Lets take a trip to the A

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(Thank you sooo much for love and support of GENESIS. We've reached 9000 reads in such a little time and I'm so grateful for each and every last one of you. My luvbugs are the best audience. Comment below what you like about the story so far 🥰 Don't forget to like comment and share your favorite chapters. Muah!)


I have not a damn clue what is planned for today. My sister just sent a text saying pack some sexy clothes and show up at the airport at 4 p.m SHARP.  I look in the corner of my phone and see the time says 1 p.m. I quickly hop up take a shower and pack a few different items just in case I have to change multiple times. By the time I'm dressed and ready it's 2:45. I run downstairs where Layah and Marcus are eating snacks and watching t.v and tell her to put her shoes on.

"Hey beautiful your off on your last hoorah huh?"

"Yeah Denise just texted and told me to...." he smiled and cut me off.

"I know baby she already told me yesterday she was stealing you for the last 2 days before our wedding." Who knew that this day would come so soon. I'll soon be Genesis Deloni Jackson. Don't get me wrong I am excited and ready, but something nagging at me. Something is keeping me from feeling all the emotions I should be feeling as a soon to be bride.

"What's wrong babe?" I snap out out my own thoughts and look at a confused Marcus.

"Nothing baby just thinking about the craziness these girls are about to have me go through." I smile and kiss him. I try to turn and walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me down on his lap. He caresses my thighs and places his forehead on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you wanna go through with this? If there is any uncertainty than we Can always postpone baby." I look at this man who I make feel so insecure. I know it's my fault and I'm willing to spend my life making up for him. I love him. I do love him. And I will say I do at the alter. I reposition myself so that I am straddling his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm the most luckiest woman in the world. I owe you everything. You loved me and all my broken pieces. You took in my daughter as your own and she loves you almost as much as she loves her daddy. The next time we'll see each other will be in front of everyone agreeing to be each others pain in the asses for life." I kiss him and hip up before he tries to keep me. Grabbing my keys and bags I sprint to the front door and down the stairs. First stop , drop Layah off with my mother then off to god knows where to do god knows what. I reached the airport at 3:30 with barely enough time to get in the line. When I reached the front of the customer help desk I gave her my name and I.D  and waited while she looked up my info in the system. A few minutes later she was handing me a red eye ticket to Atlanta and said the others were already on board. Others? How many others?  I hand the baggage claimer my bag and climbed on board . It was a smaller plane with few little guest and gorgeous flight attendants. Once on board I was handed a glass of champagne and a Bride to be sash to wear. I walked down the aisle to my seat and instantly started screaming when I seen my sister Denise, my best friend from high school, Chanica, and a couple of my close friends from college. We all hugged and quickly took our seats. The plane ride from Norfolk to Atlanta was not long at all. We were touching down by 8 p.m Denise ordered an Uber XL and placed a satin pink blindfold over my eyes. We rode for about 20 minutes until the car stopped and everyone squealed in excitement. I was guided out of the car and into some type of building. My shoes tapped against the floor which made me even more anxious. They sat me in a chair for a few minutes and then pulled me back to my feet. The lead me into an elevator that took entirely too long to get me to my destination if you ask me. I'm ready to see what these bitches got up their sleeve. A small beep noise comes from in front of me and the floor changes from hard to plush. The door closes behind me and the blindfold is removed.

"Surpise!" My group of girls scream from in front of me. My eyes adjust to the lighting and my jaw drops. The suite was gold and white with white plush carpets. It had 2 bedrooms a full kitchen and living room.  The kitchen and living room was filled with baby blue black and white balloons, the colors of my wedding. On the counter sat 2 chilling buckets filled with Moët and ice. The site was stunning and I couldn't help but start crying. Each one of the girls in front of me came in different time period of my life. Each one helped me in some way so it's only right that they are here for this next milestone in my life as well.  Denise walks over to a bottle of Moët and grabbed the 5 flute gold tray that held 5 flute champagne glasses and filled each one.

"My sister. My sister damn girl what can I say. We are bonded by blood we didn't have a choice in that. But we did how ever, have a choice in becoming best friends. We were there for each other through bumps and bruises as children, fighting over toys, competing against each other in school,  our first heart breaks, my first niece. We've been solid since day one and now as you partake in a new journey I'll still be here to beat his fuckin ass if he fuck up." The girls were either crying or laughing at Denise's toast but the words struck a chord in my soul. She really has been my anchor all my life. We clanked our glasses together and swallowed the drink whole.

"Get ready ladies because tonight is for fun . So forget What's going in back home because to iight. TONIGHT BABYYYY we are LIT," Denise sits the glass down and starts twerking. I'm ready so ready to  fuck the city up with my girls. Even if it's for one night. Because come tomorrow night. I'll be preparing to become Mrs. Marcus Jackson.

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