I choose you

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One year later........


The sun light peaked through our bedroom window indicating that it was time for our asses to get up. I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to the lighting when cries came through baby monitor. I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that it was 9 a.m. time to feed fat boy . When I say fat boy I mean my  son and not my husband. Before I could get myself together I hear Layah in the room with her brother trying to get him to hush before he wakes us up. That girl is so smart and very helpful when it comes to her brother. A set of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into bed.

"Good morning sexy." He said while kissing me all over my face.

"Get your stanky breath away from me." I laugh and act grossed out. Whatever Layah was doing to keep the baby occupied worked because he was quiet.

"You love my stank breath tho."

Whatever Boy." I playfully swat at his hands so that he could let me go and I can cook breakfast.

"I'm going to go get my kids ready for breakfast, you need to shower and be downstairs In 30 an hour."

"Your kids? So you didn't have help making them brats?" He says acting hurt.

"Don't call my babies brats Jay. If anything they act just like they damn daddy." I smile and toss his towel and balling shorts at him. After I woke up in the office of the venue surrounded by Jay, Marcus and my brother I realized that if I chose Marcus he'll end up hating me for not fully loving him and I'll end up resenting him for not being Jay. He was hurt. He even cried but I couldn't help who I loved. Yes I loved Marcus too but I was in love with Jaycion. Always had been and always will be. We didn't get married until a few months later tho. Around the same time that I found out I was pregnant with Jr. that night in Atlanta he said he was gonna out a baby in me and I guess he stayed true to his word. He was my everything. Through the bullshit and drama he still is the only nigga for me.

After I got out the shower I got dressed and headed down stairs to eat with my family. When Gen chose me I didn't believe it at first. I thought I was hearing things. But no she really chose me. She chose to marry my ass even though I fucked up. And when she told me she was pregnant with JJ I knew she was stuck with me for life. I walked passed her and kissed her on the cheek and then took my seat beside our daughter. She had the attitude of her mother but her features was all me. I looked around at the house she made a home. The family she gave me and felt the love she had for me. She was my Bonnie. My Michelle Obama. My sun and moon. my heart beat. She was My GENESIS......

Thank y'all soooo much for taking this journey with me. I'm soo sad to see it end but who knows maybe I'll write another . Love y'all  and PEACE OOUUTTT 🥰🥰😍😍😘


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