Ten toes

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3 months later

I still can't believe that I'm someone daddy. I would sell my soul just to be out with my family again but shit happens. So far my lawyer is hopeful that I won't do much time. Apparently they had a witness that was outside the night we were at Zay crib. Although they have a witness that says we were there, they still don't have a body or a murder weapon. We might be able to get off on that charge , but I still was arrested with a gun on me so they'll more than likely give me some time for that. I'll take a few years rather than a life sentence any day. They got me and D on 2 separate blocks but I heard through the vine he iight. Making connections and networking while he in here. That's exactly why I fuck with the nigga. His hustle doesn't stop for shit.

Today is the day. My brother and my niggas court date. Darren more than likely will walk out a free man but Jaycion still has the gun charge hanging over his head. I dropped the baby off at my sister Faye house last night so that I can focus on getting ready for his court appearance. I put on a pair of black tight fitting slacks with a black and blue blouse with ruffles on the sleeves. I grabbed a blue and black hand back from my walk in closet and a pit of pumps to match. I decided to wand curl my bundles and pin them to the left. Driving over there was the most nerve wrecking thing I ever experienced, Next to giving birth of course. It took about 20 minutes to get through the metal detectors and the search. Every step I took to courtroom 102 my heart skipped a beat. I took a seat right behind where he would be sitting so he could smell me, feel my presence.

Walking in the courtroom I instantly saw Gen sitting front row. Damn she looked good. If I could break these handcuffs just to give her a kiss and hold her for a few minutes I would in a heartbeat. I take the seat that's right in front of her. My court case was up first and Darrens followed after mine.

"All arise for the reading of the verdict."

"In the case of abduction and obstruction of justice we find the defendant.... not guilty." I heard Gen clap her hands and thank god. Those words released so much tension in my shoulders.

"In the case of a firearm in the Possession of a felon we the jury find the defendant...... guilty." And there it was. The moment I knew was gonna happen but hoped to god it didn't. My past fucked me over yet again.taking that charge for my big homie when I was younger was the dumbest shit I ever could've done. And getting caught again just made it worse. I turned to look behind me as the judge set a new date for sentencing. Gen looked like she could throw up right now. She gripped the edge of the wood she was sitting on and started rocking. I never wanted to hurt her like this.

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Those words played over and over in my head. He told me the story about being the new lil nigga in the gang and when shit popped off he proved his loyalty by taking the fall, but now what has it gotten him? The maximum is 10 years. 10 fuckin years ! The pain settles in my chest and I start to scream. Officers rush over to me ordering me to quiet down. I scream and cry until I slid on the floor. Jaycion hops up when he sees the officers trying to lift me up but end up dragging me instead.

"Yo get off of her. Let her go please!" He starts pleading with the officers. I was past the point of consoling. I finally get the strength to stand and take off towards him. I reach my arms out and just as I was about to grab him an office yanks him away.
"Baby I love you I swear I do. I ain't going no where. Ima wait. Baby I promise." An officer pulled me out the court room but not before I hear "I LOVE YOU GEN! REMEMBER THAT!"

My mother was waiting outside the courtroom when the officer damn near threw me out the courtroom. She immediately rushed to my side cussing the officer out and wrapped her arms around me. The look in her face was pure helplessness. WhT can you do when your child is hurting and there's nothing you can do to stop it. She sat with me until it was time for my brothers court appearance and then she went inside. An hour went by and my mom and brother were both walking out. Neither of them were smiling. Concern and worry apparent on both of their faces. I ran into my brothers arm and I just wanted him to protect me again. I wanted him to make the bad feelings go away the way he always did when I cried. But this time he couldn't.

"I'm so sorry baby sister. If I could take that charge for him just to see you happy I would. But we all here for you and My niece." I know his words were suppose to make me feel better but they didn't. It actually made the hole I had in my heart bigger. My child has to live like I did . With no present dad. Only a mom trying to make up for the absence. I never wanted that for my kids. We head out to the car and all I can think about is running back in there breaking my nigga out. It's no telling how long they gonna give him but I know one thing . Ima be ten toes down until they free my man.

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