They all fall down

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Me and D hop in the whip to drive to the location Pop gave us. We came to this long street of broke down houses that had bullet holes in some of the doors and needles in the street. Just thinking about how He got my girl and my baby in this fucked up ass neighborhood is making my blood boil. On they way there we came up with different scenarios on how this could go left. Every thought that came to mind had the same ending. Getting Gen, Ambi land the baby all out safe and then dead that fuck nigga.

We park down the street and get out at the corner. Walking slowly trying not to draw attention to ourself we slip into someone's back yard. Glad to see ain't no damn dogs back here. We hop the different sizes gates until we are in the back yard of Zay's grandmothers old house. How dumb could this nigga be. Eventually we would've checked this area but I guess love make you do dumb ass things.  We sit and listen as the hookers we hired knock on the door and lead the 2 niggas that's inside. Out to the back yard were we quickly grab them and put them in chokeholds. The lose consciousness and we let their bodies drop to the floor. That leave Zay and the nigga that fucked with Ambi left in the room with them. We enter through the front door careful not to make too much noise. When we get closer to the basement the door opens and a nigga is greeted with the barrel of my gun. I put my fingers to my lips motioning for him to be silent. I gesture for him to turn around and walk slowly back down the steps .

A shiver is sent up my spin as I get a familiar feeling in my stomach. I look up and our eyes meet. He scans my body to make sure I'm okay and then he looks over at my sister to make sure she also hadn't been hurt. I dart my eyes to the corner of the room where Zay was sitting sniffing a few lines of Coke. That's probably what got his head all fucked up. That also means he's not really rational .

"Yo bro that's you," Zay asks looking at the door . He rubs the remaining powder across his gums and stand up. Shawn steps into view then shortly after Jay and D. Zay stumbles back trying to grab his gun from the table but the high kicks in and he trips over his own feet. D reaches his arm forward and shoots Zay in the thigh. Yelling for him not to get the fuck up. Jay pushes Shawn on the frown beside Zay and keeps the gun pointed at them. My brother. The person who has always been there for me is looking at me not with disappointment or disgust that was in his eyes for months. But concern and relief. He unties me and scoops me up into his arms, kissing me on my forehead. No words needed to be spoken. We finally were on the same page. I wiggle out of his embrace and rub my belly. Seeing if I feel a movement. As if letting me know it's okay, the baby touches the same spot I was holding. I manage to stand up and stumble over to my sister. She was sweaty and shaking. I untie her and we hug each other for dear life. If anything would've happened to her because of me I wouldn't have known how to handle it . I would've begged to kill the nigga myself. D looks over at Jaycion and gives him a nod. Jay puts his gun down and rushes over to me. Kissing me with a rough and rush motion that he never done before. For once, he was scared. Scared that something happened to me or the baby. Scared that he might've been too late. We only embrace for a few seconds before he instructs us to get up and run down the street to the black truck at the light pole at the end of the street. He told me to get in and leave. I grab him and kiss him one last time because I knew what would happen next . I look over at Zay and for some reason I felt sorry for him. Maybe I did cause this. Maybe I did bring all this on to myself. But he could've moved on with a new life. He chose to come back and do dumb ass shit so what happens now is above me now. I turn around and grab my sisters hand and run up the stairs, out the house and down the street. We get into the truck that had my brothers 2 homeboys in it and then drove away. I look back and say a quick prayer for my man and my brother. Lord knows if I lose them I'm going on a killing spree.

Now that the girls are safe it's time to finish this nigga off. I bend down in front of him and punch him in the mouth. He groans , leans over and spits out blood. I hit him again and again until D grabs my arm. "That's enough bro." I look back down and see that he's barely conscious. D just scratches his head lookin so confused. He stays silent for a minute before opening his mouth to speak.

"I just don't get you Zay. All this for some pussy you never felt before. Damn my sis that Bad or something ?  Am I missing something."

"Your sister was the only person that ever showed me any type of love. Any type of  affection. She's the only one who showed me anything. My family didn't give a fuck about me. Didn't give a fuck if I ate, had clothes or nothing ! She was always there. Sneaking me some of your shit . Giving me food and letting me sleep in the room downstairs . I fell for her. And it helped that she was one bad ass lil bitch ." He says with a smirk. D walks over and kicks him in the chest with his boot . "Watch ya fuckin mouth about my sister nigga."
I'm glad he did something because the thought of someone calling her out her name made me want to put 2 in his skull right fuckin now.

"She still loves me. I know she does. I can tell by the way she was moaning my name today." Zay says while staring straight at me. I stand up and look down at him. Trying to see if he really touched my girl in that way. I'm the only nigga that has and ever will make her moan. "She was so tight and wet I couldn't even fit all in her, I had to cover her mouth just to shut the bitch up from screaming." He laughs. I couldn't control my anger. I knew he was lying. I don't know how but I knew. It's the thought of it all that made me go over the edge. Without thinking I shoot him 3 times in the chest, silencing any other fuckin lie he was gonna tell that night . D follows my actions and put one in Shawn's head. D grabs the flip phone we just got today and texted two of his homeboys to come clean the mess up then he breaks the phone in half. Walking outside and down the street towards the back road a silent agreement was made. He didn't approve of us but he accepted us. I earned his respect and that was good enough for me. Now I just gotta get back to my baby and make sure she good. As we get into a car D arranged to pick us up we are handed our phones and clothes. I lift up my phone to text Gen when I saw that I had 10 missed calls. I noticed I also had a few missed voicemails and something inside me told me to check them first .
Jaycion this Ambi. Please meet us at Sentara Leigh . Gen was complaining about cramps and then passed out.....

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