Best part of me

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(Thank you guys for reading this far. Don't forget to follow me for updates and like , comment and vote on your favorite parts. Thanks for the support my love bugs)


What if something is wrong? I ask my self over and over in my head as I lay in the hospital bed. Ambi is holding on to my hand tight. Or maybe I'm squeezing hers to death. I don't even know right now nor do I care. It's been 30 minutes and the room has been busy with different Drs and Nurses asking me the same questions as the ones before them .

"What happened?"

"Are you under any stress at home?"

"We may need to admit you."

It was one particular nurse, Nurse Jackson, that was extremely nice to me. She looked equally as worried as I did. As she rubbed the cold Gel on my belly the door busts open and in walks Jay and D. They both look so tired and scared at the same time. Which kind of scared I don't know just yet. Scared for me? Or scared of themselves for god knows what they just done. I'm just glad they are here. Jay rushes over to me damn near tossing my sis out the way.
"You okay bae?" He bends down and kisses me on the forehead. I start to cry because the fear is settling in the pit of my stomach. The nurse asks everyone to leave so that she can talk to me but at the moment I wanted my family there. I NEEDED my family there. She took the cold handle of the sonogram machine and swiped it across my belly. What seemed like hours was only a few minutes before we heard a soft thud on the monitor. It was my baby heart beat ! I look up at Jay who had tears forming in his eyes.

"She's fine. Healthy. You just have to take it easy for the next few months if you want a safe naturally delivery." She?  The look of confusion in our faces clicked in her mind as she realized that we hadn't known the sex of our baby. A girl ! Fear was replaced with anticipation because I was already planning the mommy daughter matching outfits, the spa dates and mani pedi outings. The room filled with "damn rights!" And cheers. D walked over to me and made sure I was good before he said he had to leave and tie up some business. After 30 minutes of congratulations and good byes, it was only me and Jay in the room.

"You sure you feeling good mama?" he asks.

"Im straight bae. Especially now that I know you stuck with a clone of me ." He shakes his head and laughs.

"Man what the fuck ima do with 2 spoiled ass brats? I know one fuckin thing tho. She ain't dating til I'm dead." He says it with a straight face but I know he's joking. I couldn't help the uneasy feeling that creeped its way into my chest. Even though it was a joke it still hit close to home. All the shit we've been through was because my brother was scared to let me grow. And now he's basically saying my child will have the same damn fate as me. Hell no fuck that. I sit up and scoot over, motioning for him to lay beside me. I lay my head on his chest and think about the words that I want to come out.

"I know you made it as a joke but promise me you won't be as overprotective of her as D was over me. That type of love can get someone killed and we both know that. Promise me you won't make her that fuckin miserable." The room was silent for 5 minutes. I knew he couldn't make that type of promise right now but I need him to seriously think about it.

How can she expect me to say I won't protect my daughter from any fuck niggas trying to take advantage of her? Fuck that! She'll never be in a position where a nigga can hurt her. I know in this moment she needs to be comforted. She needs to know that this will not happen again and that our child will have a different life than what she had. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped her in my arms . Giving her silent confirmation that no matter what I'll try my hardest to go easy on the nigga that think he gonna be running game on my baby. A soft knock interrupts our moment and my sisters head pops through the door. Chanica basically raised me when our mom worked a lot . It was always just me and her and when shit get crazy she's always the first person I call.

"Hey bro how's the baby?" She says as she crosses the room floor to get closer to Gen.

"She good ." Before I can finish my damn sentence she starts screaming and twerking to whateva damn song is in her head.

"I got a niece? Shut the fuck up ! Oh yeah I gotta go shopping EXPEDITIOUSLY or how ever t.i be talking."

"Lordy none of those ratchets ass auntie and me outfits please."

"Now Jaycion Demetrious Williams do you think I would do ratchet shit with my niece ?" She couldn't hold a straight face and burst into laughter. We sign the discharge papers and head towards the exit. Since Gen has to kick her feet up for the rest of the week ima have her stay with Nica while I'm out handling my business. Maybe they can plan the baby shower or some shit.

These 4 days just laying on my back is killing me. The only time I'm allowed to get up is to piss and for the first 2 days his ass carried me. This also gave me time to really get to know Nica. I figured out her favorite color is purple judging by her bed room bathroom and living room. She's weirdly obsessed with Janet Jackson and Trey songz( although they probably would make a dope album). She's also allergic to bananas which hurt my feelings because I'm craving for somebody's damn banana pudding. These few days I learned everything about her and now I feel like we are actually sisters. With that being said , I think I can push my luck and get out the house today. I'm going stir crazy in this damn house. Waiting for a commercial to come on I slide in the fact that I'm hungry and couldn't wait for Jaycion to bring his ass home. I then had to convince her that she couldn't go without me cause I had no clue as to what I wanted. I put on a pair of sweats , a t-shirt and slides and head to the car. The sun is super bright since I haven't been outside these days. 

"So what do you want to eat bitch ."  Nica asks while buckling her seat belt.

"Idk what I have a taste for. Y'all have been feeding me everything under the fuckin sun. ."  On one hand I could go for something as simple as a 4 for 4.  But then again I could go for a seafood boil. It just didn't seem right to choose between the 2 so I chose both. Backing out onto the street Nica came to a quick halt.

"Damn . I knew we was gonna get busted."  I didn't even have to follow her eyes to the rearview mirror to confirm what I already knew. I peek in the mirror and saw Jaycion heading straight for my side of the car. Anger apparent in his face he snatches the door open and stands in front of me.

"What he fuck are you doing ? Get ya ass in the fuckin house Gen!" This nigga pissed but I'll be damned if he talk to me like I'm a fuckin child.

"I'm hungry what is the fuckin issue."

"The issue is that your suppose to be laying down. You could've texted me what you wanted." His voice softens to a concerned tone and my anger melts. He's just doing his daddy duties making sure we good.

"Baby I'm going stir crazy cooped up in that damn house all day long. How about you take me then if it's that much of a damn issue." Before I give him time to argue I get out of her car and head towards his. I slide into the passenger seat and waited for him. He said a few words to his sister and she waved at me. For some reason I got a feeling that she called him and told him I wanted to leave. My suspicions are answered when he I roll down my window to tell him to hurry up and hear him thank her for calling him.  I really don't give a fuck. As long as I feed my fat face. And soon.  He pulls away from his house and for once, even if it's just this once, I feel at peace. Just for today I'm in a calm piece of mind.

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