Aye bay bay

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(Hey guys hope you are still enjoying. Again follow me and vote vote vote ! I would love to see comments from you as well. Excuse the grammatical errors please remember that I'm writing on an IPhone lol )


They say Karma always comes back around and get you, but who's karma is this? Is it trickling down from my mother who slept with a married man? Is it my brothers for ruining the lives of many families with the drugs he sells? Or it is my own, for loving the lifestyle I live no matter who it hurts or how I get it? Either way, Karma has her hands around my neck and she's not letting up. Watching them drag the two most important people of my life put the door broke me. I got this cramping feeling in the pit of my stomach and no matter how hard I tried to calm down, the pain kept coming. As I went to take a step towards Jaycion a warm liquid started oozing down my leg. Our eyes met and we both knew that this baby was coming tonight . I started to collapse on the ground but a pair of arms caught me and swooped me up.

"It's okay baby girl. Daddy got you."

"Daddy?" I look up and for once, my father is there to help his child. He carries me to his car and puts me in the back seat. My mother and sister Ambi get in the back seat with me and Faye sits up front. I turn to look out the back window and watch as they take my brother and my man away. My mother grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. A silent affirmation that everything will be okay. Will it though ? Murder is not an easy case to beat, especially when you actually did it.
We pull up to the hospital and my father starts screaming that his child is in labor. 3 nurses rush to my side of the car with a wheelchair and helps me out.

"Wait I can't have this baby yet. Please I need him here!" I scream to the nurses but they won't stop the wheelchair. I refuse to have this baby without Jay being here.

"Stop this fuckin chair and take me to the jailhouse right fuckin now !"

"Baby you can't do that. Your stressing you and the baby out you have to calm down." My dad strokes my hair and tries to get me to calm down but it isn't working . Nothing will work unless Jay walks his ass through those doors and I don't see that happening at all. My breathing is all over the place. I breath is caught up in my throat and I start to gag. My mom grabs the wheel chair and spins it around to look at her.

"Let me tell yo ass something. You need to cut this shit out and I mean NOW. You are putting my granddaughter and yourself at risk and I'll tell you one thing, let something happen to this child. I'll slap the shit outta you. Now stop it !" My mother gives me a few moments to get myself together. My breathing regulates and I'm a little calmer. That threat took me back to my childhood and I'm in no mood for one of those beat downs. I'm immediately put into a room and hooked to monitors and I.V's. My contractions are not close enough to deliver so all I can do is lay in bed and cry. My mom shoots me a couple looks to let me know to calm my ass down and I do exactly that each time. My dad can't help but laugh.

FUCK ! This is bullshit. My bae is in labor and I'm not fuckin there. She probably hate me, hell I hate myself right me. They got me and Darren in 2 different interrogation rooms. At least I know I don't have to worry about him snitchin. Darren a 10 toes down type of nigga. 2 detectives walk in 1 white and 1 Hispanic. The white guy stands beside me and the Hispanic guy sits across from me with a stack of papers and a few folders.

"Hello Jaycion I'm Detective Suarez and this is Detective Dickerson . ." The Hispanic cop says while opening the folders.
"Do you know why your here ?" I just look at him without saying a word.

"Listen you little shit. Did you hear the question that was asked of you ?" Dt. Dickerson whispers in my ear. I didn't acknowledge anything and we all just sit in silence for what seem like hours.

" are you thirsty ? Hungry ?" Dt. Suarez gives the other guy a look and the both head towards the door. I guess this is some weak ass attempt of a good cop bad try cop routine.
"Just sit tight , we'll see what ya "homeboy" got to say." Dickerson gives me a sly grin and walks out, followed by Suarez. These fools ain't got shit so I wonder how they even knew what the fuck is even going on. They said disappearance so they don't have a body or a credible witness to charge us with some heavy shit . My lawyer should be here soon so I'll just sit tight and pray my baby is alright. She definitely don't need this stress.

It feels like I've been in labor for days even though it's only been a few hours. The contractions are unbearable and I'm trying to hold out on an epidural. 

"Hey I'm law how you hangin," Chanica walls over to my bed and gives me a soft hug. Trying to be careful not to squeeze. I asked her to be in the room with my sister and mom when I deliver so I can have a piece of Jaycion with me. My Dr. came in and checked to see how far I was dilated. The pain became too much so I asked for an epidural.

"It's a little too late Sweetie. It's time to have this baby." When the words left her lips I felt like I stopped breathing. This is it. I get to meet my Princess. My room is suddenly filled with multiple nurses and they escort my dad out of the room. I love him and all but I don't need him lookin at my cooch. Ambi holds my left hand and Chanica holds my right . My mom grabs my left leg and coaches me on my breathing and pushing. My lower half feels like it's ripping In half. I try to focus on birthing a healthy baby and not on the pain I'm in.

"Push baby push. That's right you got it. Just breathe."

"Ma I can't. It hurts." I feel a tear in my asshole and I really just wanted to kick the Dr. in the face.

"Sweetie you got this. Just think of that beautiful baby that's gonna be here in second. I see her hair baby just a few more pushes." My moms words give me some motivation to give my all to this one final push. I inhale deep and push with all my might. A few seconds later I felt a relief down below and crying rang in my ears.

"Sis she's beautiful." Ambi exclaims with tears in her eyes. My mom cuts the umbilical cord and the baby is placed on my stomach. How is it possible to love a person so much so fast. She looks just like her father. This moment that was suppose to be the best moment of my life ended up being the saddest. My man my love not being able to hold of see his child for the first time. My brother not being able to have that first proud uncle moment. All these emotions came flooding in at once and I couldn't do anything else but cry. What am I going to do? How am I gonna raise this baby by myself? And most importantly, what's gonna happen to my guys?

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