Daddy's Home

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(Sorry I've been away, my job has been hell but I'm back with a new chapter. Enjoy LuvBugs 💙♥️)


Being home these past few weeks have been hell. I can't be a family with my family and on top of that shit I gotta watch another nigga around my daughter. Hell nah. I ain't going out like that. My thoughts are interrupted by the loud ass slurping the bitch was doing on my dick. I thought getting some head was gonna ease my mind but all it made me think of was how this bitch was not my shawty. She'll never do it the way my baby does it.

"Get the fuck up." I stand up and pull up my pants tossing her shirt to the ground beside her.

"What's wrong daddy?" She starts getting dressed fast with a confused look on her face. The longer she stayed the angrier I got. I know it's not her fault but I had no one else to lash out on.

"You can't suck a dick that's whats wrong. Felt like my shit was in a cheese grater."

"Nigga fuck you! If your dick got hard all the way maybe It wouldn't have been feeling like that bitch!" I don't know what came over me but before I knew it I was pulling her close to me by her hair. I stared into her eyes as she started to flinch and  I tightened my grip.

"Bitch if you ever. EVER disrespect me in my crib again, I'll beat the fuck outta you. Understood ?" She nodded her head in agreement and I let her go. She gathered her bra and shoes off the floor and hauled ass towards the door. When she opened the door my heart sank to my feet. These moments made me wish I was still in prison. My daughter and Genesis were standing on my doorstep and if I didn't know any better I could've sworn I seen a look of hurt on her face. Can you believe that? She got a whole nigga and got the audacity to look hurt. I shook the feeling of guilt that took over me and it was replaced with pettiness. I walked up behind the girl that I just grabbed up and gave her a kiss on the neck. No way was I kissing this hoe on the lips .

"See ya later baby."

"Nigga what ? Fuck you!" She remembered the threat I made earlier and hauled ass down the steps to her car. Gen laughs and tells our daughter to go put her things in her room while mommy and daddy talk.

"Don't come down until mommy calls for you okay tink?"

"Yes mommy." She kisses her on the cheek and she races upstairs to her bedroom. I swoop her up mid run and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I put her down and she looks between me and her mother.

"Ooo daddy mommy has the look she gives me when I'm in trouble. Your gonna get a pop pop." She takes off up the stairs leaving us alone.


I know I have no right to be jealous but hell he the one that left me. He made a choice that ruined the family we made and no way in hell was he gonna play me to my face. Why the fuck he gotta be so fine. The muscles he gained while away were bulging out of his v neck red polo t shirt and his toned legs were even muscular than I remember. I get myself together because he needed to know that this can't and won't happen again.

"So that's what we do now Jay? Random bitches in the crib your daughter sleep at?" I take my jacket off and put it on the chair. I see his eyes roam my body and I hope he remembers exactly what the fuck he decided to walk away from. I even wore his favorite perfume just to fuck with him.

"You look good Gen. you got fly just for me?" He licked his lips and looked me up and down.

"No I got fly for dinner with my nigga." His eyes turned dark and he stepped closer to me.

"Now why you had to ruin the moment Gen? Tryna act like you don't miss a nigga." He took a few more steps toward me and before I knew it I was pinned up against the door. He bent his head and places it in the crook of my neck, inhaling deep and slow. "Now I know you look like this just for me."
He starts kissing on my neck, sucking hard and then placing soft kisses. I almost got swept in the moment until I realized exactly what he was doing.

"You really think you slick huh ?" I push him away from me but he didn't go far. "You are not about to place hickeys on me Jaycion. I'm not yours. You can't brand me!" He doesn't say anything which had me a little worried. He just smiled and place his hands up against the door on both sides of me and leaned in close enough for our lips to touch.

"Let me ask you something baby girl. Does he make you feel the way I do? Does he make your pussy wet just by kissing you?" Before I can answer he crashed his lips onto mine. I try so hard to push him away but he wouldn't budge. His right hand slid down my body and up under my pencil skirt. He was right, I was soaking. It's been along time since I felt this way and for the life of me I couldn't find the strength to get him the fuck off of me, it felt too good. He massaged my clit with his pointer and middle finger in hard slow circles. "Let me taste you baby, can... please just let me do that l thing, that's it ?"He stopped massaging and plunged the same to fingers deep into my pussy, pushing them in and out while he stared at me waiting for an answer. I guess I took too long because before I knew it he was on his knees in front of me with one leg hooked over his shoulder. He flicked his tongue against my clit before sucking it into his mouth. His mouth was wet and hot and his tongue was stiff and firm. He kept switching from sucking to lickin on my clit until I came. I grabbed his head and looked down at the man who broke me. The love and need in his eyes made my insides burn and I knew exactly what was about to happen. He stood up and lifted me up against the door. I wrapped my arms around him and he sucked in my tongue. He held me up with one hand and used the other to drop his shorts. His dick was hard and ready and I was equally ready. He slowly slid into my wetness and we both let out a knowing moan. His eyes never left mine and he started fucking the shit outta me.

"Fuck baby I missed you," he whispered into my ear. When I didn't say anything he started pounding into me harder. I tightened my legs and leaned my head back against the door. "Baby please look at me." His voice wasn't as strong as it was before. It came out as a beg. I looked at him and I knew this was not right. He didn't deserve to feel me. I mustered what ever will power i had in me and forced a protest from my lips. He stopped pumping but stayed inside of me.

"We can't do this Jaycion." He placed his head against my chest for a few seconds before he slowly pulled away. I pulled my skirt down and reached for my jacket. He grabbed my hand and held it for what seemed like forever.

"I do love you Genesis." He seemed defeated. Like he's the one that didn't leave me broken and cut off.

"No you don't get to make this about you. You ended us. Now you deal with the consequences."

"You really gonna marry him?" He looked at me looking for a sign that I was gonna lie, but he saw nothing.

"Yes, in 3 months"

"What the fuck you mean 3 months Genesis. You don't love that nigga. I felt it. You were just as tight as the first time. Y'all not fuckin. I felt it in ya kisses. I know you inside and out baby you are mines. Fuck is you takin about 3 months?" I saw the anger rising and I knew I had to get out of there quick.

"LAYAHHH Mommy's leaving come say bye." I scream. Layah comes racing down the stairs and jumped up into my arms. "Be a big girl for mommy okay? Have fun with daddy."

"Okay mommy , bye luh you!" I put her down and she turns and start asking her dad a million and one questions . I ran out the door with out looking back, hopped in the car and sped away. It wasn't until I was out of the neighborhood when I was able to breath.

"Everything good baby?" Marcus looks at me with concern evident in his face. I couldn't even face him. Deep down I knew that he knew what had just went down but in Marcus fashion, he trusts me enough to make the right choice. I make up a quick lie about how Layah didn't want to stay and we had to calm her down before I was able to leave out the door. This isn't her first time staying the night and sometimes she does get upset when I leave and can't stay with them so he bought it. My text tone goes off and I open the message

I'm coming for my family.

Please just leave me alone, all I need you to do is be a father to your daughter

You already know I'm holdin that down but I also need to be a husband to my wife 😏

I don't know why that text affected me so much but it did. I push the whole day to the back of my mind and force myself to focus on Marcus. He's a good man and I don't wanna hurt him for a nigga that left me high and dry. Fuck that.

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