3 Amigos

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How the fuck ima act cool when I get there ? The first thing ima do when I see her is wanna hold her and make sure she good and then go find that nigga and kill him. It's only been 10 minutes since D called me telling me what happened and asking me to pull up at the main spot. Putting his hands on my shorty, that nigga want a death wish. I'm trying to calm down before I get to her because it's not the right time to tell that nigga I'm with his sis . It definitely gotta wait now. For the remainder of the ride I play Misunderstood by lil Wayne to Calm my mind . Babyyy you understand me now. If sometimes you see that I'm mad . No one can always Be an Angel when everything goes wrong you see some bad... I turn up the radio when the rap starts and start flowing to the beat. By the time I actually get to the spot I'm a lot calmer than earlier . I back up into the drive way, hop out and take the steps two at a time just to see her. When I walk in I zoom in on her , taking in her full appearance.

The door flies open and my eyes lock on Jay. He scans my body  from head to toe making sure I'm not hurt too bad. His eyes stop at the finger prints and redness of my neck. Anger flickers in his eyes and I silently beg him not to turn this bitch out . Not to show everyone who he is to me just yet . D was pacing back and fourth but came to a stop when Jay made his presence known.

"Damn nigga took you long enough !" He says to Jay with an attitude. His veins are starting to pop out of his forehead and I'm starting to think that calling him was not a good idea. This isn't gonna end well. He looks at Jay and nods his head towards the back room. Telling two of the 10 niggas that was in the room to stay with me and he'll be back . He kisses me on the forehead and asks if I'll be okay before heading to the back. Jaycion squeezes my shoulder as he's walking by as a reassurance that he's here for me . I know that they'll be a lot longer than a few minutes so I close my eyes and lay back to get some sleep.

"how the fuck did this happen!" I yell before I can catch myself . D looks up at me but didn't think anything of it .

"I don't give a fuck how it happened I only wanna know what plans you niggas coming up with to put this nigga in the fucking ground. He touched my sister. Hurt her . He got to get laid my nigga there's no other option."

"Why is this nigga so pressed on her anyway ? Where the fuck he come from?" I sit back and listen as D gives me the run down of their history. As I listen I get more pissed off because it sounds to me like it's this nigga fault . Being too over damn protective put my baby in danger and now I need to know exactly what the fuck this nigga is so worried about.
"Tell me right fuckin now ! What is it that got you so worked up about her being with someone ?" My voice coming out a lot louder than I expected . "You want my help to protect her , iight nigga but I need to know what the fuck is really up." He stares at the wall as if he's weighing out his options . Option A would be to tell me to mind my fuckin business and risk me pulling out of business with him as well as not helping with his sister which will never fuckin happen. Or option B would be to tell me the truth . The whole fuckin truth so I can understand why he's so obsessed with her safety. The room is quiet for about 3 minutes before I touch the handle to walk out . That's when he said quietly " I was the son of a pimp. My mother being young and hot in the ass wanted the older nigga with bank. He played it cool , wined and dined her all that mushy shit . Until she got pregnant with me. She was 19 he was 29. He beat her and beat her until I was born and she finally left him . Finished out the school year and got pregnant with Gen." he sits down and rubs his hand over his face . I sit across from him as I absorb all the info he's laying on me .

"My mom was out one day and it was just me, my grandma and Gen home. She was about 6 I was 9. My dad came by with toys and money and a little bag with coke in it for my grandma to leave us alone with him. He picked Gen up and put her on his lap kept saying how pretty she was and playing in her hair . His hand kept going further up her dress and that's when I realized that he was high and not in his right mind. I threw the ball he brought me at him and screamed for my grandma. She never came." D's eyes swell up with water and my heart starts to hurt but I keep quiet letting him vent and let out all the pinned up aggression he had.
"He pushes Gen down to the ground and walked over to me, slapping me with the back of his hand. He picked me up and dragged me to the bathroom where he beat me for what seemed like hours . I felt my skin tear from the buckle of his belt and if my mom never came home when she did I probably wouldn't have been here today. Instead of worrying about my scars I was worried about Gen and from that day I vowed no nigga will touch her again. I'll kill him first ." D wiped the tears that were on his face and stood up . Shaking off the rest of the memories he had . I didn't want to ask another question. I didn't want to ask bout his father and as if he read my mind he says in the most coldest voice that sent shivers down my spin " he won't touch another soul in his fuckin life. May he rest in shit." At that moment I understood . In that moment I knew that I would never leave her side and that I would ease the burden of protecting his sister . After 30 more minutes he came up with a plan that she would have someone with her at all times. Mostly me or D . We were gonna be the 3 fuckin amigos, And who ever caught up to the nigga first was to get rid of that nigga....... Permanently.

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