damn girl you look good. It fits your shape well sis." Both my sister nodded in agreement. A few more ooh and aaahs sealed the deal.

"Wow sis you look.... Amazing." I turn to the door and see Darren standing in the door way. He walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek. "Sorry I'm late sis but I got held up at a meeting." Whenever he says meeting I know he was talking about being around Jaycion.

"Damn....." everyone head turned back towards the door and watched as Jay walked towards us. I look down at Darren and he looks away knowing damn well he wrong for this shit. "You look like an angel babe."

"Thanks Jay."

"I really mean it. You look beautiful."

"Yeah, I do don't I ?" We both smile at each other and my mom and brother give each other a satisfied look. Was this planned? What are they up too? I push my thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on the sight in front of me. Looking in the mirror I see Jay behind me staring dead into my eyes. Him being so close sent shivers down my spin.

"Ahem.." Karen clears her throat, breaking the silent moment we were having. "Are you saying yes to the dress?"

"I'm saying yes to the dress!" She hands me a bell that said "I said yes to him and the dress" and I rang it. She tossed confetti over my head and everyone cheered. Everyone except Jaycion. Karen walked over to him and said "you are a lucky guy, she's a beautiful bride."

He just smiled at her and said "no I'm the lucky one." I got changed back into my clothes, paid for the dress and met everyone outside in the parking lot. By the time I got outside Darren and Jay were gone. I called Marcus and told him that I found a dress but we needed to talk, tonight. After hanging up with him I asked Nica to drop off Layah with Jay and to tell him to keep her for the night. After saying my good byes I got Denise to drop me off at Home where Marcus was waiting. I don't know how I was gonna tell him that I fucked my baby daddy but he needed to know. I need to give a choice of wether or not he wants to still marry me. I can't enter this on a lie. I opened the door and took a deep breath. Our relationship is in his hands and he doesn't even know it.

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