Fight night

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(this chapter is dedicated to my biggest fan My real life Chanica ♥️)

I don't know why my palms are so sweaty . I'm starting to understand how Eminem felt in lose yourself. I walk into the house and up the stairs to our bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed playing Madden20 oblivious to the fact that I'm about to fuck his day up. I walk up behind him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey gorgeous I missed you." He reaches around and pulls me into his lap. He kisses me and I feel bad because there was no sparks , no goose bumps like the ones I get with Jaycion. I guess he felt that I wasn't into it because he pulled back and just gave me a look of confusion. I stood up and went to go sit on the opposite edge of the bed careful not to look at him.

"Marcus I love you. You came into a world I never knew I could have after Jaycion. You not only love me but you love my daughter and she loves you too. You've been handling the no sex until marriage thing well. But .... there's something I gotta tell you. And I feel like we can't get married until you know what happened and understand why it happened." Marcus stood up and came over to the spot I was sitting in. Kneeling down in front of me he places his hands on my thighs.

"Baby what ever you got to say just say it. We good?"

"I don't know honestly. Ok listen. " I take his hands in mine and give them a reassuring squeeze. "The other night when we dropped Layah off to her daddy's, something happened."I pause to watch his reaction to the things I was saying. Nothing clicked to him yet so he was still calm. We started talking and one thing led to another and..."  I felt his hands slip from mine and he stood up.

"Are you trying to tell me what I think your telling me?" His tone was cold and harsh. Not caring and comforting like it was before.

"Baby I'm sorry," was all I could manage to say.

"The years I put into your ass, building you back up after that nigga left your ass and you play me ?!" He starts yelling.

"I know and I'm sorry it didn't mean anything, he doesn't mean anything."


Marcus back hands me causing me to flip across the bed. He jumps across the bed in one leap and picks me up by my throat and slams me against the wall. Squeezing tighter I grab his hands trying to get him to loosen up.

"How could you do this. I love you Genesis. I treat your child like my own and you do that hoe shit. Bitch I'll kill you!" His eyes turn wild and spit flies from his mouth.

"B... bae... baby. I can I can't breath." My voice comes out as a whisper but he heard it and loosened his grip. He drops me to the ground and stares at his shaking hands. I don't know which is bruised worse right now, my neck and face or his feelings. I start to cry and he quickly snaps out of his rage. He picks me up off the floor kissing my face and apologizing.

"Shit bae I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never. Man FUCK." He holds me tight as I cry turning me into a victim instead  of the one who caused this mess. I figured the only way to get out of this was to play on his guilt. I hop off his lap and run into the bathroom. A few minutes went by and I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Bae come on I'm sorry. I shouldn't have did that. But you at fault here too. I just lost it. Come talk to me." 

I ignored his begging while I got a good look at myself in the mirror my neck was swollen and red yet again and my eye was starting to turn dark and puffy. My lip had a slit across the top and was swelling. It's crazy because I didn't really feel the smack at all so I don't know how all this damage was done. I splash water on my face and get myself together before opening the bathroom door. When I opened it I saw Marcus down on his knees he pulled my legs to his face and buried his head between my thighs. He starts crying like a bitch. I rubbed the top part of his head and then kneeled down in front of him.

"We will never talk about tonight , nor what I done with Jaycion. I just wanna sleep, okay?"  He nods and we both help each other up off the ground. We climb into bed and he pulls me close to him. Without a word we both fell asleep, bruised and worn out.


"Get your stuff Layah. Mommy on her way." Seeing Gen in that wedding dress solidified the fact that she will be my wife one day, not his. I just hope it's soon cause I would hate to ruin a beautiful wedding. A text came through saying send Her outside. Don't feel like getting out the car. I knew she was confused by what happened but to avoid me was not gonna work for me. I grabbed Layah's book bag off the floor and told her to come on. Getting close to the car I see Gen turn her head away from us.

"On second thought baby go in the house look upstairs and get daddy's headphones off the nightstand." She sucks her teeth but knew to take her butt in the house like I instructed. I opened the passenger side door and slid in. She didn't turn or even acknowledge the fact that I was in the car. She had a hoodie on her head and dark sunglasses covered her eyes.

"Wassup ma, you gonna ignore me forever?" When she didn't say anything I knew something was up. " yo what's up ?"

"Nothing I'm just tired, can you tell her to come on?" I pulled the hoodie off her head and grabbed her chin and turned it to face me.
"You can't...." the sight of her busted lip made me see red. I snatched off her glasses and saw the matching black eye to go with the lip.

"I'll kill that nigga."

"No Jaycion don't. I pull out my phone and dial darrens number. Gen is begging me not to do nothing stupid but I'm not tryna hear her right now. The phone go to voicemail and I text him saying 911.

"What happened and don't lie."

"I told him."

"Told him what?" She just started at me and then it clicked. "You told him we fucked?"

"Yes . The guilt was getting to me. It looks worse than what it really is. We good. Just promise me you won't do nothing stupid. You can't leave her again."

" I can't make that type of promise."  My phone rings and Darrens name flashes across the screen.

"Please Jaycion?"  I answer the phone and tell him the emergency was the fact that I couldnt reach his sister. He laughed and hung up in my face.

"So what you gonna do now Gen?"

"Nothing. We both agreed to let the shit go on and move on with our lives."

"And you expect me to see the nigga and let shit rock? You know that's not in me." She stares out the window for a moment and then faces me.

"I don't expect you to do anything. But I'm asking you to let this shit go. For my sake and for your daughters sake. She can't lose you and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. I pull her into a hug and promised her that I'll let him breath. But I didn't agree to not fuck him up. You can't put your hands on another mans love and think shit sweet. Nah I'll see him , and when I do, his hands better be quicker than mine...

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