Baby mama drama

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"Yeah nigga ill be by in a lil bit. I gotta drop Gen off at her mama house and then I'll be on my way." My homeboy on the other end started talking shit about me being a family man now. He can call me what he want but he can't call me Alone . I wrap up the convo just in time to see Gen heading towards me. She ain't smiling no more. In fact, she look like she could kill somebody. A few seconds later Renee and Monáe come out behind her. Oh shit. This can't be good. She stands in front of me and put her hands on her hips.

"Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Nah bae what's up?"

"So that bitch ," she turns and points at the girls . "Didn't have a baby by you ? Why the fuck she got your name tatted Jaycion. Who the fuck is that bitch."

"Yeah Daddy who am I? Tell her how you use to beat this pussy up. Tell her how I ended up with the tattoo right before you found out WE were having a baby." I had enough of her bullshit . I move around Gen and walk up Renee. I grab her by the throat and pick her up. "You gonna tell her the fuckin truth or so help me god I'll fuckin kill you!" Spit is flying from my mouth as I put her back down on her feet. She falls to the ground gasping for air . "Tell . Her." I say through gritted teeth.

"It's not his baby." She looks up at me and I demand for her to tell her the whole truth.

"We fucked around years ago but this nigga was never fuckin home. So I ended up getting pregnant by one of his homeboys." Her friend helps her to her feet and slumps her shoulders in defeat. Before walking away she looks at me and says " you know you still love me . That's why you got a bitch that resembles me. I'm always in ya mind nigga." Why the fuck would she say that. I turned to Gen who was already climbing into the driver seat. She locked the doors so I couldn't get in. I walk over to her side and try to reason with her.
"Gen baby please open the door," I pull on the handle prepared to rip the door off the damn truck. I can tell she's pissed. She rolls down the window a little and starts yelling.
"So let me get this straight. You still stuck on this bitch. Of course you are . Look at me and look at her. It's almost the same damn face. I'm so done with yo ass!" She starts crying. I know it's the hormones that got her acting crazy so I try not to get mad but I can't lie, hearing her say she leaving a nigga damn near broke me .
"Baby let me in I don't give a fuck about that hoe I swear. It's a coincidence y'all resemble, bae believe me you look better. She couldn't be you on her best day." At first I thought she didn't hear me, but then she cut the car off and I heard the locks pop . I swing open the driver door and pulled her down into my arms. She stopped crying and looked up at me. "If I see that bitch again I'll kill her," she said it with the straightest face it almost scared me. It also turned me on.

4 months later

"Im big as a fuckin house!" I'm starting to get frustrated with myself because nothing is fitting. Today is my baby shower and I've been so uncomfortable that I don't even wanna have one anymore. Chanica, Denise and Faye all stayed the night to help me get ready . Having my sisters and his favorite sister made the pain a little bearable.

"I still can't believe your having a baby, sissy" Faye says as she helps buckle up my Sandals. "Seeing your body change and all your mood swings made me tell Quez that we are NEVER having a baby." Hearing my little sister say that brought me relief. I want to be an auntie but not this soon. Although I do love her relationship with Quez I think they'll be great parents. After getting dressed I stand in the mirror to take a final look at myself. I don't know if it's the hormones or what but the tears started pouring. I wasn't sad or no shit like that , I just couldn't believe that all this was happening to me. I wasn't the one who was suppose to date a drug dealer or let the nigga get me pregnant. I'm still surprised that him and D squashed they beef and actually grown closer. You would think they were blood brothers . My dress was a little tighter than last month but it still fit perfectly. It was a soft pink mid thigh tutu style dress with matching sandals. I had a flower crown made to match the decorations and and my best friend and sisters outfits matched the crown. We all head down stairs into the car Jay got for us all to fit and headed over to his apartment. I know I promised to move in with him but I told him I wasn't shackin up. If we live together than we will be married. As we got closer to his house I see the house is lined with familiar cars. My mom , brother and family are all here already. Big pink balloons are in front of the house I get out of the car and before I can take a step the driver asks me to wait a second. I was confused so I just stood there while he walked to the trunk. A few seconds later he is rolling out a pink carpet all the way up to the door. I know it had to be Jay. We continue the walk up the drive way to the door and as I reach for the handle the door flies open. My mom pulls me in the tightest hug before letting me step foot in the house. "Damn." Was all that I could say. The house is beautiful. The walls are covered in pink gold and white decorations . There's a long table covering the left side of the wall with what seems like an unlimited amount of gifts . On the opposite wall is a table with 2 thrones and a giant pink cake with our daughters initials on it. The party planner really outdone herself with this one. I look around the room to find Jay but I couldn't look past one face that was in the crowd. I walk up to the man that had my exact face and stood in front of him. I didn't know what to say or how to say it so I just stood.
"You look beautiful my baby." Tears start to form in his eyes.

" Daddy your here."

"I wouldn't dare miss a celebration for my first granddaughter. I know I haven't been the best father to you. But I'm hoping, if you give me the chance. To at least be a better grandfather." The pain and burden that is in his eyes made me break down in tears.
"Of course dad." I damn near jump into his arms and he hugs me as tight as he can without hurting me . He then whispered something to me I don't think I ever heard him say to me .
I love you darlin.

Walking down stairs I had one mission on my mind. To make sure my girl have the best day of her life. No drama. No bullshit. It's crazy how in a crowd full of people I still can spot her immediately. I admit, I was skeptical to invite her dad. But once her mom told me how he's been teaching our to her about Gen and wanting to be there for her, I knew the best time to start was now. I walk over to them and join in on their conversation. The music was bumpin and everyone was having a great time. Even D was there with his main chick.

Knock knock knock

A hard knock came on my door and I assumed it was more guest . But when I opened it my face turned pale.

"Are you the Jaycion Williams?"  I looked back at Genesis who was making her way over to me.

"Yeah, why?" The officer grabbed me and pushed me against the door he starts searching my pockets and patting  my legs .  I ask Gen to step back because I didn't want them to accidentally bump her.

"Your under arrest for the disappearance of Xavier Daughtry." Fuck. Why today outta all days. My first thought is Gen. I turn to look at her and she's grabbing her belly  we both look down to the floor where this clear liquid is running down her leg. As they are dragging me out the house and reading me my rights I see 2 more cops pulling out Darren. My head spins and the only words I can focus on is "She's in labor ,"

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