Guess whos back

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*Ring ring ring*

I look over at Jaycion as he snores and I try to slide from under his grip . He tightens it but then let's me go. I search the floor for my pants and pull my phone out of my pocket . Big Brother flashes on my screen. I go to the bathroom and close the door behind me. "Hey Darren! What's up ?"
"What you mean what's up where you at ? "
"I'm with Kadi at her sister house damn. ."
"Iight I was just checking on you , I'm sorry shit. I'll see you when I get home . Love you." He hangs up. I know he just worries about me but what happened to him will never happen to me. That was his father fault not ours and I'm patiently waiting for the moment he realizes that he can let it go and move on. He's safe now.

I reach out for her but she's not there. I'm not gonna lie I feel a slight worry like she left me or some shit and I hate to go looking for her and cut up where ever her ass is. I'm put at ease when I hear the shower run. I get up not even bothering to put on clothes and head towards the bathroom. I enter the room and just watch her for a second. I really get to see her. All of her. She's gorgeous. Without stating I was there I slide the shower door back and step in. She doesn't even bother to turn around. I take the wash cloth out of her hands and wet it . Adding soap I start to wash her from head to toe. Nothing sexual just genuinely checking to make sure she's okay. After we're both clean and dried we get dressed in silence. "So what now?" She asks. I thought I made my self clear before and during sex but I'll make my point 1 more time .
" you are my woman." I pull her into my arms and grab onto her ass. "Anything you need taken care of anything you want I gotchu. Just keep your loyalty to me and we'll be good. I can handle Darren."

"I know my brother. No way in hell he's gonna let this shit fly. Especially with you. Hell no."

"You let me worry about D. I gotchu . Remember that . But while we on the subject. What's up with him. Why he so damn overprotective?"

"Things happened that is not my place to say. Just understand he does not want history to repeat itself and if y'all ever get really close, he'll tell you ." I battle with myself if I want to tell him what happened all those years ago but I decided against it. It's not my history to tell.

The look on her face tells me that she's in deep thought so I decided to change the subject . " you hungry ? We can go get something to eat before I take you home ."

"Let's try those new chicken sandwiches everybody talking about from that 1 place."

"Bet. Let's go." As I pull out the drive way I enter the main highway. Either I'm paranoid or it's a black S U V that's been following us for 15 minutes. The windows are tinted so I couldn't make out the niggas faces. Without worrying her I told her that we can eat inside . 30 minutes of her eating and commenting on how everyone was right this chicken sandwich is way better than the other ones I notice the same SUV parked across the street. This is starting to make me uneasy. I keep making excuses on why we couldn't leave just yet and an hour and a half later the SUV leaves. That was weird as fuck. We head to her house in silence. I let her control the music so I've been suffering through this singer named Ari Lennox. She's dope but I'm a rap type of nigga . Gen asked me to drop her off a few houses down and even though I didn't want to I know it would make her feel better so I did. I didn't pull off until I knew she was in the house safely. Once inside I pull my phone out and call Darren. Somethings up and I got to figure out what .

I have a whole nigga now. What the fuck is going on . I'm smiling from ear to ear and I can't stop thinking about Jaycion. Who knew a street nigga could be so gentle . But he's not like the other street niggas I knew before. He's not mean, ruthless and about a bunch of bitches. He only wants me . I pull out my phone and call my sister Denise on my dads side. She's on of the two siblings on that side that has anything to do with me and I'm okay with that . She picks up on the second ring and I spill everything to her. She shared the same concern about Darren that I did. As we finish the convo I get a blocked call. I ignored the first 2 but the 3rd one I had to answer. I told Denise I'll call her back and I clicked over.



"Who wants to know?"

Is this Genesis or not ?"

I said who the fuck wants to know?" I start to hang up after the man got quiet but my heart instantly stops once he said his name

"Xavier ."

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