When I catch you...

989 31 2

(Thanks for patiently waiting on my chapters and following my book y'all are awesome. Don't forget to like comment and share !) 


I know I made a promise that I wouldn't hurt him or tell her brother. But she gotta be crazier than a fish with titties if she think ima let this nigga walk around putting his hands on her. Nah fuck that. I pull up to one of the trap houses we had out Lake Edwards in Virginia Beach and called over my two homeboys to the car. Monroe and Shawn been my niggas since high school and I know other than Darren, them niggas gone ride when I call.

"What up Jay?" Monroe got to the car first and reached in the window to dap me up, Shawn did the same.

"Nothin chillin how everything on this side ?"

"Every thing gravy baby on this side." Shawn replied . He reached in his back pocket and handed me a Manila folder filled with 100's. I counted the money to make sure it was all there. These some hustling ass lil niggas and if it wasn't for they love for  random pussy  they could be running a few blocks on they own. 

"Aye look I got something for y'all to do." I look between the both of them to make sure I have their undivided attention. I said I won't lay my hands on him, but I didn't say I couldn't put somebody else on his head.

"Oh yeah who is it ?" Shawn got the look of murder in his eyes. Ever since he was a young nigga and saw his dad kill his mom over a crack rock he ain't been right in the head.

"Nah nigga you ain't murkin nobody. Just a lame nigga who put his hands on my baby mama."

"Let me get this straight. He put his hands on the mother of your seed. And you don't want him dead?" Monroe looked confused as hell. Shawn just shook his head.

"Of course I want the nigga dead. But if anything serious happen to that nigga she'll never forgive me. I just need y'all to beat his ass real good to send a message."

"Understood. Well where the nigga be at?" Shawn asked while lighting a blunt.  And what you mean by real good?" I gave that a long thought because I really wanted this nigga dead or close to it. But I know she'll never fuck with me again if that happens so a few bruises will do..... for now.

"Just make it good enough that he'll never even wanna beat his meat let alone a female ever again iight? They both nodded in agreement. " I'll text y'all when and where this will go down until then sit tight. I gotta make sure I'm far away from this shit so  hopefully she won't know it was me.

I waited a few days, played nice and acted like everything was good. Me and Gen decided to take Layah to the Zoo and then get ice cream so that would be a perfect alibi
She can't think it was me if I'm with her right ? I picked them up at her crib and saw his car was outside so I texted Monroe and told them to get they ass over here and handle shit.  Layah ran to the car first with the biggest grin on her face.

"Daddy!!!!!" I got out the car and scooped her up into my arms. I nuzzled my face in her neck and started tickling her. She looked so cute in her pink adidas overalls with the matching shoes and white pink adidas t shirt. Her hair was in a big puff ball with pink and white ribbons tied around. If I didn't do anything else right , I made a pretty ass baby. Gen came shortly after looking bomb as a bitch per usual. She had on a pink nike outfit the same shade as Layah with matching harrauches. Her hair was slicked into a pony tail with silver hoops and a silver necklace. She didn't need make up so she just had on eye liner and lip gloss. Having my girls with me everyday is exactly what I need.  She walked right past me and got in the passenger seat of the car. I know she only acting like that for that nigga but that's okay I'll play along.... for now .

Why he had to be looking so damn fine. He smelled good too. His Jeans hung low enough to show the hem of his Balmain boxers but not too low to show his whole ass. His studs in his ear were bigger than my eye sockets and his teeth shined brighter than the sun. Down girl. He's good to look at but not good to touch. Your engaged. Your happy and you do NOT need them type of problems. I slide right past them and get into the front seat. He buckles our daughter into her car seat and gets into the driver seat.

"Well hey to you too beautiful." He says while starting the car.

"Hey. Let's go."  I look out the window to try to keep from looking at him in his face.

"Damn why you being so cold to a nigga?" I turn to face him and try to put on the straightest face I could make.

"I don't need anyone getting no ideas like we back fuckin around. It ain't even that type of time my guy."

"Don't nobody think that besides your bitch ass nigga." I hear our daughter say oooooo in the back.

"Daddy said a bad word mommy where is his pop pop?"

"Sorry baby didn't mean to say that. But mama can always pop daddy whenever she likes." He shoots me a cocky grin and my pussy lips quiver. The drip of hidden flirtation in his comment made me bite my lip.

"I didn't get to you did I boo?" His grin is now a full blown cheesy ass smile and I hate it. He knows exactly how to get under my skin and it's working. If I don't get my shit together and fast than this will be a long ass day and I do not have time.

The family day went by real smooth. We went to the Virginia zoo and then to cold stones. We walked the ice cream off around The mall and did a little shopping. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

It's done .

I slid my phone back in my pocket and enjoyed the rest of our family day. On the way to drop them back off Gens phone kept ringing . I figured it was him because she kept looking over at me before silencing the call. By the 5th call she decided to answer. She didn't say a word she just listened. After 5 minutes she hangs up and start to cry.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I try to sound concerned when what I really wanted to do was jump for joy.

"That was his Mother. He's in the hospital. He was robbed leaving the store." She starts to break down and it breaks my heart knowing she actually care for another nigga. Now I wish they actually did kill him.

"He's fine get just has a broken leg and a few cracked ribs. Ima have to postpone the wedding until he gets better." We pull up in front of the house and I get out to help Layah out the car. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and takes off to the house. Gen walks over to my side of car and pulls me in for a tight hug. Before letting go to go in the house she whispers thank you for not killing him. She pulls away and looks at me with a smile. Damn busted.

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