Oh baby....

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What did she just say? A baby? She turns back around and gives me an unsure look. Searching my face for some sign that I'm either happy , or pissed off. Truthfully I don't know how I'm feeling. Of course it didn't dawn on my ass to wear a damn condom whenever we fucked. I knew she won't fucking nobody else or ever been with someone else so I was sliding up in it raw as hell. Normally my pull out game is strong but with her, when it came time to nut I plunged deeper like a fuckin idiot. I didn't have time to sort out my own feelings I just had to reassure hers. I pick her up and kiss her whispering in her ear that I love her. I do . I do love that girl. She faces her brother and walks up to her brother. Placing her hand on the gun and lowering it for him. His eyes are dead set on me as she places her hands on his face and forces him to look at her. He looks down at her and slowly smiles . " so ima be an Uncle huh?" She jumps into his arms as everyone around us lets out the air they've been holding in since she kissed me.

I know this will not be over and him and Jay have things to discuss but for now he's letting it go. I didn't know how I was going to tell him or Jaycion about the baby. I found out a few weeks ago when I was out with Ambi shopping for a graduation dress. We stopped at The Cheesecake Factory for lunch when the smell of my favorite cheesecake made me throw up all over the place. The same thing happened a few days before that when I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings . Ambi made a joke about me being pregnant and when I didn't laugh she dragged me to the nearest CVS to get a test. When the 2 lines showed up I passed out . Were we that careless? Fuckin with no rubbers? How would he act ? What would Darren say? All of those thought flooded my mind I was gonna tell Jay first and together we would tell everyone else but today I had to act quick or else I would've been raising this baby on my own.  After Darren put the gun down he kissed me on my forehead and said he had to leave to clear his head. I was okay with that I it meant that no one is leaving in a body bag. As he was walking away I was getting swamped with family members and friends asking all types of questions. The only person not around was my mother. LeeLee told me she saw her run upstairs in tears . I go up to her room and push the door open. The sight I saw nearly broke me. She was on the floor holding a picture of me and my brother, crying.

"Mama I'm sorry." Is all I could seem to say . She didn't acknowledge I was there . She just sat and cried. I slowly walked up to her and sat on the bed . She leaned her head over onto my leg.

"I just wanted the best for you chickpea." Her using my childhood nick name she gave me let me know that she's isn't mad . Just hurt or confused. I rub her hair to comfort her as she continued talking, " I didn't want you to be a young mom with no help. No man to guide your kids. I wanted you to go to college parties. Join sororities. Live young for as long as you could."

"Mama I didn't plan this. But Jay loves me and he would never do what George or my Father did. He's not them ma and I'm not you . Did I want to do all those things ? Yes . Can I still do those things? Yes. My life isn't over. I'm just adding an extra life in mine." She looks up and me and gives me a weak smile.

" you always been stronger than I ever was chickpea. Always was head strong." She laughs to herself . I stand up and help her to her feet. She hugs me tight .  "No way am I being called grandma, I'm thinking glamma , yup that's perfect !" She's finally happy about the situation and I'm can finally enjoy my pregnancy. I can now be with my man in public . My family knows everything now and I'm free.

Watching her come down the stairs I can see the glow I never noticed before. She's happy . And I'm a daddy. I said thank you to the last group of people who congratulated me on parenthood and went to be by her side. Her back was facing me as she was talking to her sisters so I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. "Hey mama." I whisper to her as I rub her belly ." She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck and says "hey daddy. Today has been a day huh." She looks at me for a minute before asking is everything okay . I had to think for a moment. Yes everything was perfect. In this exact moment everything was exactly how it needed to be . Even if it's only for today. Tomorrow the problems will come back and I will have to talk to D . But for right now. I'm living in this moments with the person I love .

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